Suppose you awoke one morning to a world that you did not recognize from the day before.
Say that there were no rules in place, no laws that protected you and your loved ones and no police to enforce the laws even if there were any.....say that the only thing keeping you safe was a "bubble" that surrounded you. Outside of that bubble was every kind of evil you could imagine. People were openly violent against each other, nobody was protected. Elderly, children, women....all were prey to the stronger, more violent in the world...The streets were covered in trash, filth and decay as you walked through them, odors arising from every side...
....and now say that the bubble was provided by a supernatural power that nobody could see....and that the protection was only there because you had a belief and trust in that Supernatural Power that nobody could see...not even you. But you knew the Power was there and you did believe, so as you went through your day you walked protected, but you had to be careful to stay in tune with the Power because if you stepped out of your belief and trust in the Supernatural Power then the bubble would weaken and then disappear.
When you were together with others that trusted the Power, you talked to each other about the Supernatural Power, and were amazed that a Supernatural Power that you could not even see was concerned with you, and even provided loving care for your protection and needs! You watched your neighbors and co-workers struggle through their days, dealing with violence, filth, lack and tried to share this understanding of the Power with others and encourage them to come into the "Bubble" of protection. The bubble of the Power was strong enough for any who would choose to walk in it, the only limitation was the belief and trust in the Power.
Would you try harder to get people to know and trust the Supernatural Power than you do now?
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