Friday, December 30, 2011


Why do we envy others when good things happen to them? Aren't we supposed to have pleasure when they have pleasure or happiness?
Romans 12:14-16 Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Romans 13

    Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.
  Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For this, “YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, YOU SHALL NOT MURDER, YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, YOU SHALL NOT COVET,” and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
   Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Romans 11

This is my reading for today. I've been reading Romans for quite a few days now, there is so much meat in it that it takes a lot of chewing!

Israel Is Not Cast Away
      I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be! For I too am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew. Or do you not know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel? “Lord, THEY HAVE KILLED YOUR PROPHETS, THEY HAVE TORN DOWN YOUR ALTARS, AND I ALONE AM LEFT, AND THEY ARE SEEKING MY LIFE.” But what is the divine response to him? “I HAVE KEPT for Myself SEVEN THOUSAND MEN WHO HAVE NOT BOWED THE KNEE TO BAAL.” In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.
      What then? What Israel is seeking, it has not obtained, but those who were chosen obtained it, and the rest were hardened; just as it is written,
And David says,
      I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous. Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be! But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, if somehow I might move to jealousy my fellow countrymen and save some of them. For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? If the first piece of dough is holy, the lump is also; and if the root is holy, the branches are too.
      But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either. Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off. And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree?
      For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in;
and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written,
From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all.
      Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, OR WHO BECAME HIS COUNSELOR? Or WHO HAS FIRST GIVEN TO HIM THAT IT MIGHT BE PAID BACK TO HIM AGAIN? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Do You Think? Posted by Lorna

     Do you think becoming parents is a part of life that helps us to fully understand our relationship with God? It has helped me to understand the ache He has watching His children's lives, actions and choices, wanting all of the best for us, watching us make choices in our lives, good and bad, watching us wander far from Him, watching us finally realize the value of our relationship with Him and drawing back close to Him.
     I know there are some children that always make the right choices, they never wander far and always value the role their parents play in their lives, but that is not the case with all children. Some children do not have parents and some have parents that are the ones making bad decisions, but I'm considering the people that have walked paths like myself or are in the process of walking it out.
     I have been one of the children that my Heavenly Father watched go through life, living what I thought was "my life", making my choices and never considering all of the people affected by it or that I could have wisdom and guidance from my parents and my Heavenly Father just by the asking. I mostly made not horrible choices, but some bad ones! I went my own way marrying who I chose, as my parents and God watched from the sideline. I didn't seek their wisdom or advice as I could have or should have. Now I watch my children go through life with no counsel requested and my heart yearns to share wisdom with them, but unasked for wisdom becomes the sound of criticism.
     As young adults we exult in the freedom we have to run free through the pleasures that life has to offer. Our friends and our own lives become more important than the older "out of touch" generation. We don't want to have anything hinder us in our pursuit of making our own choices and decisions, so off we go, to marry, to find jobs, buy houses, cars, have children, as the old saying goes "to make our own beds". If we took time to ask for advice and truly consider it, would our bed be more comfortable when we have to "lie in it"? If we did seek God's will, is it not more likely there would be less divorce, fewer abused children and women, less depression, less financial crises, less homelessness?  This list could go on and on, because God's will for our lives would be a life of good choices, it would be a blessing to us, to our families and society. But instead of asking for His guidance we run through life doing what we will, and He watches from the sidelines just as parents are often in a position of watching their children.
     As in my case, with a little age and maturity I have realized the great store of wisdom and knowledge that my parents have and are happy to share. I have been able to draw close to my parents and have a more full life. I long for the day my own children will draw close and seek my counsel, just as the Lord waits for His children to turn to Him. Each generation seems to wander and eventually finds it's own way back to its roots, parents and Heavenly Father.
      Life would be easier and the "bed made" would be more comfortable with the wisdom of the previous generation, and with the guidance of seeking and following His perfect will. Unfortunately the pattern for the majority of people seems to be going their own way and struggling through life and wondering where God is in "all of this"? He is on the sideline, waiting as any good parent, for the time when we finally recognize our need for Him, for His guidance, for His will. He is waiting for us to gain enough experience of going our own way to recognize that we need to ask Him for His wisdom.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Creation Groans posted by Lorna

     I've been reading in Romans for quite a while now, there is so much teaching and training packed into these verses! It seems as I read a verse there are about 3 things I need to absorb or assimilate .
     This week I've been working on absorbing the part that creation has in scripture. I have always tended to just think that it is there for us to walk on or to use for our purpose, but in Romans 8 it seems there is more to creation than I've understood before!

Creation waits:
Creation is eager:
Creation is expectant:

     Romans 8:19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

Creation has a will:
     Romans 8:20 Against its will, all creation was subjected to God's curse.~~

Creation has hope:
Creation looks forward:
Creation will be glorified:
Creation will be free from death and decay:
Creation will join the children of God:
     Romans 8:21 But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God's children in glorious freedom from death and decay.

Creation is groaning:
     Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

     My mind is a little resistant to absorb all of this. It is amazing to look at the birds at my feeder and understand that they also are groaning and eagerly looking forward to Jesus' return. The trees, the sky, the clouds, the animals~ all of this is His creation and it is all eagerly looking forward to His return.

PS It makes me want to walk lightly through God's creation, not causing damage but a building up of the things that are in travail with us.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bucket List

What is on your "Bucket List"? I was considering this morning that we tend to put things on our list that truly have no value, when we leave this Earth will it matter if we climbed the highest mountain or tasted the most delectable dishes? Wouldn't it maybe be better to have things on our Bucket List such as: 1. A clear conscience. 2. Forgiven anyone who has done wrong to us 3. Helped everyone that it has been in our power to help ..... these are just for beginners, I'm sure you have some ideas to add of your own~ but really, when we move on, how much better to have lived a life of integrity than of self indulgence?

Saturday, December 3, 2011


     Lane is off to work now and the chickadees are crowding the bird feeder. It's cool and rainy and I'm glad to be home by the fire of the candle~ =} The Christmas tree is getting decorated slowly, one thing at a time. First Lane set it up and put the lights on, now I've put some garland on and I'm getting ready to put some ornaments, but with it just being him and me we can go at the pace that works for us!
      Lane has started his second round of classes, they go for 10 weeks, then 2 to 3 weeks break and then back to classes again. I think he's really enjoying this second bunch more than the first. He has 4 classes, that repeat a second time during the week. Like he has he has the theology of Luke on Wednesday and then again on Friday. So he has 2 classes on Tuesday that repeat on Thursday, then 2 on Wednesday that repeat on Friday. I'm probably giving more detail here than is really interesting! but maybe it let's you see his schedule a little. He's a pretty busy guy.
      During his break from school he took me down to Oklahoma to visit family, I really miss family! It was nice to get to see everyone and grab some hugs while I could. We still have just the one granddaughter and I imagine it will stay that way for awhile, so she is the apple of our eyes! It's always wonderful to get to hug and kiss her sweet little face.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Feathers posted by Lorna

