Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Do You Want To Be?

     As a Christian who has worked in an environment hostile to Christians, I know from what the people have told me that they do not like Christians because of the behaviour they see acted out in the lives of people claiming to be Christians. 
     Whether the people claiming to be Christians or not is not mine to say. that is something that God only can know. Only God sees the heart of people, it's probably really a blessing that we're not able to! 
     The challenge here is, are you a person claiming to be a Christian but not living as you are called to? Is it too much for God to ask you to walk a holy path? Everything you do reflects on Him, do you cause His family to be shamed or do you bring honor to the name Christian, not because you deserve honor, but because you are a follower of the One who does deserve honor? 
     I have heard people say that it's not possible to live a holy life as described in the Bible, but that simply is not true! If we believe in Jesus, then we have to believe Scripture, there is no excuse not to, Jesus believed it and we believe in Him....so now we realize we are required to trust that what God has said in scripture is what He means to say. 
     If we believe in Scripture and it tells us that we can do "all things" in Christ, Who strengthens us, then we know we can live as we are called to! We may say but it's so hard! Yes, it is hard, but God's word also tells us that He will complete the "good work" that He has started! So, as we keep turning and submitting to God, saying "Please, change me!", He will and it will become easier!
     Do you want to be an embarrassment to the body? Do you want to be a stumbling block to non-believers? I'm hoping you said no to both of those...so keep pushing in, keep bringing yourself into the changing process that the Holy Spirit will bring about as it brings sanctification into your life.
     But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:13

Monday, March 6, 2017

Jesus' Purpose?

     We all know that Jesus came to Earth because He loves us, right? He came to save us! A lot of us grew up singing "Jesus loves me this I know"! I am one of those who grew up with those words in my heart and they did help me through a lot of hard times in life. There wasn't a lot else I knew about Jesus' purpose other than He was God's Son and came to Earth to die and shed His blood for me.
     I have been striving to come into a deeper, more mature relationship with all that God is and believe that Jesus had a little more on His mind than just me when He came to Earth. and so today when I read a word about what Jesus came here to do, it really grabbed my attention!

The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8

     Wait, do you mean that He was doing battle with the devil when He came to Earth? Do you mean He was here to destroy something, not just to die for my sins? Wow, that stops you for a moment, doesn't it? 
     There are many people who are more greatly "learned" than I am and have spent their lives studying scripture from top to bottom so I am not going to attempt to do an indepth study or blog on this....I simply want to say that there is more to Jesus' mission to Earth than just my forgiveness. 
     His Father was and is His greatest love....always has been and always will be...do you think maybe He came to restore what His Father had created and the enemy destroyed? Maybe His Father's desires were top most in His mind? Try to imagine a scenario with a Father that had created a paradise and an enemy came and ruined it...wouldn't a Son that loved and honored His Father long to restore everything to His Father that was in His power to do? I believe so! I believe we leave out a very important part of the picture when we think that it's all about us! 
     If we want to be more than extras in this scenario then we need to see what we can do to aid Jesus in His desire to restore to His and our Father what was destroyed! We are His kingdom on Earth, we do have a job! Jesus told us to go into all of the world and spread the Kingdom! Make disciples! 
     Now don't get upset, I'm not saying that Jesus didn't come to save you and I'm not saying that He doesn't love you....I'm saying don't be immature and let His mission to Earth stop there....that was just the beginning! 
     .....and don't forget, His Father loved us and "sent" His Son.....

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Caged Bird? Overcomer!

     Have you ever read the poem "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou? It is a beautiful poem even for those among us that don't really care for poetry. I am at a point in life that I often feel like a "caged bird", but in being caged I am forced to grow in areas that might not be faced if I was free to fly on the wind.
     In life many things can form our cage... finances, health, relationships, wants, needs...what forms the cage isn't really the important things right now, it's more about what you do while you're in the cage.
     Yesterday while I was thinking about the caged bird I wrote just a bit of my own thoughts.....

Why does the caged bird sing?
     Is it happy?
     Is it content?
     Is it safe?
     Is it sad?
     Is it lonely?
     Is it calling to someone?
     Is it asking for help?
     Is it crying for hope?
     When the caged bird learns to sing for God's glory, in a cage or free, then it will be fulfilled and content.
     When I learn to rein in my own wants and desires I will be singing for God's glory and be an overcomer!
     Please pray for me to be an overcomer and if you let me know you long for the same thing, I will pray for you! (lorna)
Here's the poem for those who might want to read it ~
A free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
 and floats downstream
 till the current ends
and dips his wing 
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.
But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
 his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings
 with a fearful trill
 of things unknown
 but longed for still
 and his tune is heard
 on the distant hill
 for the caged bird
 sings of freedom.
The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own
But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
 his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
 his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
 so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings
 with a fearful trill
 of things unknown
 but longed for still
 and his tune is heard
 on the distant hill
 for the caged bird
 sings of freedom.
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