A lot of the praise songs we sing these days include the lines that we bow to the Lord. This morning the Holy Spirit was stirring in my thinking "what does that mean to you?". After considering the question for myself I now I ask you, what does bowing before the Lord and His throne mean to you?
Sometimes we casually sing songs without even slowing down to consider the full impact of the words we're mouthing. Let me tell you, the Lord does not take our words "casually".
There was a time in my life that I had gone my own way, I was not denying the Lord, but I was "pouting" because things weren't going the way I thought they should. So, I started calling my own shots. Everything was okay for a bit and then life really turned upside down on me!
When I came to my senses and turned back to the Lord, much as the prodigal son did, the Holy Spirit played the lyrics of a hymn I had sung in church years before. "Father I adore You, I lay my life before You!" These lyrics were not something I was thinking of on my own, the Lord was playing them back to me to remind me that I had given Him my life years before and I needed to get back to where I was at that time, back in relationship with Him. I tell you all of this just to let you know that whether you are speaking or singing words it doesn't matter, the Lord takes you seriously!
So now back to the question, when you sing that you are bowing before the Lord, are you seriously bowing? Do you submit to the Lord, to His purpose for you and your life, do you give Him all honor? Do you cease resisting Him and His purpose in your life? Or are you simply giving a head nod that you recognize His power, His creation, His purpose, and then moving on to do whatever it is that you want to do?
He is calling for you to submit to His purpose, to the calling He has on you and your life. He did not create you to watch you bow to the world or to your own desires and motivations, those only lead to your destruction.
Come back and consider, "when I bow to the Lord, am I truly submitting every area of my being?". It is a big question and deserves your careful consideration.
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