Monday, May 16, 2016

God's Still Working

     I'm sharing this as a Christian to other Christians~
     Isn't it surprising how we can judge and deem far from perfect someone that God has created and chosen as His vessel for His purpose? Surely I'm not the only one that has either judged or been judged "less than perfect"?
     I have to frequently remind myself that someone is God's daughter or His man and ask to be forgiven for negative things that I've said or thought about that person. I do not want to be found by God criticizing His workmanship when I think someone is less than they should be!
     On the other hand I'm thankful that I can trust that God is still working on me! I know that I'm less than I should be, I do know that I'm not perfect but I also know that I am God's creation and that He's still working on me. If I myself, or someone else, feels that I'm not usable by God for His purpose, then they are selling God short! Nothing is too difficult for Him!
     Thank You Father that You don't leave us as flawed vessels, but You continue working on us to bring about Your purpose! You see in us the spark of possibility that is hidden from others, You see our hearts and You know our thoughts and words! Thank You that a "far from perfect" being is still "workable" for You! and please forgive us when we judge others or ourselves and when we don't take time to recognize that we are Your workmanship and that You are still working on us all!