Sunday, August 5, 2018

Crazy Days in Ponca City

This morning the Lord woke me with thoughts about the weekend's ministry.
     The first thought was that what was accomplished was not seen with human eye, yes, we saw people's faces, heard their needs, prayed for them and watched them accept cold bottles of water, but the Kingdom of the Lord moved forward! His Kingdom moved into the everyday world that we have not claimed for a few years. His Kingdom moved out from behind the walls that have shut us off from the people that need Him, His love and His power and need our witness, we let our friends and neighbors see that God's people are happy, smiling, caring, people!
     The enemy has been trying to portray the Kingdom as a sour bunch of people that want to judge and condemn others, but this weekend those people were encouraged to see loving, smiling people that wanted to comfort and encourage them! They saw people that know the answer to their problems and were willing to usher them into the very presence of the King that is able to touch and change lives!
     The Second thought that has come back to me over and over was the police force that was represented there, so many young people in uniforms standing between the average citizen and the dangers that are not often heard about because those officers are in those uniforms doing their jobs! We told them "Thank you for doing such a wonderful job! Come, get some water anytime!" They did appear surprised!
     We were able to be an encouragement to them at a time when they also are under attack, they needed to see the connection they have to the Justice that is part of the Lord's Kingdom and the support that we, His body can offer to them. This weekend they did see our support!
      One of the Officers in charge was offered prayer as he received water, and at first didn't believe he needed any prayer but when it was suggested that we could pray for safety for him and his people he gladly accepted it! As the prayer was spoken and finished the Officer was deeply touched, in his own words he was "left speechless"! How often do you think he has heard himself and his crew lifted in prayer? They need to know that God's Kingdom is a living group of people that are covering them in prayer!
     Okay, the Third thought, the heavenlies were touched by the sweat, the work and the pain of the workers this weekend, do not be deceived into believing that only what can be seen in the flesh was accomplished. There were warring angels in the unseen realm that were at work also, I'm sure that the whole heavenly atmosphere in the Kay County area was affected by the efforts of the people involved in this activity!
     Yes, this work was represented by the people on the street handing out water and praying, and they are mighty and powerful warriors in the Kingdom because take my word for it, that heat took a lot of endurance! But there were people that donated water, ice, ice chests and encouraged behind the scenes! This was a work that took the effort of many and that is how the body does and will work, the Kingdom is built by many, seen and unseen!
     There are a lot of testimonies of the people that were touched and encouraged by the efforts of this ministry, but those are the stories for others to share, my purpose here is to help us realize that there was much more accomplished than we will be aware of this side of heaven! This was our "2 mites" by which the Lord will bless this area!
      Yes, we give all glory to the Lord, but this weekend the Lord was well pleased with His faithful servants!

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