The COVID Mountain, The Third Mountain
This mountain caught me by surprise! I had been quarantined for months! Because of the Stem-Cell process, I expected to be on quarantine for around a year just as a general part of recovery, that was something I had started before Corona/Covid19 had started!
Now I started dealing with a new set of symptoms, I still thought this was part of the recovery and maybe I had just backslidden or something? My symptoms were kind of echos of the same thing, but with a slight variation. I was more clear-minded now, I could consider what I was dealing with instead of just trying to survive! I realized I was "chilling" and then we took my temperature and found I was running a fever (not a good thing in my position!). We checked the fever rating a total of four times to make sure we weren't in error, then called our home health care nurse and informed her of the elevated fever I was running. Her immediate advice was "Go to the hospital!". At this point, I was weak enough that I had fallen when I tried to get ready to go and we had to get help from my son and daughter in law to get me up from the floor, down the stairs, and into the backseat of the car to lay down for the trip to the hospital.
At the hospital, Lane went to the door to let them know our situation. They took his temperature but still wouldn't let him in the hospital building, but followed him to the car when they were suited up to receive me! I was put in a wheelchair and rolled away from my covenant partner! Even physically wiped out that is a hard thing to go through, it was my second time of having to be separated like this!
In the Emergency Room of the hospital, I was taken great care of, I became a patient of this hospital quickly! I was gowned, blood tests, X-rays, Covid19 test, everything they needed to do to access my health status was put in action, it really was reassuring! I was in a fever mind stupor, it felt good to know I was under clear-minded steps! It was soon decided that I was at least dealing with Pneumonia but they weren't sure if they were keeping me or sending me back to the Stem-Cell hospital for them to deal with me. I carried my own complications from the Stem-Cell Transplant that concerned them. When they were out of the room I started praying and then I decreed that I would not be sent back to that other hospital! It felt like the choice of being sent back to a death trap to me! I decreed in Jesus' name I would stay at this hospital and that they would treat me and I would recover! I could feel God in this decree! It was not just me, I was speaking the Lord's authority over the situation! Thank You, Lord! They kept me and moved me upstairs, that was a mountain I climbed, Faith decreed over the situation!
Faith won the battle!
Upstairs I was set up as a more permanent patient than ER goes through, I had a room of my own, a bed not a gurney, second-floor armbands, nurses with routines, time frames, it was a comfort! I was still so weak that I had to be helped anytime I needed to step away from the bed. Weak as a kitten comes to mind! But the Lord was sending me people constantly, encouragers, interceders, compassionate nurses, people speaking words from the Lord that I needed to hear! Hour by hour I started gaining life! I was given IV's with hydration that was building me back up, hydration is so important!
I had been told that my COVID test would take a few days to come back, surprise it came back quickly! I tested positive! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! I knew I would test negative, I had not been anywhere to get it! We had been so careful! I had been quarantined when other people were out living their lives! NO, NOT KIDDING!!
I started crying, where was my Faith walk right now? I did cry for just a few moments but then I was reminded that the Lord had already carried me through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and if He needed to, He would do it again! He has given me a purpose and a calling and I have not completed it yet! I have asked Him to not let me leave my assignments unfulfilled! I do not want to stand in front of Him in Heaven and try to have an excuse for not doing the things He gave me to do! The Holy Spirit reminded me that the Lord was with me and had not forsaken me, the tears dried up and I pulled myself away from the fleshly thoughts, I do want to mention
the gift I had in a Godly worker that encouraged me, she would say so quietly "He is with You", "He has this", "He is saving you"...I almost thought I didn't hear her but my spirit did and it grabbed those lifelines!
However, the Lord had an encounter with me when I closed my eyes to try to sleep. Tears started shooting, I mean SHOOTING out of my eyes! It took my breath away! I had been able to stuff everything down, but sometimes like now, I still needed that special visitation from the Lord! He told me I had climbed the mountain of "Stem-Cell Transplant" but that now I was climbing 2 more mountains, the second mountain was Pneumonia and the third was Covid19. He told me there was a purpose to this and to pull the courage and strength up around myself. He had instructed me in the beginning that I was to request prayer for strength and Courage, not healing! I was already healed but that I would need strength and courage on this path, I asked for Peace also, Spiritual Peace! The Lord told me that new Altitudes of His authority would be reached by climbing these higher mountains. Knowing that there was a purpose and reward at the end of the mountain climbing struggle really helped my vision and understanding.
So to condense this one encounter, the Lord let me release all the tears of fear and confusion that I had squashed, showed me a purpose, and replaced the tears with Peace, Courage, and Strength, Remember, this is what we had prayed for, right! I did not sleep all of this night, but My Walk of Faith was in place! and then.....
The very next day, one of the nurses mentioned I had brown COVID lines show up in the CatScan they had done. Boom! More tears! How can you deny medical facts? Brown lines in my lungs! Are You Kidding ME! NO, no kidding! but I was ready faster this time, The Lord is in control, this is not a surprise to Him, He's the Lord of each mountain I've climbed, He has carried me when I could not walk myself....Walk in Faith, not by sight, brown lines do no matter to Him! I am the healed! Pull up Strength and Courage! I have realized now that when you
have those first two, Peace is the natural by-product.
The Lord has revealed so much of Himself to me through these three mountain climbing experiences and through the people, He has brought to me. People have prayed for me, I have prayed for them, these are not chance encounters. We are entering a season and battle that we are going to be needing each other in a whole new way. We need to be prepared to pray for our brothers and sisters that are just passing through our lives, not just the people we've to know our whole lives. Pray Strength and Courage for each other! Do not fear, the Lord's Kingdom needs your participation! You were created for such a time as this!
This is not just about are you going to Heaven, this is about whether you are completing the assignments you've been given! Go into all the world and make disciples! Yes, we want people saved, but then Jesus said to make disciples! He didn't say come be saved, He said behold the Kingdom of God is at hand! We have been given so much of His authority to walk in, but it is according to our Faith, Faith is a free gift from God, ask for more of it! He will strengthen your faith and you will need to take it and grow in it! You will need to be available to walk in it! But if you want to carry the authority to change the world you will have to live and breathe it daily!
Faith Walk!