     I don't know if this happens to many other people, but I know that I find feathers in ways that lets me know that they are not a coincidence!
     I used to enjoy finding feathers when I was a child on a walk through the woods, those times seem pretty normal to find feathers. But now feathers appear when and where I least expect them. 
     I have opened my bible which is enclosed in a zippered leather case, and a feather floats out. I've had some dark clothing hanging over the shower curtain and I know there was no feather on them! Yet when I went back to collect them to put in the closet, there is a bright white feather stuck into the fabric. One night I pulled back the bedspread to go to bed and there was a feather laying on the sheet in my place. One day sitting in my recliner reading a book, I looked down and there was the tiniest feather I've ever seen in my life laying on my blouse, it was less than half the size of a pinkie fingernail(I still have that feather and some of the others, I've started collecting them now) it was multicolored and so amazing in its tininess(I thought it must be a hummingbird feather, but this was when I was living out at the farm in Oklahoma and not feeding any hummingbirds, no hummers around me)! Yesterday I came home to find a soft fluffy feather on the computer mouse pad laying by the mouse and just now as I walked through the room there was another soft white feather laying in the middle of the living room floor. some of the feathers are white, some are multi colored, some are tiny, some large. There is no "average" to them.
     Even though my mind still tries to find explanations, my spirit tells me that the feathers are little love notes from God, letting me know that He's close to me, .The feathers give me joy and make my heart happy, maybe it gives God joy and makes Him happy to do this? I guess that makes it a win-win. I'm accepting that I don't have to have explanations for everything the Lord does, God is God, He can do anything! Even leave little love notes for me~ Thank You Lord!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Knowing God's Will(notes from sermon by Steve Gray)

Knowing God's Will
(as presented by Steve Gray, World Revival Church Sept. 11, 2011. This is condensing an hour long message into a short blog, please listen to the message for the complete details.

Friday, November 11, 2011

God's Will part 2 (posted on blog by Lorna)

     Previously I wrote about Paul's walk, and after reading further into Acts I'd like to add more about how we try to ascertain God's will in our own lives. I myself have followed these same things so many times, believing that God's will would be evidenced by the ease of my life or path that lay ahead and now I'm reading how the counsel of others is not even something to be considered "iron clad" evidence of the Lord's will.
     As Paul was on his travels back to Jerusalem he continually heard from other believers "don't go to Jerusalem!" Acts 21:4 And having looked up the disciples there, we remained with them for seven days. Prompted by the [Holy] Spirit, they kept telling Paul not to set foot in Jerusalem. There were many who advised him not to enter Jerusalem.
     I know sometimes situations or "Godly counsel" can indicate what God's will is for our actions, but as Paul did, we need to look to the Lord and follow His guidance first. If the rest(situations and counsel) falls in line with what our hearts have already received then we have confirmation.
     I've always believed that we want God's will in parts of our lives, but we believe He should leave the rest to us. If we aren't willing to follow His will in all things, why do we believe He is bound to show us His will in part?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Heart Song (Posted on blog by Lorna)

     I was awakened this morning to a song on the radio, the words were "there can never be a more beautiful you" and my spirit immediately turned it around to singing the words to God!
     I am home alone a lot and have the radio going most of the time (I enjoy hearing other human voices when I move around the apartment). Surprisingly or not, God has many times used a song on the christian radio station to get my attention (example this morning!).
     The main point I'm getting to is the beauty of God! I've read that the angels are always singing in heaven "Holy, Holy, Holy" and in my human way of thinking, I had envisioned God sitting on a throne and the angels were in attendance, singing to Him. I hadn't considered it a lot more than that, except (in my little human brain) to think it would be tedious
     I've recently heard a whole different concept which I'd like to put forward as more likely true! When we see something of great beauty, whether it's a piece of sparkling jewelry or fine crystal, for men it may be a new car or motorbike, we all may be captured by a flower or fall foliage by, a sunset or sunrise, a rainbow, the mountains, the ocean, a lake, a forest? There are so many things of beauty that stop us and take our notice! But when something truly turns our hearts upside down with admiration, we start "oohing and ahhing", we even have a quickening of our pulse! If we find His creation beautiful, how much more so Him?
      God is Beautiful! He is more beauty than anything we can imagine, His very presence would consume our full attention, all of our senses would be focused on Him! That's what makes the angels sing! True admiration and recognition of the wonder of Him! As He moves and the angels are able to see new facets of Him, it causes them to sing out in joy, love, admiration and reverence again and again! Ooooh, Ahhhh, Holy! Holy! Holy! There can never be a more Beautiful or Holy God! That is how my spirit heard the song this morning! "Lord, there can never be a more beautiful You!"
     Lord, there can never be a more beautiful You, but I can learn to see You more clearly and more continually, I can live in Your presence and beauty until my heart song becomes "Holy, Holy, Holy!".

Monday, November 7, 2011

God's Will? (Posted on blog by Lorna)

     We always believe that if we're headed in the direction that God wants us to go, life will be easy, everything will line up with our desires and doors will just pop open. We believe we'll have "smooth sailing".
     In my study time today I was reading in Acts 19 and 20, I love to read of Paul's actions and words. Paul was a passionate person,shown throughout his life, and gave himself completely into God's will. Paul lived and breathed to bring the truth of Jesus to people.
     If anyone could expect smooth sailing, it should have been Paul. But from the moment he met Jesus on the road to Damascus Paul's life became filled with trials, physical ailments(blindness!), distrust, beatings, accusations, debates, incarcerations, betrayals, many things that we wouldn't expect if we felt we were in God's will. The first time we were beaten, would we throw in the towel and say "well, this must not be God's will for me!"?
     One of the times Paul was beaten(Acts 14:19), the citizens believed him to be dead dragged his body out of town and left it on the dump for the dogs to eat. Would you believe you had acted in God's will if this happened to you?
     When people were wanting to beat Paul(which happened frequently) and weren't able to find him, they would take his companions and beat them! Can you imagine how many of your companions would stick with you through this? They would be denouncing you, telling you this couldn't be God's will!
     But even in his own words (Acts 20:22 written by Luke) Paul says "And now, behold, bound by the Spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit solemnly testifies to me in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions await me."
     It kind of makes you wonder where we got the idea that we should just look for "open doors" and an easy path(everything lining up), I'm not really sure when this belief system first took hold, but we can see in scripture that it isn't accurate. For us to believe that if it's God's "will" for us, things will fall into line with "our will" is a deception that must have been brought to us by the great deceiver himself. Perhaps it's just because we want to believe if we're doing what God wants us to, everything will be easy?
     Where does this leave us? It leaves us with a choice, to do God's will whether it's easy or not, whether we see great rewards on earth or not. Our reward should simply be walking with God, living in His will! Our lives are incomplete without Him, we are only shells of what we are able to be when filled with His Holy Spirit!
     When we walk in our own wills we may find an easier path, and even more earthly rewards. And sometimes God's path will bring us these things, but if our goal is simply to walk an easy path we should not try to claim that we're doing this because it's God's will, if truly it's just that it is our own desires.
     I encourage you, seek His will, walk in His will, easy or not, it leads to a completeness in Him that you can find in no other source.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Personal Rant~ =} Posted on blog by Lorna

