We know that Jesus came to pay for our sins, that is the beginning teaching that has brought us into a relationship with our Heavenly Father, but there was a time that Lane and I had this lesson shown to us in a different format.
Let me describe the lesson we learned. For a while, Lane worked as a server for a prominent United States restaurant chain. This job position made it easy for us to be able to transfer to another town when the Lord told us it was time to relocate. During this season the Lord provided our finances with the tips that the customers left on the table after their meals. (A side note here, yes, there are people whose next meal depends on how well you tip them after you have eaten your meal! As a Christian, you should consider being generous with your kindness and money to those who are serving you in all circumstances!)
During the winter part of this journey there was a snowstorm that paralyzed the city, businesses and schools were all closed. The city was doing it's best to dig the roadways out from under the covering of snow and ice but it took a week or so. Because a server at a restaurant lives by tips, and they are not able to get to get to work and the customers are not able to get to the restaurant there are no tips and therefore no money!
As soon as the roads became passable Lane was back at work. There still weren't many customers brave enough to go out to eat, so after missing days of no pay, there was still a shortage of tips. One evening we believed we were supposed to be at a church service across town, we ventured out even though we didn't have very much gasoline. While we were still in the praise service Kevin, a man that regularly attended there with us came to Lane and gave him an envelope of cash. He told Lane that the Lord had told him to give us the money for "our giving". Even though the money wasn't "on the tables" while Lane was working, the Lord still provided enough for us to be able to "give" back to Him! Isn't that amazing!? That is just like Jesus coming and paying the price for our sins when we weren't able to pay it ourselves! We don't know how much was in the envelope, we didn't open it, we told the Lord "Thank You!" and put the envelope in the offering. And if that wasn't enough, at the end of the service another man came and gave Lane a "cash handshake", and informed him that God had told him to buy us some gasoline! He apologized that he didn't have more, but he was obedient and it was enough that we had money to buy gasoline to get home and for Lane to go back to work. God is so Good!
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
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