Several things have come together to create this post.
This morning in my study time I had a praise CD by Misty Edwards playing (I almost always have praise music playing, either a CD or the radio or streaming online). The lyrics that stood out to me were "people get ready He's coming".
This last weekend was the Shekinah Glory conference at our church in KC, we weren't able to attend, but we did watch all that was available online. The last days message was that the glory will usher in the return of Jesus.
Our Pastor was teaching that we, as the church, are the Bride that Jesus is returning for. And that as the church we are to be spending this time of waiting to prepare ourselves for His return! We shouldn't be waiting for Him to return and then expect Him to prepare us for heaven, but I believe that many people are waiting for just that.
Many American believers have bought into the idea that there will be a rapture and that everyone that ever said the "sinner's prayer" will be zapped into heaven. But there are several verses that have over the years caused me to worry and now seem to be congealing with the last conference's teachings. There is the parable told of the men that had lived doing things like healing and casting out of evil spirits in Jesus's name, but at the end when they approached Jesus He told them to leave and that He had never known them. What a horrible shock that would be! And there's the parable of the 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom, 5 have oil and 5 have run out of oil. When the bridegroom shows up the virgins without oil miss it because they had to go back and get the oil! Another horrible shock! All 10 of the virgins were waiting for the same event and believed and had faith, but 5 ran out of oil and missed it.
Is it possible that everyone that has said the sinner's prayer is waiting for the bridegroom? What percent of "sinner prayer" repeaters even know the bridegroom is returning? And how many people know who the Bridegroom is returning for? *Hint, His bride!* Okay, who is His bride? And then who are the virgins that run out of oil? So many questions! (In my life everyone says I'm the person with the most questions and I often find that nobody else has even considered half of the things I have questions about! Even my granddaughter told me that I have "a lot of questions!". (It's rare for a child to tell an adult that! I feel honored!!)).
I have mostly focused on how to live after recognizing that Jesus is the Son of God and Lord of my life, so I have many areas of the future days that I have not spent time studying. I do believe that if I live each day as Jesus wants me to, that He will take care of me and my future. However with all of that said I've recently developed a concern that a lot of people are living in a false sense of security just waiting for that day they get to cash in the "Rapture" ticket. So I'm tackling the part of the message that I've learned so far~
Okay, back to the basics of what I have begun to understand ~ Jesus is the Bridegroom, He has promised to return for His bride, the church is His bride, the church is supposed to be growing more beautiful with it's growth as it waits for the return of the Bridegroom, and the bride should be waiting for the return of her groom with great love and expectation! Now the part that will probably shock a few people~ the church that is the bride is holy, set apart from the sins of the world, it is a corporate body, it should be growing in loveliness. If a person is not living a life dedicated to being the bride are they one of the virgins that runs out of oil? or are they one of the ones that Jesus said "leave Me, I never knew you"? See, more questions to be prayed about~