This post is about trying to understand people. I have watched people most of my life and wondered about motives. What drives a person to do or feel? A lot of times it is something in their past. Something they experienced in their lives has helped to form them, but it is always their choice that gives the direction.
With that said, I wonder why someone responds to one tragedy over another? There are tragedies happening world wide almost daily! Which one touches your heart? There are multitudes of people being murdered, kidnapped, abused, mistreated and dying in our world now and with the advances in electronic communication we're exposed to all of it! (I need to admit here that I have isolated myself from all of this news, I simply cannot handle it!)
Recently I was in the company of people that chose one event to focus on, and it made me wonder how can they only be concerned with that one?
There are children being murdered in their mother's wombs, young teenagers kidnapped and sold into slavery, people taking their first step into a life of addiction that will destroy them and their families, elderly neglected and race pitting itself against another, one religion killing anyone who is not of their do you choose one tragedy to focus on? There are so many, every minute of every is enough to make your heart sick, or to cause you to develop emotional callouses...or you can turn it off.
Of course you can't actually "turn it off" and make things not happen, but you can turn your focus off of those things. You can turn your focus to the Provider of your peace! A man, or woman, cannot have two Masters, current events could attempt to be your master, especially if the news reporters have their way! But if you have made the choice to follow Jesus then you don't have room in your heart for a second master! Keep your eyes on the One that lived and died for you that you are "no longer a slave to fear', you are a "child of God"!
Let your motives or actions reflect that you are not of this world, no longer bound to it or it's current events. Yes we do want to pray for the hurt, injured and grieving, but they are not our focus, they are our ministry. God first, ministry second.
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