When I broke a bone in my foot, it was on the outside edge of my foot. I wasn't able to step flat on my foot and started walking on the inside part of the ball and heel, kind of rolling my foot inwards. After my foot was healed and I could walk on it normally, I seemed to still walk on the inside edge. I had learned to step flat on my foot hurt and to avoid that hurt I walked differently. I have had to force myself to walk on it normally! I have had to block out the message that it was going to hurt if I stepped flat on my foot!
Do you think that's the way people are in other areas of their lives? When we were sinners we walked in a certain way and then we were cleansed and we still walked the same way we did as sinners? Maybe we have to force ourselves to walk in God's grace?
What exactly this means in each person's life I'm not sure! But maybe it means we have to start recognizing that we are healed from the previous things in our lives? The divorces, addictions, abuse, abandoned and such are no longer part of our lives, we have to start making ourselves walk as children of God? We are new creations! He has started a good work in us! But if we walk like we're still the abused, still the addicted, still the abandoned then what good has it done to have been made new?
We have to learn to trust each other, to be open and not hide ourselves away! We have to walk and live as people that have been made "whole". Take our eyes off of our previous hurts and move on! We are whole, we are strong, we are capable, we are strengthened through God's grace and mercy! Block out the voice that says "You can't do that, it will hurt!", step out in faith and live in the healing that God has given you.
If you haven't received your healing yet don't wait! But it's a whole 'nother issue if you still have healing that needs to happen. Some things God works on, bit by bit. Sometimes it's an immediate happening. His ways are high above ours, so I don't even try to explain this! But remember and meditate on God's word that says "The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds." Isaiah 53:5b
Let me come back to the point of this, when you have been healed, don't let old habits or attitudes make you walk like you did before. Step out in the new creation that you are! Let your light so shine before people that they know you have a God that heals! and that you are one of His children!