Good morning Holy Spirit! Good morning Abba! Good morning Jesus!
It's all about You! All that I am I lay at Your feet, the good and the bad, the strengths and the weaknesses~ You alone can take it all and make me into what I should be. If I try by myself I fall so very short! If I ignore it, I wonder around never accomplishing the callings and work You have for me.
So Lord, I pray You bind my heart to You and complete the good work that You have started. Please forgive me for sins of neglect, selfishness and ignorance. I fall so short of the woman You have created me to be, even as Your word says, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Please strengthen my spirit with Yours and help me to subject my flesh to Your perfect will.
Growing up always believing in You I have had such a selfish, self-centered life! If I believed in You, why has my focus always been on myself? Why in the world would I not have focused on You! the Great I AM, the Creative Genius of all things? I have been so obtuse! Here is little me, weak, helpless..oblivious! and there is You! strong, all powerful....omniscient! And I focus on me! How ridiculous!
I can't take credit for all of my mistake, many Christians, leaders and followers focus on the "people" side of the "God and His children" equation. It makes no sense actually!
As a woman I have learned to focus on many other people before myself, growing up I focused on my parents, I learned their requirements, their likes and dislikes and I learned to walk within those guidelines, trying to please them. As I grew older and became a "girlfriend" I took great pleasure in learning what was pleasing to my "boyfriend", I learned his likes and dislikes and tried to incorporate them into my own patterns. As a young wife, I really tried to do the things that I thought was fitting for a married woman, I tried to please my husband, the way we spent our time, the things I cooked, the way I dressed, the things I did, were focused outside of myself. Then when I became a mother I really kicked it into high gear, I had a little person I was responsible for, to keep happy and healthy and to please! No crying for my baby!
I see the pattern here that I was dedicated to pleasing the people in my life. And I applied the same thinking to You! I tried to dress like I thought You would want, I did the work I thought You would want. In all of my doing though, I didn't actually do the one thing You would want, I didn't spend time with You, fellowshipping with You, praising You, praying to You. I was too busy trying to do the material things I thought You would want me to do.
Our relationship was still focused on me, not You! People tend to make things about themselves Lord, we are a selfish bunch! If we could learn to take our eyes off of ourselves and focus on You, You would be free to make us into the people You want us to be...the better part of ourselves. The world changing people that You have called us to be!
Every person that has heard any scripture seems to have heard John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. But have they ever heard of Your attributes, of the things that please or displease You? They know that they're loved and that's all that matters? Lord please forgive us!
Please reveal the reality of Who You are! Please help us to focus on You and not ourselves! You are the Great I AM! The Alpha and Omega, the Genius Creator of all things! You are the "Father that ran"~ how blessed are we? Amazing Lord, You are mindful that we are but dust, but that is no excuse for ourselves that we should not bow down, pick up our cross and devote ourselves to pleasing You instead of ourselves!
I have observed that people in need are so grateful when something is done for them, then they grow into expecting it to be done repeatedly....then demanding it! I had not equated it into their behaviour to You Lord, until now. People are thankful that You so loved them that You sent Your only Son~ but they want You to keep giving! They don't want to see that they might need to take some actions also! They might need to give their best back to You! No, they limit themselves to receiving, with little thought of giving. And they don't want to see that if they don't grow into a loving walk with You their life may have consequences that reflect their selfish attitude of taking and demanding!
So instead of focusing on "For God so loved the world that He gave" ~ Shouldn't we start asking "For the world so loved God that it gave"! What will you give? Your best? Your worst? Something you don't want or need anymore? If you will give your best, what is it that you value the most? Your time, your money, your attention, entertainment, energy.....will you give that?
For you so love God that you give.....what?
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