     People always want God to speak to them, when do they give Him time to speak? While we're hurrying down the freeway? While we're busy text messaging? While we're busy working? While we're in the store buying more "stuff"? While we're busy gossiping with friends? While we're staring at the TV, computer or in some way entertaining ourselves? Maybe we think the short prayer to thank Him for our food(if we take a moment to do that?) should be enough time for Him to speak up? Or if we start our day with a Good Morning Lord!, then grab our clothes, should He interrupt that process? Maybe while we're busying talking to our families, sharing instructions or schedules? Maybe when we take a moment to say "Thank You for today Lord!" then doze off at night? Should He keep us awake to talk to us then? Maybe He should write it across the sky so we can just read it while we're running to the next event? When exactly do you figure God is supposed to have time to talk to us? When do we take time to listen?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I've Been A Prodigal Daughter by L K Mercer

I have been a prodigal daughter in my walk with the Lord.
     I lived a christian life for a very long time. Regular church activities like Bible studies, Christian conferences and seminars, Sunday school classes, both teaching and attending, volunteering time at church, Vacation Bible School activities, Christmas programs, Easter programs, you name it and I was there. But then in a few short years my life was turned upside down. I went from being a homeschooling mother who had stayed at home for about 13 years to a woman on her own and looking for a job!
     I was very happy as a homemaking, homeschooling, homesteader (see the "home" trend?). But after years of doing the things I thought I should be doing as a Christian, life intruded with what I thought were a few "injustices" and sent me on a "running away from God" path. The things that "intruded" were linked to the men in my life at that time and peeled away all of the protective structures God has placed in a woman's life.
     First my father developed Alzheimer's at the age of 70. My mother and I took him to several doctors trying to get treatment or slow the process which were unsuccessful. Within a short amount of time my father no longer recognized me. He knew he had a daughter named Lorna but he didn't recognize me as that person. This terrible disease lasted 7 years.
     During this very painful process with my father, my husband (at that time) developed an "Anxiety Disorder". We sought treatment for the anxiety through medical avenues and then counseling, nothing was successful.  I realized how out of control the anxiety was when we were on a camping trip in Colorado(we had taken the same trip every summer for about 10 years in a row). During the camping trip there was a rainstorm that came in overnight. My husband was terrified that our tent would blow down during the night and we would die from hypothermia. While that may sound like a reasonable fear, you need to realize this was in July, and there was a campground full of RVs and other campers in tents. At that time I assured him if the tent blew down, we could get in our vehicle and turn the heater on.
      From this point there seemed to be no stopping the out of control emotions he was experiencing. My husband began to blame me for every thing that had ever gone wrong in his life (which I've been told is a normal process for a person with an "Anxiety Disorder"). He became more angry and unhappy with me, every thing I did or didn't do appeared wrong to him. Nothing stopped the extreme agitation that I caused in his thinking process. His anxiety was so extreme he feared going to work, afraid he would not be able to complete the job he had been doing for over 20 years. He was so unhappy with me that I suggested that we separate to give space to both of us, I really hoped that given more space, he might be able to see how unrealistic his thinking was. The space that it gave us only intensified his anger. To relieve his anxiety over being responsible for me he filed for divorce. Shortly after the passing of my father was the passing of my marriage. When our divorce was final it ended my marriage of over 20 years.
     The third man to be eliminated from my life was my spiritual father. My spiritual father was the minister who had baptized me and led our church for so many years. He had been my minister all of my Christian life, I respected and loved this man and valued his teaching greatly. He passed on a short few months after my father.
      In addition, it was very awkward for the people at church to deal with my divorce, our church leadership strongly disagreed with divorce, and my then ex-husband created an untrue image of me that he spread to listeners. I didn't attempt to defend myself, believing that Jesus' example of not defending himself was the best path to follow. I truly thought that people that had known me for so long would "know the truth", but he was very convincing and relentless and they listened to him. After all of my time, energy and devotion committed to this group I felt betrayed and abandoned.
     This is when I became a prodigal daughter and ran! I could claim temporary insanity or something, but now in retrospect I believe I blamed God. I do remember thinking that after I had tried to do everything "good" that I deserved better than this! What a wrong way to look at life! When I should have been burrowing deeper into my heavenly Father I ran from Him!
     It has been a long road back to Him, with many ups and downs, twists and turns. I would advise against anyone else running away from Him. Not everyone that runs makes it back! I am so thankful to be back in an intimate fellowship with my Protector and Provider. Even when others are stripped away, or "especially" when others are taken from us we need to lean into Him even more completely. Maybe I had to have others stripped away so I could stand before Him with no "insulation"? Maybe I needed to learn to not look to my own "works" for my salvation? Now it's Him and me, nobody in between! Thank You Lord for restoring my life in You! and even when hard times come in life, as they always do, I'm never running away again!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Am I Kermit? Are you Kermit? by L K Mercer

     I had a dream last night that I want to document. I've been told that I should be writing down all of my dreams but I'm not able to remember them all. I imagine a lot of people say "I don't dream", I went through a period in my life where I didn't even remember having dreams either, but now I know I have dreamed and am able to remember some and some not.
     This dream stood out to me in a way there was a lesson to be learned. I was in a park where people walked and road bicycles except it was in the evening and there weren't many people out at that time. I had my bicycle and I was going to ride i home, Lane had been with me but he had gone somewhere else with the understanding that I was tired and going back to the house.
     The ride back to the house turned out to be all uphill. As I was riding I saw two Asian children playing together sharing a ball and having fun. There was a little boy and a little girl, the boy stopped playing and came to give me a push up the hill, the girl kind of balked at the idea but the boy said I needed help. He pushed my bike with me on it up the incline until we reached the parameter of their play area, then I told him "Thank you, kind Sir!" he kind of shrugged his shoulders, smiled and said "you're welcome, ...(I could tell English wasn't his main language and he was looking for the right word) ...Kermit?" It made me laugh as I thought of myself with wimpy arms and legs like Kermit!
      After he ran back to his sister I had to push the bike, the incline was way too steep for me to ride the bike up. I pushed the bike further and came to a  drinking faucet, I was really thirsty by now and wanted a drink. At the faucet was an American woman and her children, the children had so many toys scattered around the water faucet I had to climb over them to get to it. I was pushing plastic cars, trikes, tables and all kinds of things out the way. As I was climbing over everything another person came along, dressed in the sleek, tight clothing of a serious biker, they had a water bottle and I let them go ahead of me, they climbed over the toys and got their bottle refilled and were on their way. I was grumbling and wondering why this woman didn't have her children move their toys, but it was as if she was oblivious to anyone or anything other than her children. The children weren't even playing with the mountain of toys, they were whining and climbing around her where she sat on the bench close by. The dream faded away at this point and this is what I remember. Sometimes parts of dreams float back to you at weird times but this is what I have now, if more floats back, I'll add it.

