Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wow! Our Master's Word Shoppe

     This weekend Lane and I attended a Healing Service, "The Joy Factor" and "Our Master's Word Shoppe". The Healing Service was Sunday evening and there was a lot of praise to start the service and then praying for all types of issues. We attended the service at the prompting of Pastor Gilbert Stephenson who leads a Bible Study that we attend on Wednesday evening in his home. The Joy Factor was a praise and prayer meeting that was encouraging and full of joy.
     Then on Monday morning we went to the "Forum" not really knowing what to expect. All we had been told was that "we would be blessed" and we were! The Forum is set up with tables in an "L" shape and hosted by Dr Ron Smith and Joe Jordan who claim that together they have over 100 years of accumulated service in ministry for the Lord!
     The activity is available online at and you're even able to go to others that are archived there. We will be hoping to go to the one next month also, as well as going back through some of the archives. They have this service every third weekend of the month in Olathe, KS.
     I realize that a lot of people have experienced things like this before, but it was something new to Lane and myself. These servants of God led by the Holy Spirit bring words of encouragement through Prophetic Utterances, Tongues and translations and teachings. It really is something that needs to be participated in to be able to fully appreciate. Even as I'm sharing these things with you I'm searching my vocabulary and understandings to try to find a way to describe and explain the full extent of things brought forth and experienced. If you have the opportunity, it would enrich your walk to check this out! Click here Our Master's Word Shoppe

(While at this meeting we were asked to share a tongue for interpretation. Lane shared his word and it was critiqued and interpreted, however my tongue didn't have any interpretation. This is what happened for mine~Joe Jordan said "Pastor Suelynn senses something here in the spirit". Pastor Suelynn said "I don't know what your name is, but particularly when you were speaking the Lord began to show me this and then as it went through the line this kept rising up in my spirit. The Lord is saying, "My language is a language of perfection. So fear not when you speak for me. The only fear that you should have is the wholesome dread of displeasing Me, but I am well pleased with what I hear here. I am well pleased with what I see here, for what I see and hear here is obedience". I was so glad to receive this encouragement!)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Lesson~Be Thankful!

I received a lesson from the Lord about praying that I would like to share with you all. For some of you this will be "old news" but for some of you this will be a new concept.

     The Lord showed me a person standing facing Him, holding an empty glass and asking that He would fill it. The person kept praying and saying "Lord, please fill my glass. Father, please give me a drink. God, my glass is empty, please fill it!". The person just kept facing God and begging for the glass to be filled.
     Then I was shown that behind the person was a great water falls of pure, delightful water and that the person only had to turn around and hold their glass under the falls and it would be full in the blink of an eye. This showed me that God's blessings are pouring out continually! After the person had filled their glass they needed only to thank our Heavenly Father with a thankful heart!
     At the time I was shown this I started thanking God for so many things! I thanked Him for the Godly man He was creating in my husband. I thanked Him for the Godly men He was bringing my sons to be! the Godly woman He will bring into fullness in my granddaughter! I thanked Him for the health and strength that He was pouring into my body! Thanked Him for the provisions He was bringing into our lives!
     I went on and on as I realized that I needed to claim the blessings He was pouring out by naming them and thanking Him for them! I was so excited by this new understanding that I wanted to wake Lane up and share it with him immediately, but I did have the grace to wait until his alarm went off and then started excitedly sharing with him the things I had been shown in the night.
     This is not to tell you to not pray about a need, but once you're prayed it, start thanking and praising! If you start telling God thank you for the things He is doing in your life then you are walking in faith!
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the   assurance of things   hoped for, the conviction of   things not seen.
     An example would be if you pray for finances, then start focusing on thanking Him for the provision that He is giving you. Start thanking Him for resolving your financial situation, start thanking Him for His care of you, start praising and thanking Him for providing for your needs.
Psalm 100:4 Enter His gates   with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him,   bless His name.
     This takes a bit to grasp and walk in, but pray and try it, God will bless you and your life will be changed!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


     So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls. James 1:21    
     Lord, I am striving to put aside all "uncleanness" and "wickedness"(filthiness, vulgarity, cancerous evil). I give myself to You, to complete the perfect work that You have begun. Make my spirit the beautiful garden that You will enjoy resting in!
     While I don't always agree with the way The Message version of the bible states things, I do love this part~
James 1:21b God's righteousness doesn't grow from human anger. So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life.

