Thursday, December 17, 2015


  People are so fickle. I’ve lived long enough now to see that there really isn’t a human love you can take to the bank.... You can get married and believe it’s forever, but after 20 years something changes and the one you promised to love, honor and cherish can no longer stand to be in your presence. You can grow up being told that you’re hated and then the one that hates you swears they love you. Someone you think will never turn away from you suddenly does and you don’t even know why. Parents grow old and forget you, your children are too busy for you, Christian friends and family turn on you for simple infractions that offend them....I’m not saying this is right or wrong, I’m simply saying that it is. I’ve tried to accept that there is no way to please people, no way to guarantee their love, but it is a hard truth to grasp, we are bound to keep looking for “love”.
     Nonetheless ~ there is One that loves you at all times, that is closer than a brother(or sister, or friend), He never turns away, is never too busy, is always happy to have you talk to them, is always looking for your attention. He is One that loves you, no matter what you might say or do that offends others. He is One that is constantly looking for your wellbeing, constantly! He has more good thoughts of you than there are grains of sand on the beach! He knows how many hairs are on your head! He knows your words before you speak them! He knows your heart! Don’t we all want someone to really “get us!”? He does! He gets you and His heart is bursting with pride over you! He is always waiting for you to come, sit, have a chat, drink a cup of tea, listen to a song...share your dreams, share your desires, share your hurts and disappointments....He wants to hear it all...He loves you and will never leave you, never abandon you...He will continue to long for your presence....He is your Heavenly Father, let Him draw you close to Himself and comfort you, encourage you, let Him pour His love over you, turn to Him and bask in His perfect love.

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