Friday, February 6, 2015


     This is for Christian women and will not be of interest or will be ridiculed by non-Christian women.
     First, God did create man and He did create woman, we each have our own purpose. If He wanted us to be the same He wouldn't have needed to create a second being. Women complete the picture! In our day and time, society is trying to remove the difference in genders and in essence, but as Christian women we need to understand that God does have a purpose for us, and what it is! We're not in competition with men! We are God's women!
     Second, women have a vital role in life, for themselves, for men, for their children, for society and for God! There have been many times in the history of the bible that things dangled by a strand in the hands of a woman! Esther, Deborah, Jael, Abigail, Mary, and Elizabeth to name just a few.
     There have been good women and bad and we as women need to be very careful to learn from the examples given to us. We don't want to be the weak willed or selfishly strong-willed women that lead our families and other people into danger and destruction. I could name some names here, but I think we already are aware of some of them! Okay, Eve, Jezebel, Delilah...and Lot's wife!
     We need to realize that the Bible's words while at times can be used to put women into an inferior role also says, "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise." Galatians 3:25-30
     As women we have been deceived into stepping away from our protective roles. Yes men are protectors of the family, but so are women. Like the saying goes about not wanting to encounter a mama bear, women protecting their families can be more ferocious than men!
     Our society is in need of Christian women to step up, not to stay quiet and wait for the men to handle everything! The men are handling things, but women were created to be their helpmates, not their extra baggage! I know, many of you have stepped up and are in the battle with your mates, or even alone for women without mates!
     There are places that women go and may have more influence than men. Groups where their children are involved in lessons, sports and school activities. At work and when shopping women have a voice. If I was talking to men, yes, I'd be calling them to step up in their lives too but we are God's women and we are being called!
     My concern is that we as Christians are letting our world slip through our fingers, we're not passing on a Godly nation that we had handed to us from our parents! We are letting our families and our God down!  As the women and mothers that God has raised up, that should be something that concerns you also!
     Even as Deborah led the army into battle, you are being called to pick yourself up and step into the battle. Your future is calling you to defend the things that God has put into your care, your families, your children, your society, your nation and the reputation of your God, King, Saviour and returning Bridegroom!

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