Jesus warned Peter that the enemy had asked for permission to "sift" him.
And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. ” Luke 22:31-32
Is it possible you will be sifted also? Or maybe you are being sifted?
Probably yes! You will be or have been! and probably will be again! I know for many Christians this sounds ridiculous or elementary, depending on which camp you're in, but when you are in the middle of a "sifting" it is difficult to see it as either one! "Siftings" do not feel ridiculous or elementary!
Now, as you are sifted or after you have been sifted what is the result going to be?
Are you going to be a pile of whining dust? or are you going to be submitted to the Lord's purpose? Will you glorify the Lord no matter what comes? Will you come through with your heart still set on the Lord's will?
Remember, even as Jesus told Peter(Simon) that He had prayed for him, He is praying for you also! He is standing in intercession for you now! You can know that the grace from Heaven is on you to go through the sifting! Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25
Do not lose heart thinking that you are alone, or that you are the only one to be sifted, we all will be! Or that your sifting is worse than anyone else' is all difficult or it wouldn't be "sifting"!
I would like to encourage you with the understanding that as you go through "siftings" there is less of your old nature left each time! If you are like me and pray for more of the Lord and less of me....the sifting is a tool that brings that about! =)
What this comes down to is that we recognize that:
- We will be sifted,
- We will survive the sifting,
- Try to go through it with the Lord's grace!
- If you keep your focus on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit you will grow spiritually stronger!