Recently I heard a sermon delivered by a woman that I respect, however she did say one thing I take exception with. She claimed "I'm not June Cleaver!" to the applause of the crowd she was speaking to. What I would like to ask now is "What's wrong with June Cleaver?". I think the women of that generation have been maligned and disrespected long enough. Those women were amazing and the world was a better place for them. They were there to greet their children when they came home from school, they were there to welcome their husbands coming home from work. They were THERE!
I didn't grow up in that kind of home and for a large part of my life I haven't been able to be that type of woman, but I can definitely see the benefits from their lives! The families were stable, there wasn't such a large need of counselors, there wasn't so much violence, there wasn't such an issue with obesity, there weren't so many unplanned pregnancies and I'm sure if I looked into it I could find many more positives that this type of woman made to society.
Yes, I always hear that families can't get by without two incomes "these days". Why do you think that is true? Maybe they would be able to get by with one income if the value was placed on the family instead of what the family purchased? Does the second income actually purchase a better life or does it purchase another car, more cellphones, more clothing, more electronics, more fast food, more gasoline for the extra cars and extra activities, more insurance to cover all of the extra "treasures"? I don't believe the extra income actually is "extra" if you put all of the extra expenses in a ledger to support it and I don't believe the things it is used to justify enriches our lives in anyway.
I believe the "June Cleavers" were actually a pillar in our society that were underrated and under appreciated. Unfortunately we'll probably never be able to recover from the loss of them in our society. Our women have been given a role model now of a super woman that is able to balance family and job that does not exist in reality. Women today are encouraged to throw themselves on the alter of "mammon", sacrificing not only themselves but the stability of their families, marriages and finally society.
Once again I ask you, "What's wrong with June Cleaver"?
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