I have found several lessons in this dream:
  • 1. People shouldn't be categorized by their race. (I know I should have already had that one, but a lot of times in life I have had it, then life events cause me to put tags on a group and I have to be reminded to consider everyone as individuals)
  • 2. American culture has become spoiled and self centered, not caring for others as we should. (Being careful here not to put a "tag" on all Americans, but a majority are tied up in their own little worlds and not considerate of others, you can drive down the roads in American cities and see this displayed so sadly!)
  • 3. Children don't want/need possessions as much as they need training and their parents attention. The Asian children were happy with just the ball and each other.
  • 4. If I seriously want to run the race, I better get into some serious training or I'm going to be to weak to do it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Have You Been Growing? by L K Mercer

     I used to see myself simply as a "child of God". I would like to suggest that if that had remained my only view I would miss an important part of the relationship we all should be walking and growing in with our Heavenly Father, we ought also to see ourselves as "bond servants"*.
     In scripture Jesus' disciples called themselves "bond servants"(example: Romans 1:1 Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus), they had been purchased with Jesus' blood and accepted the salvation that they were not able to buy for themselves, (Jesus posted the bond for them!) that put them into debt to the Lord.
     If we only focus on being "children of God" we run the chance of becoming extremely "spoiled" and/or "stunted" in our growth. Our expectations become the ones of children who refuse to grow up and move out of their parents household, we run the risk of becoming needy and demanding.
     As "bond servants" we're still dependant on our Heavenly Father, but we are doing 'His will' instead of our own, our strength will grow and we will desire to please Him. In our life as a Christian we should continue growing, learning and becoming stronger.
     We start as children and grow into the bond servants that are walking in the path our Heavenly Father has desired for us. We are doing the work He has set apart for us! What a glorious thing to be able to live and walk in God's will and accomplish His work! We are then living His will, not our own. We are then not held back as stunted children, but we are pressing forward as His bond servants!

*The term bond servant comes from the word dulos And is defined as:
1. a slave, bondman, man of servile condition
2. one who gives himself up to another's will those whose service is used by Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men, and
3. devoted to another to the disregard of one's own interests.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's Wrong With June Cleaver? by L K Mercer

     Recently I heard a sermon delivered by a woman that I respect, however she did say one thing I take exception with. She claimed "I'm not June Cleaver!" to the applause of the crowd she was speaking to. What I would like to ask now is "What's wrong with June Cleaver?". I think the women of that generation have been maligned and disrespected long enough. Those women were amazing and the world was a better place for them. They were there to greet their children when they came home from school, they were there to welcome their husbands coming home from work. They were THERE!
     I didn't grow up in that kind of home and for a large part of my life I haven't been able to be that type of woman, but I can definitely see the benefits from their lives! The families were stable, there wasn't such a large need of counselors, there wasn't so much violence, there wasn't such an issue with obesity, there weren't so many unplanned pregnancies and I'm sure if I looked into it I could find many more positives that this type of woman made to society.
     Yes, I always hear that families can't get by without two incomes "these days". Why do you think that is true? Maybe they would be able to get by with one income if the value was placed on the family instead of what the family purchased? Does the second income actually purchase a better life or does it purchase another car, more cellphones, more clothing, more electronics, more fast food, more gasoline for the extra cars and extra activities, more insurance to cover all of the extra "treasures"? I don't believe the extra income actually is "extra" if you put all of the extra expenses in a ledger to support it and I don't believe the things it is used to justify enriches our lives in anyway.
     I believe the "June Cleavers" were actually a pillar in our society that were underrated and under appreciated. Unfortunately we'll probably never be able to recover from the loss of them in our society. Our women have been given a role model now of a super woman that is able to balance family and job that does not exist in reality. Women today are encouraged to throw themselves on the alter of  "mammon", sacrificing not only themselves but the stability of their families, marriages and finally society.
     Once again I ask you, "What's wrong with June Cleaver"?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

God's Word by L K Mercer

When we don't read scripture for ourselves, we are easily lead astray. Even when we do read we need to ask for God to reveal His word to us, but at least we won't be taken down a path that is merely someone else's interpretation. Don't be satisfied to simply listen to a sermon, spend time in the word, get to know the fathers, the prophets, the disciples, the apostles...let God speak to you through the history of those who have gone before us. God's word is inspired, it never goes out of date, it is new each time you read and meditate. Let it be alive through you, and you alive through it~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When We Are In God And God Is In Us by L K Mercer

     I would like to share an idea that has been in the back of my mind for awhile now.
     While we were still living in Tulsa, God put the desire to fast on my heart and Lane joined me. We shared a fast of 3 days and I was truly looking forward to my prayer time at the end of the fast! I knew it was going to be really special. 
     On the morning when it was time to break my fast I put praise music on, sat in my corner of the world at that time and started praying. I had a very personal time with the Lord, my heart was eagerly seeking Him and He responded. I felt the Lord touch me, it was such a wondrous feeling, unimaginable and extremely hard to describe. I felt as though the Lord's Spirit merged within me, it was the most complete, languid, satisfying experience ever. I realized as the feeling receded that we humans totally unaware of what we're doing, are trying to create that feeling artificially. The many addictions that people become involved in are our feeble attempt at trying to capture the complete feeling that we're really only able to find in God.  When we are in God and God is in us, we are complete! Anything less leaves us with a need that we throw many things at, trying to fill. Our only satisfaction and completion will be found in Him, this doesn't sound like a difficult concept, does it? Yet we spend most of our time, energy and money chasing temporary fixes for the emptiness within us. I challenge you, throw everything you have into Him and see if you don't find the fullness you've been yearning for!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Turn Back by L K Mercer

     The United States citizens are being stiff necked and forcing the Lord to retract His protection. He has blessed us to the point that we have forgotten Him and our dependency on Him. We live in the lap of luxury compared to many other nations, yet we focus more and more on ourselves, as a spoiled child would do, demanding more and more of our wants be met, instead of turning and worshipping the One that has so blessed us.
     Tonight I was awakened to plead mercy for the United States people, yet even in my own heart I see the wrong turn of our thoughts, our wants, our lives, our actions. Still I pleaded for mercy, for the Lord to withhold justice and instead give the people conviction of the mistakes they are making and living. Conviction strong enough to make changes in their paths! We are the ones that put a loving God in the position of having to lift His protection, we are the ones that are strong willed and go our own ways, living out our wants, no matter the consequences and then when the repercussions take place we turn around and say "No Fair! How could a loving God let that happen in our world?" I am not claiming perfection or complete innocence in my own life, I have reaped plenty of things that I have sown that were huge mistakes, so I am speaking from experience and also from God's word.
     We in America know what 9/11 is, but do we know what Isaiah 9:11 is? Isaiah has prophetic words written to Israel(God's chosen people). We now are God's people also, we have been grafted in thus these words speak to us as well. Isaiah was delivering words to Israel to turn to God or they would face having His blessing and covering removed. It is chilling to read Isaiah 9:11 "Therefore the LORD raises against them adversaries from Rezin And spurs their enemies on". The importance of these words and this verse is that our leaders (John Edwards, Tom Daschle and President Obama) proclaimed Isaiah 9:10 “The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with smooth stones; The sycamores have been cut down, But we will replace them with cedars.” over our country after the destruction at the World Trade Center. When we should have been turning to the Lord in prayer, we (as a nation) spoke in arrogance and stated all of the things "we" would do, just as Israel did before they were given over to their enemies.
     Our founding fathers dedicated our country to God, we have been so blessed because of that dedication. Now we have turned to our own ways and we have become arrogant and unless we are convicted (collectively) and turn back to God we will face untold trials as justice is allowed to take place. We will be left to our own ways and then we will turn and blame God? We are the ones that have "gone our own way" why not confess our sins, beg for mercy and live a life devoted to the one that has made us?
    **Since proclaiming Isaiah 9:10 over the United States, John Edwards and Tom Daschle have already fallen in disgrace from their positions of great authority in our Nation.**

Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's Dance! by L K Mercer

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47

      If we had continued in this way, we would have taken the world for God by now! Why did we stop? Where is our unity? What happened to our "awe"? What happened to our "glad and sincere hearts"? We can always point our finger in many directions, but maybe we should check the mirror first? Do I have a "glad and sincere heart"? Do I live with "awe"? Do I give without holding back?
     What do you think? This isn't an impossible dream or goal, it did happen and it's what is our ancestry as Christians, if we still lived this way, people wouldn't use the title "Christian" as a derogatory title! They would want to join us! Let's get back to what we are supposed to do, we were called to worship, prayer and fellowship! If we were truly dancing in God's fields of grace, the world would definitely want to join us! Let's do it! Let's Dance!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Gentle, the Rude and the Great Awakenings By James W Goll

James W. Goll
In the book The Call of the Elijah Revolution, which I coauthored with Lou Engle, I speak of three stages and types of the overall awakening. We can see these three awakenings – the gentle, the rude and the great – in world events and Church history as well as in the Bible.
Gentle Awakening
If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you will know that the past twenty years or so have been marked with a growing awareness of God's desire for intimacy with His people. God's awakening process has taken the form of outpourings of His Spirit that are designed to help people fall in love with Him. These outpourings have been called "The River," or "The Father's Blessing," or simply "Renewal" – or even "Revival." People across the earth have experienced God's presence first-hand and have grown in their freedom to love and laugh and enjoy the goodness of the Lord.
Within the same time frame, an intercessory prayer movement of unprecedented proportions has risen up, one which shows no signs of waning. It has taken many forms, from multiple prayer-oriented ministries such as 24/7, "harp and bowl," worship and intercession, the Global Day of Prayer, to simple, faithful, individual prayer and fasting to name a few. Our ministry hosts an Internet-based Global Prayer Storm where people around the world enter into "The Hour That Changes the World." Christians, especially those in the Pentecostal / Charismatic / Third-wave segment of the Church, have been awakened by their loving Father and are now devoted to "keeping watch" night and day.
This prophetic restoration has come in on the heels of the restoration of evangelism as an important task of the Church. Each of these – prayer, prophecy, evangelism – are aspects of God's gentle awakening.
Alongside signs of revival in the Church, we have seen many developments among the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. Messianic Jewish congregations are multiplying, even within the nation of Israel, and unprecedented waves of immigration from all over the world have swelled the population of that country.
Historically, the Jewish people have experienced waves of revival in terms of coming to faith in Jesus as the Messiah. The first waves, of course, were captured in the first chapters of the book of Acts. In more recent history, in the 1880s through 1900 (prior to World War I), a new wave hit Europe; some say that as many as 100,000 Jewish people came to faith.
Between 1967 and 1975 (at the same time that Jerusalem was being re-established under Jewish control), the charismatic renewal, which gave rise to many of the developments I mentioned just above, was burgeoning all over the world. This charismatic Jesus revolution scooped up many Jewish people across America. That's when Jews for Jesus and other similar organizations were born, proclaiming, "Yeshua is alive!" The news was met with skepticism for sure, but a number of people, especially young people, became His disciples. Messianic leaders, "fathers," if you will, rose up in fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6 (NKJV):
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."
Not only did the "fathers" rise up, but the "children" took hold of the covenant that God had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as they learned how to honor the patriarchs.
In the early 1980s, the nation of Israel experienced a minor revival – which was major for those days. Perhaps fifty to eighty thousand Jewish people became Believers in Yeshua as the Messiah. Subsequent to that, in the early 1990s, significant parts of the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine and Belarus) saw stirrings and awakenings. Thousands of "people from the land of the north" emigrated to Israel. Wave upon wave of Jews have come (to faith, and/or to the Land), and they keep coming. While the exact meaning remains a mystery, Revelation 7:4 gives a specific number, 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel, who will be "sealed." The fruit of that sealing is portrayed in subsequent verses:
"Behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, 'Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb'" (Revelation 7:9-10).
The plan is underway. Gradually and gently, the Jewish people have begun to wake up. Gentile Believers have been waking up too, becoming aware of their responsibilities toward their Jewish brethren even as they become yoked with God's agenda. They have learned that praying for Israel means tapping into God's purposes for the nations of the earth. World revival is coming and so is the Lord Himself – and all of it is connected to the Jewish people. Each of us has a role to play. We have to wake up to the global realities even as we act locally in obedience to the Holy Spirit.
These developments are part of what I am calling the "gentle awakening" where He woos His people. In His kindness and mercy, God wants to restore people to righteousness and true life. When they don't respond to His repeated, gentle overtures, He – still because of his kindness and mercy – resorts to what I call "a rude awakening."
Rude Awakening
When people turn their faces to the wall and refuse to wake up to the Lord's gentler awakenings, they set themselves up to be shaken awake, rudely. Central to the Lord's awakenings is holiness. The prophet Amos described how He drops His plumb line to see how the obedience of His people measures up.
Thus He showed me, and behold, the Lord was standing by a vertical wall with a plumb line in His hand. The Lord said to me, "What do you see, Amos?" And I said, "A plumb line." Then the Lord said, "Behold I am about to put a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel. I will spare them no longer. The high places of Isaac will be desolated and the sanctuaries of Israel laid waste. Then I will rise up against the house of Jeroboam with the sword." Amos 7:7-9
When God's plumb line, which is His absolutely perfect standard of righteousness, exposes how sinful people are, He begins to set off alarms to get their attention. This can entail much shaking and quaking, often quite literally. Natural disasters fall into the category of rude awakenings, as do terrorist attacks and wars.
God wants to wake up as many people as possible in time for the global great awakening that lies in the near future. Time is growing too short for a merciful God to wait for everybody to respond to His gentle awakenings.
Rude awakenings often are not pleasant. In fact, they can feel like one disaster after another. And yet they can be effective. Rude awakenings drive people to their knees in surrender to their sovereign Lord. People repent, which is another way of saying they begin to line up with that divine plumb line.
Where Israel is concerned, the rude awakening can be used to drive people back to their ancestral land. It can give them a new heart a "heart of flesh," to replace the old, stony heart of blind disbelief.
This is truly "life from the dead" for the Jewish people and for the world (see Romans 11:15). It will precede the greatest awakening of all time and the final return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
The whole world is gripped in a war. Some, speaking prophetically of the days in which we live, term it "World War III." It's a war of terror and jihad in which radical Islam is out to destroy the West, including Israel. Threats are credible. Violent death occurs daily. And yet most Westerners are quite comfortable, relatively unaware of the situation and, for the most part, unaffected by it. They ignore the defiant threats of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the late Osama bin Laden while they concern themselves with personal matters.
This world war touches every continent. It features human rights abuses, genocide, corruption, and overt hatred, which are, more often than not, clothed in religious terminology. It's a spiritual war with physical manifestations. Now hear me out: It's going to get worse. The right response is not fatalism or denial, it's prayer, and lots of it. Pray for protection and relief, and don't forget to focus sharply on the real goal – awakening. Nobody should sleep through such a rude awakening. It's time to wake up! Why? Because God declares it is also going to get better! The dark will get darker and then light will shine and penetrate this temporary present darkness!
Global Great Awakening
On the other side of the gentle and rude awakenings lies the greatest awakening of all time! This awakening will affect all people, because it is the prelude to the climax of the ages, the return of Jesus/Yeshua, Christ and Messiah. No one knows fully what this awakening will look like.
But we do know how to prepare for it. What should our preparations look like? For starters, they should include a response to the voice of God, whether His voice is an inaudible whisper or He is shouting through our pain (to paraphrase C. S. Lewis).
Having gotten their attention, God is calling to action a large number of Believers across the earth. These Christians are radical. They have heard His call to become modern-day Nazirite. They are single-minded and single-hearted, sold out to the task of reclaiming a lost world for the Kingdom of God. Disregarding the high personal price, they have banded together and are willing to live sacrificially and to pray and fast and take a stand for righteousness and revival.
The goal of their prayers is the ultimate awakening of Israel. "All Israel will be saved; just as it is written, 'The Deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove ungodliness from Jacob'" (Romans 11:26). The second part of that passage is quoted from the prophet Isaiah, who wrote, "'A Redeemer will come to Zion, and to those who turn from transgression in Jacob,' declares the Lord" (Isaiah 59:20).
The prophets pointed to this. Jeremiah wrote (31:34): "...'They will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,' declares the Lord, 'for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.'"
This is a final awakening, a pronouncement of the story to God's chosen people, the Jewish people. The last days are upon us. Whether you're a Gentile or a Jew, wake up. Don't miss the Day of His manifested presence and His soon-coming!
May Jesus be exalted in all things!
James W. Goll
Encounters Network • PrayerStorm • Compassion Acts

