Have you been in church and had the speaker ask if anyone has a witness or testimony to share of what God is doing in their lives?
So many times nobody shares anything! Is it really possible that the Lord is not doing something in their world? Or is it more likely that they are not recognizing what He is doing? I remember deciding one Sunday that I would never let the Lord go without a testimony. I have realized that even if we think that there are not great humongous miracles happening in our lives the Lord is still blessing us in multiple ways.
The Sunday that I made this commitment to not see a time go by without the Lord having someone stand for Him and share a testimony, I shared the joy that I receive from Lightening Bugs! I really doubt that the Lord had to make a bug that would Light up the darkness and make us smile, but He did! And it even happens when the weather is comfortable for us to sit out and watch the little creatures do their light shows!
Is there not something in your life that you recognize as a special gift from the Lord? Birds? Flowers? Clouds? Trees? A spring rain? The beauty of everything covered with snow in the winter? Surely if you stop and think about it you can come up with something to speak of as a testimony or witness to God's goodness. Think about it and speak out! Testify to God's goodness!