Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Letting Go

     I've often felt empathy for the young man that came to Jesus wanting to know what he needed to do to "gain eternal life" in Mark 10. In the scriptural story, the young man is always called the "rich young ruler". While I don't claim to be "rich", by the world's standards I can't claim to be poor either, I am comfortable. 
     If I was told that I needed to sell all that I owned and follow Jesus, how would I feel about that? How would you? That would be very tough! I have things that I've worked to gain, things I've longed for and treasure! I have things that I've inherited from family, things I've been given as gifts that I'm very sentimentally attached to, things I want to pass to my children as their inheritance from grandparents and great-grandparents. Maybe the things He would tell us to let go of are habits? Hobbies? Things that take our time and energy?
     We tend to shake our heads at the "rich young ruler" who turns and walks away from Jesus, but  I ask, would we actually do any better? Have we held things back in our lives that Jesus has asked us to let go?
     Most of us are familiar with the main Ten Commandments and live a life that would fit under those instructions as the young man was instructed to do, but do you think in this teaching that Jesus is actually trying to teach the young man to place his trust and dependence on Jesus as his Savior instead of seeing his riches as his salvation? How many of us are able to transfer ownership of our lives completely into Jesus' hands? 
     Jesus did not ask all of His disciples to sell everything and follow Him, but that was the request for this "rich young ruler". With several of His disciples, He simply told them to "follow Me", without any further instruction and they did! With some disciples, like Mary, Martha, and Lazarus He left them where they were. Sometimes He sent the disciples ahead of himself on assignments! Each of the disciples was treated individually and even differently in different situations!
     As human nature is in us, we want to know black and white rules, even as the rich young man did. We want it made easy for us. What do we need to do to have eternal life? For the young man, it was to sell everything that had become overly important to him and follow Jesus. Now ask yourself, what has become overly important to me? What interferes with my following Jesus, or even going ahead of Him if He instructs? Is it things? Habits? Hobbies? Thoughts? Fears? Is there something that would stop you from fulfilling an assignment that the Lord would give you?
     Jesus is telling you to release your grip on the things of the world and to follow Him. Prayerfully examine your life for the things you need to let go of, the things that are holding you back from being part of the movement of God. The Lord will show you and strengthen you through the experience of "letting go".

Mark 10:17-27
A Rich Man Meets Jesus
17 As Jesus started on his way, a man came running up to him. Kneeling down in front of him, he cried out, “Good Teacher, what one thing am I required to do to gain eternal life?” 18 Jesus responded, “Why do you call me good? Only God is truly good. 19 You already know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give a false testimony, do not cheat, and honor your father and mother.’”20 The man said to Jesus, “Teacher, I have carefully obeyed these laws since my youth.” 21 Jesus fixed his gaze upon the man, with tender love, and said to him, “Yet there is still one thing in you lacking. Go, sell all that you have and give the money to the poor. Then all of your treasure will be in heaven. After you’ve done this, come back and walk with me.” 22 Completely shocked by Jesus’ answer, he turned and walked away very sad, for he was extremely rich. 23 Jesus looked at the faces of his disciples and said, “How hard it is for the wealthy to enter into God’s kingdom realm.” 24 The disciples were startled when they heard this. But Jesus again said to them, “Children, it is next to impossible for those who trust in their riches to find their way into God’s kingdom realm. 25 It is easier to stuff a rope through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy person to enter into God’s kingdom realm.” 26 But this left them all the more astonished, and they whispered to one another, “Then who could ever be saved?”
27 Jesus looked at them and replied, “With people it is impossible, but not with God—God makes all things possible!”