I think back to just a year ago I was finishing up the Christmas break and about to head back to a school of ministry in Kansas City, MO. Here I sit in central Wisconsin at our son's place - school no where on my mind nor even on the radar. In this past year we have traveled to different parts of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Wisconsin and a small bit into Illinois.
- We have lost a vehicle - gained one (lost as in not working and needing a new motor, so not likely to work!)
- We have had two offers to buy our house in Oklahoma - two offers withdrawn (one by us and one by them)
- We have been prayed for by different ones and have prayed for different ones
- We have been blessed financially and have been a blessing financially
- We have become more comfortable and excited with the leading of the Lord in our lives
- We have been to two professional sports games (one together and one each individually)
- We have gone to our first symphony, loved it and want to go again
- We have gone from having one job to having two jobs and then back to one
- We have seen prophetic words spoken over us and to us starting to take shape and happening
- One of them being a voice to the nations - being on radio that broadcast (at last count) to 24 nations and over 30 states in the USA
- Another one is becoming the hand that wields the sword - having a knowing when to leave the second job - which opened the door for the radio (one among many other examples)
- The Canadian man having a place to stay in Kansas City for a week, with us, resulting in us having a second vehicle for a few months while he was away to Africa on a mission trip
- The Canadian man becoming connected with a church in Kansas City where the pastor operates strongly in a deliverance and restorative ministry and thus this Canadian gaining more freedom and restoration
- The Canadian man, during a spiritual leadership forum (The Master's Word Shop) upon his return from Africa shares his experiences of what God was and is doing in Africa. During this time, a member of the audience was directed by the Lord to speak to the pastor from Kansas City that the Canadian had met and share that they want to personally finance bringing over a pastor from Africa that the Candian's testimony mentioned
I am quite sure I have left out many events, situations, circumstances, encounters, spoken words and so forth as I look back over 2012 - the goal here was not to list them all, it is to highlight that You, God are on the move in a mighty way! This is just a snapshot of You working in our lives - now take that and multiply that out to all of the followers of You, Jesus! Your word declares You are not a respecter of persons - if You do this with one, then it can and will be done for through all of Your children, thank You Lord!
I am looking forward to what you have in store for us and Your body for 2013. I don't even pretend to know - looking back, how would I have ever put it together that You would do all of that through a lost and found datebook - even taking that out of the picture, what we have had happen and what we experienced, who could do that but you Lord - no one, that is who!
I love You and I welcome You into my life, my family, my job, my finances, my housing, my transportation - everything and every area, come and have Your way, God! Come and have Your way, Jesus! Come and have Your way, Holy Spirit!
- Posted by Lane Mercer
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