We can see that people that don't know the Lord can be susceptible to these spirits, but as God's body we are not to be! We are the watchers on the wall! We are to rebuke these spirits and close the doors and gates!
How do we do this? To remove deception seek and share only the truth, that will battle "deception". If you share things on social media make certain that you are remembering to share "truth". Yes, that means you have to research it before you share it. Scripture tells us we will be held accountable for careless words and if you share things that are not true you have left a door open in your world for "deception" to enter freely. Spoken words and electronic messages have to be examined carefully, let your words be "Truth and Truth only". We have also been given the authority to bind and remove the spirits of the enemy, this authority was given to us from Jesus our Lord! So deal with the spirit of deception in this way. "Spirit of deception I bind you from manifesting in my life! I send you to the foot of the cross! In Jesus' name and through His blood. Go Now!"
Next, we have to deal with the spirit of "fear". You don't have to listen long to hear it speaking through so many people today! Especially our News sources. Do not give in to "fear", it is a bully that plays on even the smallest fear you may show. The Lord has spoken to us directly about this spirit! He tells us He has not given us a spirit of fear! You need to realize that you can not walk in faith if you are giving in to fear, they are in direct opposition for your attention and soul. Kick this spirit out now! "Spirit of fear, I bind you from manifesting in my life! I send you to the foot of the cross! In Jesus' name and through His blood. Go Now!" Trust the authority the Lord has given you and stand on it!
Now it is easy to see the growth of hate in society, the only tolerance that is encouraged is for the things that are on the agenda of our spiritual enemy. Tolerance for morals given by the Lord, integrity, holiness, purity, righteousness, and devotion to God are not encouraged. The enemy hates these things! When he sees you carrying the attributes of the Lord and a devotion to Yahweh he wants to destroy them and you. The way to defeat this spirit is through the love of our Creator, it is not a love that we can stir up only by ourselves we have to ask the Lord to strengthen it! It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit so it can grow in us! Love covers a multitude of sins. Love never gives up. We have to walk in love, always and in all ways. Leave no room for hate to enter our thoughts or our hearts. If we have any unforgiveness it must be routed out that we have no footholds for hate to enter in. Then we go through the same declaration as for the first two spirits. "Spirit of hate, I bind you from manifesting in my life! I send you to the foot of the cross! In Jesus' name and through His blood. Go Now!"
We have to deal directly with these spirits and remember, they will try to sneak back in, so stay on guard constantly! Close any doors or gates in your life that the enemy would enter and refuse him entrance!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
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