Monday, December 28, 2015

Want God's Will In Your Life?

     One lesson that is really tough for me to grab hold of is that God does not owe it to us to beg us or to work with us to get His will done. Over time He has several times given me a second chance and sometimes more, but now He is teaching me that it may not always be that way.
     Now He is showing me that He may tell me one time and if I don't follow through that I will be left behind in His plan. He does have other people to work through, I am not the only short, blonde Christian woman following Him and if I won't do what He wants me to, there are others who will!
     I do not want to be left out of His plan! I know He will continue to forgive me, but He won't try to work through me if I'm not going to do my part!
     I don't know if you desire to be part of God's plan, but I do, I don't want to be the one that is skipped over so He can find someone that will "listen and obey".
     I am trying to become more finely tuned to His voice and His leading. I have been praying for Him to open the eyes and ears of my spirit that I will be able to receive His leading more completely.
     Are you hoping that He changed His will or that maybe there's a shortcut? I'm sorry, but it's not likely that He'll rewrite scripture to fit our plans. So let's look at some of the things we've already been told.
     When Jesus was asked about what was the most important thing for us to do, the first thing He said was to "love the Lord God with all of your heart". Matt 22:37, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30-31 If this is not something that you already do, then start! If it's not easy for you, then ask your Heavenly Father to help you! This is a paragraph from a good site that answers the question about how to love the Lord God with all of your heart "So how do we begin to love God the way we should? Just as the man in Mark 9:24 asked God to help his unbelief, so too we can ask God to help us in areas where we don’t love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It is His power that we need to do the impossible, and we begin by seeking and appropriating that power. "
     Next Jesus told them to love their neighbor as themselves. Have you already mastered these first two steps to living in God's will? If not you may want to ask yourself why He would want to give you instructions as to His will for today when you haven't followed any of his instructions for yesterday or the day before?
    You know we can fool people and tell them we've changed and from now on we're going to do things differently, but we can't fool God! If we try to tell Him "God, if you'll just tell me what to do now I'll start to love you with all of my heart and I'll even love my neighbors(a little?)!" He already knows if you're being honest, He knows your heart! It would work a lot better to tell Him "Heavenly Father, I have not loved You like I should, I'm sorry! Please forgive me and change my heart, help me to love You as I should!" and "Please forgive me for not loving my neighbor, co-worker, that driver that pulled out in front of me on the road, that slow checker at the store and change my heart, help me to love others as I should. I know I am not able to love them in my own power, but you can help me to love them!"
     Those are the first steps to learning His will, if you really want to know what His will is for you in the situation that you are facing now, you need to do a little foundational work first. I'm not saying that He won't give you your answer right now for this situation right now, because God CANNOT be put in a box. It is far beyond me to tell you any guaranteed path that He will take to reach you!
     God loves each of us and He deals with each of us as He sees fit, not as people try to say He will, but there are some things you can pretty well count on. If Jesus said that "to love the Lord God with all of your heart" is the first and most important then it probably is! So I would advise that you start there!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


  People are so fickle. I’ve lived long enough now to see that there really isn’t a human love you can take to the bank.... You can get married and believe it’s forever, but after 20 years something changes and the one you promised to love, honor and cherish can no longer stand to be in your presence. You can grow up being told that you’re hated and then the one that hates you swears they love you. Someone you think will never turn away from you suddenly does and you don’t even know why. Parents grow old and forget you, your children are too busy for you, Christian friends and family turn on you for simple infractions that offend them....I’m not saying this is right or wrong, I’m simply saying that it is. I’ve tried to accept that there is no way to please people, no way to guarantee their love, but it is a hard truth to grasp, we are bound to keep looking for “love”.
     Nonetheless ~ there is One that loves you at all times, that is closer than a brother(or sister, or friend), He never turns away, is never too busy, is always happy to have you talk to them, is always looking for your attention. He is One that loves you, no matter what you might say or do that offends others. He is One that is constantly looking for your wellbeing, constantly! He has more good thoughts of you than there are grains of sand on the beach! He knows how many hairs are on your head! He knows your words before you speak them! He knows your heart! Don’t we all want someone to really “get us!”? He does! He gets you and His heart is bursting with pride over you! He is always waiting for you to come, sit, have a chat, drink a cup of tea, listen to a song...share your dreams, share your desires, share your hurts and disappointments....He wants to hear it all...He loves you and will never leave you, never abandon you...He will continue to long for your presence....He is your Heavenly Father, let Him draw you close to Himself and comfort you, encourage you, let Him pour His love over you, turn to Him and bask in His perfect love.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dodge, Hide, Run

