Monday, December 28, 2015

Want God's Will In Your Life?

     One lesson that is really tough for me to grab hold of is that God does not owe it to us to beg us or to work with us to get His will done. Over time He has several times given me a second chance and sometimes more, but now He is teaching me that it may not always be that way.
     Now He is showing me that He may tell me one time and if I don't follow through that I will be left behind in His plan. He does have other people to work through, I am not the only short, blonde Christian woman following Him and if I won't do what He wants me to, there are others who will!
     I do not want to be left out of His plan! I know He will continue to forgive me, but He won't try to work through me if I'm not going to do my part!
     I don't know if you desire to be part of God's plan, but I do, I don't want to be the one that is skipped over so He can find someone that will "listen and obey".
     I am trying to become more finely tuned to His voice and His leading. I have been praying for Him to open the eyes and ears of my spirit that I will be able to receive His leading more completely.
     Are you hoping that He changed His will or that maybe there's a shortcut? I'm sorry, but it's not likely that He'll rewrite scripture to fit our plans. So let's look at some of the things we've already been told.
     When Jesus was asked about what was the most important thing for us to do, the first thing He said was to "love the Lord God with all of your heart". Matt 22:37, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30-31 If this is not something that you already do, then start! If it's not easy for you, then ask your Heavenly Father to help you! This is a paragraph from a good site that answers the question about how to love the Lord God with all of your heart "So how do we begin to love God the way we should? Just as the man in Mark 9:24 asked God to help his unbelief, so too we can ask God to help us in areas where we don’t love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It is His power that we need to do the impossible, and we begin by seeking and appropriating that power. "
     Next Jesus told them to love their neighbor as themselves. Have you already mastered these first two steps to living in God's will? If not you may want to ask yourself why He would want to give you instructions as to His will for today when you haven't followed any of his instructions for yesterday or the day before?
    You know we can fool people and tell them we've changed and from now on we're going to do things differently, but we can't fool God! If we try to tell Him "God, if you'll just tell me what to do now I'll start to love you with all of my heart and I'll even love my neighbors(a little?)!" He already knows if you're being honest, He knows your heart! It would work a lot better to tell Him "Heavenly Father, I have not loved You like I should, I'm sorry! Please forgive me and change my heart, help me to love You as I should!" and "Please forgive me for not loving my neighbor, co-worker, that driver that pulled out in front of me on the road, that slow checker at the store and change my heart, help me to love others as I should. I know I am not able to love them in my own power, but you can help me to love them!"
     Those are the first steps to learning His will, if you really want to know what His will is for you in the situation that you are facing now, you need to do a little foundational work first. I'm not saying that He won't give you your answer right now for this situation right now, because God CANNOT be put in a box. It is far beyond me to tell you any guaranteed path that He will take to reach you!
     God loves each of us and He deals with each of us as He sees fit, not as people try to say He will, but there are some things you can pretty well count on. If Jesus said that "to love the Lord God with all of your heart" is the first and most important then it probably is! So I would advise that you start there!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


  People are so fickle. I’ve lived long enough now to see that there really isn’t a human love you can take to the bank.... You can get married and believe it’s forever, but after 20 years something changes and the one you promised to love, honor and cherish can no longer stand to be in your presence. You can grow up being told that you’re hated and then the one that hates you swears they love you. Someone you think will never turn away from you suddenly does and you don’t even know why. Parents grow old and forget you, your children are too busy for you, Christian friends and family turn on you for simple infractions that offend them....I’m not saying this is right or wrong, I’m simply saying that it is. I’ve tried to accept that there is no way to please people, no way to guarantee their love, but it is a hard truth to grasp, we are bound to keep looking for “love”.
     Nonetheless ~ there is One that loves you at all times, that is closer than a brother(or sister, or friend), He never turns away, is never too busy, is always happy to have you talk to them, is always looking for your attention. He is One that loves you, no matter what you might say or do that offends others. He is One that is constantly looking for your wellbeing, constantly! He has more good thoughts of you than there are grains of sand on the beach! He knows how many hairs are on your head! He knows your words before you speak them! He knows your heart! Don’t we all want someone to really “get us!”? He does! He gets you and His heart is bursting with pride over you! He is always waiting for you to come, sit, have a chat, drink a cup of tea, listen to a song...share your dreams, share your desires, share your hurts and disappointments....He wants to hear it all...He loves you and will never leave you, never abandon you...He will continue to long for your presence....He is your Heavenly Father, let Him draw you close to Himself and comfort you, encourage you, let Him pour His love over you, turn to Him and bask in His perfect love.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dodge, Hide, Run

I need to write...I don't want to's a challenge when tears distort your vision! It's a challenge when you want to walk in love and you are hurting from what people are doing to you while you stand on a stage and allow them to throw rotten tomatoes at you! You could step off of the stage, you could throw rotten tomatoes back...but would God be glorified? No...there's nothing about throwing things at each other that is glorifying to God.
     OK, so I'll write about dodging tomatoes and not returning them! When David was anointed as the future King of the Hebrew people the current King, King Saul, kind of lost his mind! He was outraged at the praise that David received in song about killing more of the enemy than he had. He was outraged by David in pretty much everything, he actually started throwing spears at David! I guess rotten tomatoes are better than spears, right?
     We would think that David would have been in his own rights to throw spears back, but he didn't. He dodged the spears, he ran for his life, he hid...when he had the opportunity to put it all at an end and kill King Saul he refused and simply clipped his robe. You would think that would have brought King Saul back to his senses and for awhile he would return to his senses but then again he would loose his mind! There is a lot more to this biblical story, but the point I'm getting to is my purpose in sharing it. 1 Samuel 24
     David glorified God by dodging, running and hiding...not the way most Americans have grown up to act, right? but it glorified God that David trusted himself to God's purpose. We are to leave all things in His hand and trust His future, trust His timing, trust His anointing. Even when things are beyond our understanding, trust that they are not beyond God's understanding, trust your standing and your future to Him. Nothing surprises Him, He knew you would have rotten tomatoes thrown!
     Maybe I'm writing this as an encouragement for me, but I hope it encourages others also.