John and Andrew were disciples of John the Baptist who was *"a voice of one crying in the wilderness, MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD", so they were already seeking. When Jesus came to be baptized by John the Baptist the two(John and Andrew) recognized and started following him. Next they told Simon(Peter) "we have found the Messiah", Simon Peter understood immediately who they had found, he didn't question them, he KNEW who and what they had all been searching for!
If they were just fishermen for their self support, they were more, they were also men hungry in their spirits for God. They were not only searching for God, they were men ready to drop everything to follow where He would lead, they weren't just living day to day, catching fish, selling fish, catching more fish, selling more fish.
I can relate to these men much more than the idea of "just fishermen", these men were like many people I know now, people searching for God, eagerly waiting, hungering, pressing in. He can use all of us, if we seek Him and if we're willing to turn and follow where He leads.
*John 1:23
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