One of the deceptions of the enemy team is to convince you that you are unnecessary.
The enemy may use different approaches, telling us that because other people have made us feel unimportant that we are totally unimportant, or maybe he enters through our own selfish desires to be free of the responsibility to the Kingdom of God and we listen and in our own thinking we decide that we might be unimportant to the body of believers...then we grab it and run with it!
We decide that we don't need to go to church Sunday or ever for that matter, it will go on just fine without us....or we don't need to give financially to church or that ministry, someone else will....we don't need to help in the nursery or cleaning the church, someone else will, we don't need to sing praises, someone else will....we don't need to pray about anything...someone else will... at this point you should be wondering who "someone else" is?
Part of becoming an adult is realizing that nobody else is going to pick up your responsibility, it is yours. A few people may appear to have bypassed their responsibilities but that doesn't mean they have become adults.
If you want to be an adult in the Kingdom, and who doesn't want to grow out of a baby believer status?...who doesn't want to become a disciple of Jesus?.....who doesn't want to start walking in the power of the Spirit? have to accept your responsibilities, get up and go be part of the body of believers.
Yes, that means going to church, meeting with other believers, financially supporting God's work, bypassing your own leisure if it interferes with your walk with Him.
You are important, important enough that the enemy wants to lie to you and convince you that you don't need to bother to pick up your cross and follow your Saviour.
Imagine any sports team and remove one of the players...isn't the team always weaker because of that removal? That is the body of Christ without you. Yes, it can go on and it will...but it is not as strong as it would be if you stepped in and took your place of responsibility and you will never reach the maturity in Christ that you need to for yourself, your family and your community.
Do not believe the voice of the enemy of your soul. You are very necessary! Attend, give, support, pray, praise, encourage, work, minister, for the sake of the Kingdom and for yourself!
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