If you don't like your life, why? Have you made choices that have put you somewhere you don't like? If you are an adult and you don't like you're life you are free to make changes. It may not happen overnight, but you can make it happen. Do you not like your job? Train for a different one, make it happen! People do it everyday, they take ownership of their life and their mistakes and they turn things around.
Your problems may be physical ailments and may be irreversible, but most likely your choices have put you where you are. Even now you may still be poisoning yourself with toxic emotions or habits. A Massage Therapist learns in their training to be prepared that some clients may begin to cry when given a massage due to the way they wear their emotions on their physical bodies. In my studies for Massage Therapy I was first awakened to how we as people carry our hurts and disappointments on ourselves physically. It would have been difficult to believe if I had not experienced it myself, my first massage seemed to touch every hurt feeling that I had been trying to ignore over the years. A divorce, my father's passing, hurtful things said and done to me, all of those emotional experiences were carried as physical pain. Emotional burdens can bring real physical pain and illness to ourselves.
People tend to not realize what a complicated creation God has put together in the human being. We are more than our thoughts, we are physical, emotional and spiritual. We are created in God's image, and that has to bring a lot of things with it that we as humans can't understand. Then add to it that we don't take time to consider much beyond what's right in front of our face and we take ourselves for granted.
Physically~ If you take a class in Anatomy you begin to marvel at the miracle our bodies are. God has created such an amazing machinery in our bodies! Yet inevitably people choose to eat the wrong food, the wrong activities(or no activities), they neglect nutrition, hygiene, sleep and exercise and then wonder why their bodies aren't healthy anymore? Why do we ignore the fact that if we neglect ourselves, it will catch up with us? If our emotions and spirit are not being cared for correctly then our bodies will let us know there is a problem we need to deal with, it will be up to us to recognize which area the problem is in. If you want to be healthy do the things that make your body healthy, good nutrition, exercise and sleep. Seems like a simple recipe, doesn't it?
Emotions(soul)~ Our emotions are a part of us involved with dealing with people and situations that we encounter, but if we don't have the other two parts of ourselves(physical and spiritual) in balance our emotions will definitely cause problems. If we are well rested and involved in a close walk with God we will not be on an emotional roller coaster. However if we've allowed our life to become unbalanced in any of the three areas, emotions are going to be the tale tell sign that something is wrong. We may be suffering emotional issues that life brings, but how we deal with them is going to contribute to how our emotions are doing. If we take a hurt and let bitterness grow then our emotions will not be clear of negative reactions to everything around us. Bitterness, Jealousy, Anger, the list goes on, however, if we bring these things to God, confessing them, giving Him our anger, our hurts, is the only way to escape without scars. If we hold onto them, they only fester and putrefy our emotional hearts, bringing physical pain and spiritual issues.
Spiritual~ We are spiritual beings and that is the part that is too often neglected or left out of our plans. To be spiritually healthy we need to be walking in a close, loving relationship with our Father(Abba). There are many debates about what defines a close relationship with God and it's not my purpose here to tell you what is right. If you ask God, He will work in you to bring about His will(if you listen). When Lane and I started this path, Lane was lead immediately to begin a morning study time. I, however, didn't feel that I was required to do a morning study but during the day I was drawn to constantly have christian music playing, whether by radio or CD. God did speak to me through the music, and many times He spoke to me during a program I was listening to, or when I was praising Him. I used to have a really bad habit of turning the computer on first thing in the morning to check emails, but eventually He did lead me out of that habit and into a morning worship. He let me know that I should not turn the computer on before I had taken time to greet Him, to praise, pray and read. He let me know that I shouldn't put other things before Him as I start my day.
If we don't take time to be with God, then our spirit will run dry, when our spirit runs dry we become fertile soil for bitter or angry roots. If we are walking with God daily then we will be in good spiritual shape and we are able to forgive others. We won't be so quick to take offense or be tempted to do anything contrary to His leading when our spirit is healthy.
It makes sense then that we need to have all three parts of ourself in balance if we want to be healthy, happy, well functioning people. We can't overemphasis one area and expect it to carry over into the other two parts. Someone may be able to run 50 miles a day, but if they are not walking with God, they are not going to feel the joy that comes from a healthy, balanced life. People are lonely or dissatisfied when they don't have a close relationship with the Lord, they are always looking for something or somebody more. We don't always recognize the cause of the loneliness or dissatisfaction, but our spirit always wants to connect with Abba!
If we are walking with God, then we need to know that He wants us to care for our bodies, the vessel that He has given us to navigate through this world. We are His workmanship, He made us, He wants us to take care of ourselves! Scripture is full of advice for the things that will make us healthy and the things that will make us sick, read it.
Don't feel that it's God's fault if you neglect your health, emotions, or spirit and then are faced with the consequences. It's common sense, if you drive against the laws in your area and run a red light and have a crash it's nobodies fault except your own. Take ownership of your choices. Turn it around!
Physical~ Love yourself
Emotion~ Love others
Spiritual~ Love the Lord your God.
Be Happy, be Healthy!
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