Available on Elijah List at

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lesson From My Deck by L K Mercer

This last spring there were some beautiful petunias at the store, some were a vibrant purple and some a delicate shell pink with tinges of a deeper pink. I couldn't choose so I bought both colors and brought them home to plant. I enjoyed them on our deck with the colors a cheerful accent to the green of the trees across the lake. One day I looked out to see the whole plant wilted and no flowers! Checking closer there were about six big, fat, ugly worms eating away! I pulled the worms off and through them over the edge of the deck to their own fate. In one short night they had eaten over fifty percent of the plant and it was pathetic. I have been watering the plant now(for about two months), with little hope of it even surviving. I had started to pull the plants out and put something else in the pot to grow, but the plants still had a little(very little!) life in them and I didn't have the heart to deny them a chance at survival and yet here it is again blooming! It has happened so slowly that I hardly even noticed that it was blooming until there were several beautiful flowers.  There are so many thoughts available in this one example I don't want to even limit the lessons learned from this one example by encompassing it with my thoughts and words. Okay, just one thought, from despair and little hope to blossoms and beauty! Okay, one more, faithfulness (keep watering) and results!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Praising God!

     I used to see God in the glory of the sunrise and sunsets, and in the majesty of the mountains but now, He's everywhere! I watch the little ants running to the "treasure" they've found and then back to their home to stash it away, never even aware of me looming over them! How much they are like people in our world! I've watched them and compared them in my meditations, they are so oblivious to me even being in "their" area, just as many people live their lives oblivious to God's presence and I wondered what God could see in us?
     In church yesterday we were singing praises, I was singing and meditating on the greatness of God, many times in instances like that, God communicates with me. This time He flashed a picture of all of those "ants" stopping in their race to gather goodies and turning in one accord and bowing(as all of the people were doing in praise), He said "See, this is why I love people". When we take time to stop our race, to praise God, to focus on Him, we become irresistible! He loves our praises!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's a good day!

     It's a good day. Sometimes it's a challenge to see the good in the situation for me, I know some people are always praising God, but even in scripture it says to embrace our trials. So yes, some days are trials! I am one of those people that have a balance that seems easily shaken(I know being easily shaken is not a good way to be, and I long to grow more stable, however this is my current state of being), Lane is pretty well balanced all of the time! How does he do it?! I've wondered why God created hormones, mosquitoes, ticks and mean people! and a few other things, but that's a whole 'nother topic. I never know if I'm off balance because of hormones, sugar intake, lack of sleep, wrong focus, or what, but it does me make thankful for days like today when everything seems lined up well! Thank You Lord!
     We have survived Lane's first week of school and he is already being stretched and me too! I think it's good I'm not in the classes, they encourage you to "not" ask questions and I thrive on asking questions. We are to become like children and do you know of many healthy children that aren't questioning everything? So, I wonder how well I would do in a class where you're supposed to be seen and not heard, that's the setting I grew up in and I'm so thankful that I did learn to be considerate of others, however in a learning environment I would want the freedom to question. The questions aren't the issue stretching Lane, it's more the schedule!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bear Fruit! Bring Glory to God~ John 15:4-8

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
  “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. John 15:4-8

     I asked my Lord how I can bear fruit, my world is very limited right now? He told me there is a season for all things. He doesn't expect to see fruit in the fall and winter, but when the spring comes followed by summer, there should be fruit aplenty! Sometimes we have to wait and that isn't always easy to do, but if we abide in Him and He abides in us, then we can trust and wait. It will happen in the right time.
     I've recently heard a message from our pastor, that most people that are suffering from depression are "out of God's will". I believe that and have done the same thing myself, but sometimes when you're out of God's will, it's hard to find your way back. Stop, ask, listen and then follow, you may have to ask more than once, but most likely you'll have to learn to listen. He will bring you back and then you will be part of the vine and then in your season, the fruit will be there.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Let's Go! (Sept 4, 2011)

Wow, what a beautiful day! It revives the spirit to have a day this beautiful! Windows open, cool breeze, hummers busy at the feeder, ripples dancing across the lake with the sun casting shining reflections! Geese flying overhead inviting with their honks to join them in their trek south~ my spirit dances within me and says let's go!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Choose life! (Deut 30:19)

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live ... Deut 30:19 (this is one of the verses noted to myself in the flyleaf of my bible)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What to write!

