Tuesday, February 3, 2015


     We honor our Pastors, or we should! Have you ever thought about the work of a Pastor? Think about it...they are to tend the sheep and let me tell you that sheep are not the brightest animal in the barnyard! If a sheep falls on it's back, it just waits there to die! It doesn't even try to get back up, and sheep will follow each other over a cliff! Not smart!
     Pastors are like the farmers that have to take care of the sheep, stand them back up so they don't die and get them to not follow each other over a cliff, and they're also like the fathers of the family, they are to watch out for the congregation, prepare it, guard it, feed it, make sure it's doing what it's supposed to do...
     In the world there are many jobs I would find challenging beyond my capabilities, and being a Pastor is one of them! But when God calls you to a work, He prepares you for it. That doesn't mean that we the people of the flock should not be trying to make the Pastors job easier! We should! 
     What do you think we could do to help make the Pastor's job easier? First we could pray for them! That's a good place to start! Because they are Pastors the enemy knows that if he can hit the Pastor of a church he can damage the whole congregation! So first of all, let's pray for our Pastors! Pray protection from the enemy and a close, revealing walk with God!
     Second, let's honor the position of authority that God has put the Pastor in. 
Authority? Yes, God has put the Pastor in a position of authority and it's our job to honor the position. No that doesn't mean we worship our Pastor, but it does mean we don't make his job more difficult. If he does something that we question, pray about it, don't go to your friend and start talking about how wrong your pastor is! Honor him by not bickering with him or the other people in his flock. God has put him there, honor what God has done!
     Third, another way to honor him is to try to make his job easier. Volunteer! Wow! Volunteer? Yes, Volunteer! There is a lot of work to keeping a body of believers flowing together! There is a building that we want to meet in so we can be protected from the weather! That takes work! Keeping the building functioning inside and out! The parking lot paved, the grass mowed, the trash picked up, the supplies in place, the lights on, the light bulbs changed!...is that the Pastor's job? No, it's our job, we're the body, we can take care of those things ourselves, we're not visitors at church, we're the body! We are the church! 
     Take time to give your Pastor the support and honor that is due to his position and remember, he is there because God put him there, I think if we don't honor and respect that position and the man, we'll be facing God explaining why.
     I really started this to be a blog about the Praise Leaders and Team, but I guess that will be tomorrow!  =D

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