Friday, January 30, 2015

Kodak Moments

Yesterday was my birthday~ and in our family my husband always enjoys asking what the person has gained in wisdom during their last year going around the sun. 
     I would like to share my wisdom for the last year~ I'm sure it's something you've heard before, but the truth has settled into my soul, so now it's truth to me.
     Don't worry so much about the big things, in the end...the little things are the big things. 
     Once you get past 40 you realize that you're in middle age, because if you take 80 and divide it in half, which is the get 40~ thus you are in middle age! And we all should agree that 80 is a good long life. God only says we should look to live to be 70, so actually 35 is middle age...but I digress from my subject! 
     I have not accomplished anything that most people will remember after I'm gone, but in my memories are many "Kodak moments" spent with my loved ones. Things that my husband puts up with me telling him stories of, even when he's heard them many times before and even lived through the experiences himself!
     People so often think a possession or experience will make their lives complete, but in my life I'm not finding that to be true. It's more the time spent sitting on the deck with the sun shining and enjoying a quiet moment with my handsome husband. Or the special times that my sons are able to visit and let me know that I am loved and special in their lives. 
     I just want to say, thank You Lord for my private photo memories of "Kodak Moments".

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