I've found that it can be challenging to write when I actually have an audience! I have written a journal for myself for years, that was much easier! Now when I write I wonder what someone will think about the different statements or ideas I post, but if I'm going to keep posting anything I'm going to have to go back to the journal style, as if I'm just writing my thoughts for no special intended audience. I realize that everyone is on a different level of existence and understanding. It would be impossible to write something that appeals to everyone. If you find something here that you enjoy, I'm glad, if not, I regret it, but at least it didn't waste a great deal of your time, most of my posts are fairly short! =}

Warrior's Prayer

     I'm not saying that I walk in victory everyday, but I do find this prayer to help me overcome an unseen force that wants to hold me back either through emotions, thoughts or even physical pain. I've been reading this prayer every morning for a few weeks now and it is making a change in my life.
     Please try reading it daily, even if you can't focus on all of the words, I read it out loud in the room because there is an unseen enemy that needs to hear it as well as declaring it for yourself and to God. Lane ordered this somewhere online for me, so I'm not claiming credit for it, but now him and I both are reading it every morning.
     Recently I was going through a real battle with depression and tears(I didn't even know what I was depressed about or why the tears were rolling out of my eyes), but the first thought I had in the morning was a negative thought, something to the effect of "another long, empty, pointless day"....see how that is from the enemy? That thought held me in bed, until this prayer came back to mind!
     After reading it for a couple of weeks now, I could kind of hit some of the high points, and was able to repeat parts of it, touching on each part of the armor. Now my goal is to keep the idea of it with me throughout the day. Every time a negative thought hits me, I'm pulling out a part of the Warrior's prayer that applies (this will be a challenge, I'm assailed with negative thoughts).
     If this is an issue for you as well, please, just for an experiment, try reading this prayer out loud every morning for a few weeks, but when the battle against you intensifies, don't stop, that's when you need to repeat it again. This morning I awoke, had a few negative fleeting thoughts, repeated it to myself as best as I could while still laying on the bed and shortly found myself telling my Lord, Thank You for this day that You've made, this day that You've given me to live in Your glory! What a difference from laying there thinking "why get up?"!
(it might be good to print or copy it off and keep it where you will see it each morning? I keep my copy with my bible that I read each morning)

Warrior's Prayer

Heavenly Father,
Your warrior prepares for battle.
Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on
the whole armor of God!

I put on the Girdle of Truth!
May I stand firm in the truth of Your Word
so I will not be a victim of Satan's lies.

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness!
May it guard my heart from evil
so I will remain pure and holy,
protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.

I put on the Shoes of Peace!
May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel
so Your peace will shine through me
and be a light to all I encounter.

I take the Shield of Faith!
May I be ready for Satan"s fiery darts of
doubt, denial and deceit
so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.

I put on the Helmet of Salvation!
May I keep my mind focused on You
so Satan will not have a stronghold on my thoughts.

I take the Sword of the Spirit!
May the two-edged sword of Your Word
be ready in my hands
so I can expose the tempting words of Satan.

By faith your warrior has put on
the whole armor of God!

I am prepared to live this day
in spiritual victory!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dad, John 11:25

     Today I was reading in John about the death and resurrection of Lazarus. In John 11:25 Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die." This started memories of my father's passing. My father had Alzheimer's for seven years, starting when he was 70.
       Alzheimer's is a terrible, long slow disease, and torture to watch someone you love go through. With Alzheimer's a persons body forgets. Most people think the person just forgets, but your whole body forgets how to work. Your brain isn't able to tell your leg muscles to move, so no walking, it can't tell your arm muscles to lift a cup or a spoon, so no eating. Your brain isn't able to tell your vocal chords to speak, so no communication. Eventually your throat doesn't even know how to swallow, so you are in danger of drowning.
     My father went from a vibrant, outdoors, "love life" type of man, to a man that wasn't physically able to do anything for himself. He hadn't been able to walk for a long time and hadn't recognized me for years. His passing was actually a relief, knowing that he would have a glorified body and more mental and physical capacity than he had ever had on Earth. Which is a lot, because he was a very intelligent man that had remembered every one's names that he ever met. He was one of those people that never met a stranger and always enjoyed new challenges to be conquered.
     We knew the time was close for him to depart and I was able to spend extra time with him. I spent as much time as possible and arranged with my manager to leave work at any call I received. Those days I would leave work and drive 40 miles to the hospital that he was in and sit(giving my mother a break to get a little rest, with the promise that I would call her if anything changed). I just sat with him all evening, listening to his breathing and to the heart machine, praying for one more heart beat.
     When we knew his passing was imminent there were several family members that were able to draw close to him. I stood on one side of his bed holding his right hand and my mother and sister were on the other side, my mother holding his left hand(much of our family lives out of town and weren't able to be there). My sons Camron and Luke were behind my mother and sister as we surrounded my father with love, concern and support. My father's breath was very rapid but then slowed, my mother and I spoke to him, telling him that we loved him, that he had fought a "good fight" but now it was time to stop, it was time to go. He gained clarity and looked at my mother with recognition, she told him she loved him and told him that I was there also. He turned his head towards me and looked at me also with recognition! Remember he hadn't recognized me for years.
     During this time I felt an opening at the foot of his bed, as if an upright portal had opened between this room into the spiritual realm. I could sense movement on the other side of the portal, I knew it was the portal to heaven and it was the angels waiting to greet him and welcome him!
     It is challenging to explain all of this because it is so out of our ordinary life that most people either won't believe or can't imagine. It was a very exciting time, it was like being present at a birth. I have been at the birth of one of my nephews, I was the first to hold him after the doctor and nurses. It was such a miracle to be there for the birth of a new baby coming into our world, but this was just as exciting, we were there at the birth of my father into the spiritual world! I am so thankful that I was able to be part of that experience!
     I know where my father is, I know I will see him there, I believe he will be one of those on the other side of the portal, waiting when I cross through. As soon as my father drew his last breath, my mother and I almost in unison, raised our free hands and started singing "we are standing on holy ground, and there are angels all around". That is what I remember of that day, my father moved to his spiritual body, but as Jesus said in the previous verse "everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die".

