Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's a good day!

     It's a good day. Sometimes it's a challenge to see the good in the situation for me, I know some people are always praising God, but even in scripture it says to embrace our trials. So yes, some days are trials! I am one of those people that have a balance that seems easily shaken(I know being easily shaken is not a good way to be, and I long to grow more stable, however this is my current state of being), Lane is pretty well balanced all of the time! How does he do it?! I've wondered why God created hormones, mosquitoes, ticks and mean people! and a few other things, but that's a whole 'nother topic. I never know if I'm off balance because of hormones, sugar intake, lack of sleep, wrong focus, or what, but it does me make thankful for days like today when everything seems lined up well! Thank You Lord!
     We have survived Lane's first week of school and he is already being stretched and me too! I think it's good I'm not in the classes, they encourage you to "not" ask questions and I thrive on asking questions. We are to become like children and do you know of many healthy children that aren't questioning everything? So, I wonder how well I would do in a class where you're supposed to be seen and not heard, that's the setting I grew up in and I'm so thankful that I did learn to be considerate of others, however in a learning environment I would want the freedom to question. The questions aren't the issue stretching Lane, it's more the schedule!

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