Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Path Less Followed

     As a christian I am to attend to my own moral path, not that of the world. I am to share the truth of my path, why I seek this "moral path" and that my God is love, He is full of loving kindness, He is sympathetic and paid a great sacrifice for us and has a narrow path that leads to the life He desires for me and you. However I am not to try to force others onto the path.
     God's moral path does have requirements for me and others, but I can't put my requirements on other people, that's between them and God. God will complete the work He has begun in each of us if we yield to Him. I don't want to be "that" child in school that is always telling the other children "but the teacher said to do this..", the teacher is quite capable of making themselves understood, they don't need me tattling! God is quite capable of dealing with His followers, He doesn't need me fixing them! I know I am to "love the Lord your God", to "love others as myself", then there are a lot of shall nots about things I should avoid~ shall not murder, shall not covet...judge not... of course there are a lot more in each group of "do and do not", but you get the idea right? These are things to apply to myself, not to others!
     God does have enemies-Satan and his followers, but we end up creating enemies of our Father when we don't walk as we should. We cause people to despise us and worse yet to despise our Father because of the things we do and say when we're not following His leading!  Jesus said that He did not come to judge, so let's not put ourselves in the place of judge either...just see to the log in our own eye and trust God to see the to splinter in our brother's eye!(Matthew 7:1-5)
     If we seek to walk in God's authority, doing His will, hearing and following His voice, doing His work then people will be drawn to us and to our heavenly Father. Then we will be the salt and light that He created us to be. We will draw people to our Father, not repulse them!
     The path is narrow that leads to eternal life- unfortunately many who claim to be Christians are not on the narrow path (this is according to God's word, not my judgement! Matt 7:13-14) and there are some "tares" that have been planted by the enemy in with the wheat, the wheat are God's followers, (For non-farmers the tares are weeds that look like wheat, but aren't.). The Tares cannot be separated until harvest and the tares lead many people astray and repulse others away from our Father with their pretense of being Christians.
     When I think about it I have to wonder "How does God tolerate us?". Many come to Him and fall away, back to their own desires or to their ways in the world and some never come -- and yet He is patient and long suffering, even knowing that few would find the way He sent His own Son to die as a sacrifice for our sins!
     Thinking of these things I encourage you beloved, choose the narrow path, walk uprightly, set your standard to His standard, look to be pleasing to Him, seek Him as your "True North" ~ seek for His will ~ try to get to know Him!  

Matthew 7-13 & 14 Amplified Bible
Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it.
or same verses in the everyday language of The Message~
“Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention.

     Or, choose the path less followed and don't be surprised that there are few on it with you~

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Life Goes On~

Just an observation~
     Life goes on, things we expected to happen never do and things we didn't expect are what we're living with today. No wonder God says to not worry about tomorrow...we can not possibly see what tomorrow brings with it.
     Yes, there are some things that we can prepare for, like buying groceries for tomorrow because we know we'll want to eat, but to worry or plan for much more than clothes to wear, food to eat, what more can we really know will happen?