Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Love, Betrayal, Forgiveness

All Christians have heard of Judas, and many have wondered why Jesus allowed Judas to stay with the rest of the disciples. It has been growing in my heart to understand this very thing. 
     Surely we all have people in our lives that hurt us and have either betrayed us or we would not be terribly surprised if they do, and there are even ones that we are terribly surprised when they do turn against us. The ones that surprise us are the ones we love deeply and we do not all have the insight that Jesus did to know that it was coming. Yet even if we did have the insight the love we carry for these people is too deep to allow us to do anything except try to survive the hurt inflicted. So even as Jesus loved His betrayer, we love ours. 
     The next step we have to add to this path is forgiveness. In the full picture of Jesus' path that we're called to walk out, is forgiveness of the betrayer. It's not always easy, but are we called to do only what is easy?
     And we need to face that in the end, all of us have chosen to go our own way and we have all betrayed Jesus. As those who have betrayed and who have been betrayed by others we have to come back to walk in forgiveness. If we do not walk in forgiveness, it is all wasted, all of Jesus' sacrifice for us has not fulfilled it's full purpose.

Friday, July 15, 2016

What Does God Mean When He Says...

     There is something I don't understand and I have not had the nerve to ask people about. I haven't asked because I don't want to offend people that I look up to, but they are the only ones that might be able to explain to me why it is acceptable for them to use the name of God in a conversation where they say "My God" when they are not discussing something about Him or praying to Him. 
     I know and understand the freedom and grace that Christians have through Jesus' sacrifice, so I'm not questioning basic freedom, but God was concerned about His name enough to include the commandment in the basic "10 Commandments". 
     I have asked some people about this, but never the ones that actually do it, from fear of offending...maybe I should be more afraid of offending God by accepting this use of His name?  I have pulled these verses out in trying to work this understanding for myself~ 

‘You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain. Deuteronomy 5:11

You shall not swear falsely by My name, so as to profane the name of your God; I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:12

and then I checked the definition of the words, because sometimes we think we know what a word means but we might have a wrong understanding~

     "vain" is~ "marked by futility or ineffectualness:having no real value".
     "profane" is~ "to treat (a holy place or object) with great disrespect; to debase by a wrong, unworthy, or vulgar use".

     If we are using God's name in a casual conversation, are we using it ineffectually? and yes, I know some people will wonder what "ineffectually" means, so here is it's definition~ "not producing or able to produce the effect you want". So if someone is telling you a story and then pauses to say "My God!" is it in vain, or ineffectual or of no "real value"?
     This is probably not a big issue for many people and I don't know that it issue it is to anyone besides me! ....I just wonder if we are glorifying God or degrading Him by our use of the slang term, "My God", that many Christians and non-Christians use.
     I'm just curious, what do you think? Please keep your comments loving and not condemning, let's consider what pleases our Heavenly Father.