I need to write...I don't want to's a challenge when tears distort your vision! It's a challenge when you want to walk in love and you are hurting from what people are doing to you while you stand on a stage and allow them to throw rotten tomatoes at you! You could step off of the stage, you could throw rotten tomatoes back...but would God be glorified? No...there's nothing about throwing things at each other that is glorifying to God.
     OK, so I'll write about dodging tomatoes and not returning them! When David was anointed as the future King of the Hebrew people the current King, King Saul, kind of lost his mind! He was outraged at the praise that David received in song about killing more of the enemy than he had. He was outraged by David in pretty much everything, he actually started throwing spears at David! I guess rotten tomatoes are better than spears, right?
     We would think that David would have been in his own rights to throw spears back, but he didn't. He dodged the spears, he ran for his life, he hid...when he had the opportunity to put it all at an end and kill King Saul he refused and simply clipped his robe. You would think that would have brought King Saul back to his senses and for awhile he would return to his senses but then again he would loose his mind! There is a lot more to this biblical story, but the point I'm getting to is my purpose in sharing it. 1 Samuel 24
     David glorified God by dodging, running and hiding...not the way most Americans have grown up to act, right? but it glorified God that David trusted himself to God's purpose. We are to leave all things in His hand and trust His future, trust His timing, trust His anointing. Even when things are beyond our understanding, trust that they are not beyond God's understanding, trust your standing and your future to Him. Nothing surprises Him, He knew you would have rotten tomatoes thrown!
     Maybe I'm writing this as an encouragement for me, but I hope it encourages others also.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Women That Are Whittled Away

     There once was a woman, she was still a young girl inside but on the outside had all of the signs of a fully grown mature woman. The woman was a quiet, reserved person that enjoyed nature, music, birds, butterflies, puppies and kittens. She was not comfortable with shallowness, loudness, rudeness or negativity. She loved to bake but didn't have enough energy to do it anymore. The woman had been born the third child of four and as a young girl she tried to please her parents, her teachers, her siblings, her friends and everyone she encountered. As life went on she continued this early habit of trying to please people. Unfortunately this woman had eyes to see things differently than many around her and not only saw them but spoke of them too.
     Seeing things differently and then speaking of them doesn't tend to make people happy, which set her at odds with her life long practice of trying to please.
     This woman had heard the old saying that you can't please all of the people all of the time but she still had a nature to try. She found herself shrinking away as she tried to whittle away the parts that people didn't like.
     She was told she thought too much, she tried to think less, she was told she was too opinionated, she tried to speak her opinions and ideas less, she was too religious, she tried to share less of her God, she wasn't religious enough, she wasn't friendly enough, she didn't do enough of the things that people wanted her to do and did the things they didn't want her to do..the list went on and on...
     As the woman whittled away at herself, trying to be what others wanted her to be there was less and less of herself...
     One day the woman awoke to find herself afraid to step out of her house, afraid to speak....afraid to look in the mirror! Out of her house were the people she couldn't please, if she spoke she would say the wrong thing and everyone would be upset! In the mirror she would see the eyes that accused her of not being true to herself. She would see the sadness of the woman that tried to be what everyone else wanted her to be and not being who she really was.
     The true woman she was meant to be ceased to exist and another woman that was whittled away by life stepped into existence.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Betrayed? Promoted? Prepare For Promotion!

