We should teach the next generation, "Don't borrow!"
Our society is hard to understand. We tell our children they have to go to college to get a good job when they graduate, but we don't warn them that in order to go to college they need to earn the money. We let them believe that school loans are a natural part of life. Generations before ours warned their children diligently, don't borrow money! If you can't pay for it, do without! Money doesn't grow on trees, you have to work for it! A penny saved is a penny earned!
But we are failing the new generations . We are not giving them the understanding that we received of using common sense first. A higher education is not more important that wisdom and we are not giving the same wisdom that our elders shared with us. It is wisdom to not go into debt, it will take them so many years to pay off their school loans that they could have had a more satisfying life working at a lower income without the debt.
Snake oil Salesmen
Our colleges are selling a snake oil idea. They are selling the idea that if you get a college degree you will be on "easy street" and it will make all of your dreams come true. This just is not true, but just as the snake oil salesmen of previous years were so convincing, so are the people that are pushing the college dream.
I'm not saying that there aren't some jobs and professions that do require more school and training. I do want my doctor to have attended all of the training in school that he can receive, but not all of the young people going to college even have an idea what they want to do when they are through with school. They simply believe that they will go to college(getting in debt to ridiculous amounts) and when they graduate everything will fall into place. This simply isn't true. Many graduate, have debt, can't find a job and end up living with their parents so they can pay for their school loans. If most high school graduates understood that truth, they would definitely not pursue college.
Not all people are computer workers!
What has happened to encouraging students to pursue jobs that require skills? In our society we have elevated the people that work in offices over the free spirited entrepreneur that wears a blue color. Why? Does it suit society's interest to have an army of cloned office workers that are so far in debt(from school loans) that they are not able to pursue anything other than paying their bills?
Our society removed shop classes from high schools in order to purchase computers. What are the students learning on the computers that are going to actually make them an asset or improve their lives? Why did we have to forfeit learning skills such as auto mechanics, machine shop, wood working, etc., that could be used by society to teach computer use? Not all people are designed or have the temperament to be computer workers! So the ones that are not able to sit and stare at a computer are given Ritalin or various other medications to control their natural curiosity and energy and keep them sitting in front of the computers.
I am simply asking why are we not giving the next generations better advice? Some of them are the mechanics, electricians and inventors of tomorrow, but we are medicating them, putting them behind computers and encouraging them to sell their futures for a college degree that will never benefit them.
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