The United States citizens are being stiff necked and forcing the Lord to retract His protection. He has blessed us to the point that we have forgotten Him and our dependency on Him. We live in the lap of luxury compared to many other nations, yet we focus more and more on ourselves, as a spoiled child would do, demanding more and more of our wants be met, instead of turning and worshipping the One that has so blessed us.
Tonight I was awakened to plead mercy for the United States people, yet even in my own heart I see the wrong turn of our thoughts, our wants, our lives, our actions. Still I pleaded for mercy, for the Lord to withhold justice and instead give the people conviction of the mistakes they are making and living. Conviction strong enough to make changes in their paths! We are the ones that put a loving God in the position of having to lift His protection, we are the ones that are strong willed and go our own ways, living out our wants, no matter the consequences and then when the repercussions take place we turn around and say "No Fair! How could a loving God let that happen in our world?" I am not claiming perfection or complete innocence in my own life, I have reaped plenty of things that I have sown that were huge mistakes, so I am speaking from experience and also from God's word.
We in America know what 9/11 is, but do we know what Isaiah 9:11 is? Isaiah has prophetic words written to Israel(God's chosen people). We now are God's people also, we have been grafted in thus these words speak to us as well. Isaiah was delivering words to Israel to turn to God or they would face having His blessing and covering removed. It is chilling to read Isaiah 9:11 "Therefore the LORD raises against them adversaries from Rezin And spurs their enemies on". The importance of these words and this verse is that our leaders (John Edwards, Tom Daschle and President Obama) proclaimed Isaiah 9:10 “The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with smooth stones; The sycamores have been cut down, But we will replace them with cedars.” over our country after the destruction at the World Trade Center. When we should have been turning to the Lord in prayer, we (as a nation) spoke in arrogance and stated all of the things "we" would do, just as Israel did before they were given over to their enemies.
Our founding fathers dedicated our country to God, we have been so blessed because of that dedication. Now we have turned to our own ways and we have become arrogant and unless we are convicted (collectively) and turn back to God we will face untold trials as justice is allowed to take place. We will be left to our own ways and then we will turn and blame God? We are the ones that have "gone our own way" why not confess our sins, beg for mercy and live a life devoted to the one that has made us?
**Since proclaiming Isaiah 9:10 over the United States, John Edwards and Tom Daschle have already fallen in disgrace from their positions of great authority in our Nation.**
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