Garden ~ a link to the Misty Edwards song that describes the garden I imagine God is creating in my spirit and life~

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pursue Sanctification

I awoke with this scripture reference plastered to my brain~so for serving a purpose that I don't fully grasp I'm sharing it with everyone~Hebrews 12:14 Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord. I know most people pursue peace(kind of?), but do we pursue "sanctification"(holiness)? Jesus is our source of sanctification, pursue Him!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


What need do I have of diamonds cut by man, when God scatters them across the rippling waters of the lake every day?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dealing With "Self"

May 11
     Recently it's become my prayer to remove "self" from my life. It seems that since I've prayed it, that "self" has taken exception with that desire! I'm not thinking that more things concerning self have come into my life than normal, but self is more sensitive to them. Or maybe I'm just more aware of the battle.
     I heard a minister speak recently of how he deals with criticism. He said that since scripture says we should welcome it, he does! He even gives the person that criticizes him $5 and tells them "Thank you!".
     I have not reached that level yet! I'm still at the point where I feel like I've just been slapped and I struggle to not slap right back! God can reason with me and assure me I am His creation, not theirs, but I still fell this human desire("self") to explain to them why I am the way I am. That is "self"!
     My husband doesn't drive people to feel they need to critique his words or actions and yet he is as faulty as I am! (See, "self" is still here trying to speak or reason!)
     I have to overcome this concern with "self" or God won't be able to use me for His purpose. He has told me before that what people do on the outside(flesh) is of no concern. Only what is in my spirit is important. (That's a tough one to implement!)
     I am going to keep giving the "self things" that come to me to my Father, I'll continue to do this until it is so automatic I won't even be aware I've done it!

Definition: Self ~ Personal Interest. For my purposes here, I am using the definition of personal interest. This "self" is where the things begin that I want to eliminate from my heart "Self Pity, Self Centeredness, Self Absorption, Self Promotion, Self Indulgence, Self Concern, Self Applause, Self Seeking, Selfishness".  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Be A Facet In His Diamond!

     I believe God sees all of His children as BEAUTIFUL! If you're like me, you are your own worst critic and find those words hard to accept. When we first came back to our walk with the Lord, He took a lot of time to work on my self image and showing me that I am "beautiful" to Him. I believe all of His work in developing the "Beautiful" image that He gave me isn't just for me but for all of those He has created!
     In one of the first church services I had been to in a long time, I was grumbling to God about how He had made me. I was questioning Him why He hadn't made me "petite"(another word would be "thin"!) and  "vivacious". All of this questioning was happening when I was supposed to be and should have been praising Him, but there I was wishing I had been made differently!
     God in His patience and love showed me a large beautiful, glittering stone cut like an expensive diamond, with many facets reflecting every beam of light shined upon it. He told me that He had made each person different like the facets on this stone. He said that if He had made us all the same we would be like a flat piece of glass instead of a beautiful stone that had so many facets that the light shined upon it reflected His Glory from every angle!
     At the time I'd been grumbling about the way I was made and received the previous lesson, I was thinking that I wanted to be like another woman there at the meeting, she was exuding energy and joy(vivacious!), and she was young and thin(petite!). As if God needed to add an exclamation point after showing me the "facets on the diamond lesson", I felt hands clasp my face and when I opened my eyes to see whose hands they were, there was the petite, vivacious young woman smiling in my face! God put it on her heart and she had come to me and was just smiling at me! I had to smile at God and her, and tell my Father, "OK Lord, I got it!", I am just the way YOU want me to be, plump and mellow, but still reflecting Your Glory!
     I'm sharing this with you so you will understand you are one of the beautiful facets that God created to reflect His glory. Be happy in the image He has given you, the purpose is to reflect His image, not your own. Better to be part of a beautiful God Diamond than a flat piece of glass~

Understanding God's Pressure

     I recently thought God was pressing it on my heart that it was time for us to move. I thought it was time to move back to Oklahoma, then one morning after I had prayed a lot and Lane had prayed a lot I woke with the understanding that the move we were supposed to make was to move closer to each other(Not just Lane and I closer to each other, but also closer to God), not a physical move but a move in our Spiritual relationship. Lane and I have laid out a plan of things we're going to implement in our lives to draw us closer to each other and closer to God. I'm learning that what God is showing us isn't always clear cut, we need to take time to pray and seek His interpretation or we could take a wrong turn.