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


    We all have an idea of what we expect when we want God's blessings. We may want spiritual, material, financial, I suppose it could go on and on. In my own life I've wanted the blessing of children, finances, spiritual understanding, the fruits of the spirit, more time, less stress, you know, normal desires that most people experience.
     Lately my wants are more of spiritual growth and intimacy with my Lord, but I found myself wanting a few material things. I don't actually know that I ever asked the Lord for these things, but He has blessed me with a few "desires of my heart". I know anyone reading this would be in disbelief that my desires would be a potato masher or egg whisk, but when packing things to move, I didn't get those things packed, so I've been "making do". So there you have it, I put in my mind a few things that I wanted to try to find the next time I had an opportunity to go shopping. A wire whisk and a potato masher were at the top of my list! Lane and I stopped at a "moving sale" last weekend when we were on our way home from a visit with family. There in a large plastic bag was my whisk and masher! along with several other utensils that will come in handy. The price for the whole bag had been $2, but they were just trying to get rid of everything and had changed it all to half price, the blessing of the desires of my heart were for $1!
     Of course I have many more serious things to credit to the Lord, but imagine, I had not bothered praying that I wanted or needed these things, but they were given to me at such an amazing price that I know it was His blessing for me. There was another touch of His that let me know it was "Him", not just the luck of the Irish! I had recently sewn a couple of dresses for my sweet granddaughter and I was horrified at the price of thread, it was over $2.50 for a spool. The Lord included in my blessing a whole box of thread with about 14 unopened(still in plastic wrap) spools for $2.50! Isn't that just like Him! I have marveled in my heart ever since the sale the way that He touches us on our own levels. I'm sure a box of thread wouldn't mean a great deal to a lot of people, but it reached me exactly where I was.
     The whole point is to recognize when God moves in our lives, yes, I would love to be blessed with a new car, but I must not need one as much as I needed the whisk and "masher" or the thread! See Him when He gives to you, appreciate it, it is the blessing that He has chosen just for you!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What a relief!

     Yesterday was really tough for me, but maybe it was because I didn't spend any time in God's word. I suppose everyday I need to make sure what I take into my mind and spirit is healthy, just like I need to be careful what I eat and drink. I wouldn't expect to eat unhealthy foods and feel physically well, why do I think I can get by with junk food for my spirit? I need to not put so much of my attention on the headlines in our news reports and instead put more on my studying of scripture.
     On another thought, lately I've been dealing with confusion caused because I have been listening to a lot of different teachings and trying to assimilate them. This morning when I prayed I was shown John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but do not know where it comes from and where it is going, so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
     The different teachings all have God manifesting in different ways in different lives, one is lifted in the air in front of their congregation, one has gold sprinkled on them in front of others, one is put into a trance and shown visions. I can list the things I understand about all of this pretty easily, compared to what I don't understand.
  1. I do understand these are men pressing into God, they are pursuing the Lord and His will,
  2. God has a unique relationship with each of them.
  3. I cannot duplicate their walk or their experiences with God.
     I have been taking a beating, self imposed, to try to be just like them. I need to relax, pursue God with my *whole heart, spirit, mind and body and let "the wind blow where it wishes". What a relief!
*Matt 6:33-34

Soften, Harden

     I wish I could claim credit for this saying, but in truth it was on my little thoughts for the day page.

     "The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay."
      I want to be the wax, that gives to the trials and trainings that the Lord brings into my life, unfortunately I still have a flesh side that hardens and resists. Thank You Lord for bringing me along to Your side one step at a time, as You know I'm able to stretch and grow and when You know I need to rest and give me time to stop and consider and then step closer still to You.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Psalm 1:1-3

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Blog, Were they just fishermen? John 1

     We always hear that Jesus used "fishermen and tax collectors", right? Recently I've been reading in the book of John for my study time and I'm realizing they weren't just "fishermen", these were men that were searching for their "Messiah".
     John and Andrew were disciples of John the Baptist who was *"a voice of one crying in the wilderness, MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD", so they were already seeking. When Jesus came to be baptized by John the Baptist the two(John and Andrew) recognized and started following him. Next they told Simon(Peter) "we have found the Messiah", Simon Peter understood immediately who they had found, he didn't question them, he KNEW who and what they had all been searching for!
     If they were just fishermen for their self support, they were more, they were also men hungry in their spirits for God. They were not only searching for God, they were men ready to drop everything to follow where He would lead, they weren't just living day to day, catching fish, selling fish, catching more fish, selling more fish.
     I can relate to these men much more than the idea of "just fishermen", these men were like many people I know now, people searching for God, eagerly waiting, hungering, pressing in. He can use all of us, if we seek Him and if we're willing to turn and follow where He leads.
*John 1:23

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dream, confirmation,

     The Lord has shown me something recently.  About 20 years ago He gave me a prophetic dream, I didn't use to know what a prophetic dream was but now I've learned to recognize them. Mine are dreams that stand out after I've had them they haunt me and I never quite forget them, even many years later and they have an unusual clarity to them.
     I've already written about this dream but now just want to speak about the importance of it. I'm finding that anyone that is moving, living, speaking or following the Lord(Jesus Christ) eventually someone has or will accuse them of being "False" or mislead or misguided or deceived. God has shown me in my "knower" (that part of me that recognizes the Lord is showing, teaching or speaking to me) that He gave me that dream around 20 years ago so that now when I'm growing into that calling or walk, I will recognize that I'm not mislead, He has prepared me for this walk and started the preparation many, many years ago. Pretty cool, hmm?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Roller Coaster, Bootcamp, Self-Forgiveness,

     We're on a roller coaster! We've received two prophetic words about our lives and that was it, they see us on a roller coaster. I can testify as one of the people living it, yes, it is a Roller Coaster! In the last few days I've received a few words of my own and one was that I'm in God's boot camp. I'm not where I wish to be, but I am being prepared for the things the Lord has for us to do.
     I was also shown that Lane was given a wife older than himself to help him mature at a faster pace than he would if he was married to a woman his own age (a lot like the metal sharpening metal idea). Along with being told of the Roller Coaster ride, we've been told several times that God is doing a fast work in us, preparing us more quickly than normal for the things He has ahead for us. Lane and I are more than willing to do the things God wants of us, as a matter of fact we're pressing in, saying "more, Lord, we want more".
     On a side note, I've been botherd recently with the knowledge that I have not been a good role model for my sons, or anyone else taking note of my life. God showed me that I could write a note to each of my sons, recognizing the things I've done wrong and ask them to please forgive me and to set aside anything they've seen me do and not think that it is the right way to live. This gave me a lot of peace and allowed me to forgive myself.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


     We were able to attend the Glory and Fire Invasion Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma this last weekend. The speakers, David and Stephanie Herzog, were vibrant and dynamic. They encouraged us all to live in the Glory of the Lord. I do feel that my walk with my Lord did advance and I am walking in a new dedication and dimension. John Mark Pool was also speaking and a great word of God was shared by him. The message that jumped out at me from John Mark's sharing was that we need to be willing to walk with the Lord and not look for or need praise from mankind. Actually if we are walking with the Lord there may not be a lot of praise forthcoming from others, but as long as we're pleasing God, our purpose has been met.
     On a personal note, we were able to spend the night at my mother's apartment and have lunch with Carol. Camron and Gypsy came for a visit the next day and we all went to the park. I even got to play "Hide and Go Seek" with Gypsy Lou, it was a great deal of fun. Her smiling face captures my heart!