     Where to begin? When God calls you to minister you will be hurt, there is no way to go around it, duck under it or ignore it. You're best hope is to focus on your heavenly Father and soar over it! Even outside of ministry life carries it's own share of hurts.
     We need to remember "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" Ephesians 6:12.             Trust me I know it's easy to say this but hard to realize it. The pain seems to be coming from someone that looks very "flesh and blood"! They are most likely people that you have in your life, maybe it's family, maybe someone you work with or go to church with. Unfortunately the truth is it's probably someone you've allowed into your life, otherwise there wouldn't be pain from their thoughts, words or actions, right?
     Have you read John 2:24-25 "But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart". 
     With these two teachings I believe you need to combine them to get the full idea. Our enemy is not flesh and blood, but because of the weakness in each man's heart, he easily becomes a tool of the enemy. 
     Yes, you'll probably go through a lot of carnal emotions when you feel betrayed or hurt by people, unless you've reached a higher level of sainthood than I have! You will feel betrayed, hurt, rejected, naked and exposed. Some anger may get mixed in too! But unless you want to go through all of these feelings again you really need to grab the lesson and incorporate it into your spirit. Once a lesson is learned you can apply it to your life and not have to go through the learning process over and over! In other words it's in your best interest to learn this! 
     So, first you hurt, then you remember that you're not alone. Jesus was betrayed, beaten and exposed to ridicule and yet He walked the path that God had given Him, He drank from the cup. He prayed for His betrayers, even the one that He had befriended and walked with daily, the one that betrayed Him with a kiss....Even the ones that shouted "Crucify Him!"... Even the ones that drove the stakes through His hands and feet.. Even the one that denied even knowing Him! 
     Can we do that in our own will? No!....but our will can choose to turn to Jesus and He will bring the power to walk His path. He will bring the power for forgiveness, He will bring the power to trust Him in all things. 
     Will you have to do this more than once? Most likely!...probably every morning that you wake up and remember the situation again. You will be faced with a choice, you can choose to focus on the betrayal and wallow in the pain or you can choose to be promoted to walk with Jesus in the victory of forgiveness that He shed on the world and that He will empower in you.
     We encourage you, choose Promotion! 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Do Your Thoughts Encourage Others?

     Recently Lane attended a workplace meeting with many other workers for the city. He shared a very interesting thing that the speaker did, at least it was interesting to me!
     Our minds are a powerful tool, for either good or bad, it's our choice. In the meeting the speaker had a young man leave the room and then spoke to the remaining group. The remaining group was instructed that when the man returned they were to think mean, discouraging thoughts directed to him on a given signal. They would be given a sign to think the "bad" thoughts. They were also instructed that they would receive a different signal and then they were to think good and encouraging thoughts directed at the man. They were told to not change their facial expressions, but to simply do this in their minds, so the young man had no knowledge of the test.
     When the young man returned he was given a physical test to perform and then the signal was given to the crowd to send discouraging thoughts to the young man without his seeing it. The young man was not able to perform the test no matter how hard he tried. Then the crowd was given the second signal to think good and encouraging thoughts, the young man was able to perform the test with no problem! The only change was the crowds thoughts! Isn't that amazing? Our thoughts have great power, affecting other's lives!
     Imagine how we can influence other people with encouragement only by directing good and encouraging thoughts towards them! At the same time we need to remember to be very careful with any negative thoughts that we allow to creep into our minds.
     We are instructed to take every thought captive (2 Cor 10:5), this experiment shows the importance of our thought life! I'm sure we'll be held accountable for thoughts we have entertained that are not appropriate for a Christian's life.
     Think how easy to encourage each other, think good thoughts for them, think encouragement! Control negative thoughts, control judgements and criticisms! This is a tool the most lazy of us can use! Sit in your chair and think good things for those around you!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Mystery? Magic!

     I wrote something serious today about God and praise, now I get to be whimsical~ =)

     With that justification stated, I want to tell you that Pecans are magical! We have a pecan tree in our back yard and the neighbors on both sides of us have pecan trees that hang into our yards, front and back! So I do actually have experience with the magic of pecans!

     I have to think the ancestors of our current day pecan trees must have lived in forests with elves, fairies and those little green guys with the buckets of gold! You can walk through your yard, looking and watching for any sign of a pecan on the ground just to see none! Then, as you turn back over the same area where you just passed, surprise! there are three of them laughing at you behind your back! Those little dickens enjoy the fall pecan hunt as much as we do! Maybe even more! It’s the only time they get to practice their magic!

Friday, November 6, 2015


     We all know about praise when it comes to receiving it, right? We know we want to be praised for how we look, what we do, what we think, what we say...we want to be praised in all things! Even if you don't recognize that you need praise, trust me, you do! 
     We spend a lot of time in our lives praising things of no value, from cellphones to sports teams to the weather, so we're no stranger to praise.
     As a wife I can tell you that if my husband praises my cooking I'm a lot more likely to cook, or if he praises my appearance in a certain dress I'll probably wear that dress until it's threadbare! 
     In the marketplace I have been a manager and I've worked under managers, and the ones that stood out to me as the best managers were the ones that knew to give their workers praise! The managers that withheld praise and only demanded more were not often appreciated or "praised" by their employees. People, have a need to be recognized for the things they do, they need "praise". The definition of praise is "express warm approval or admiration of", who doesn't want that?!
     And we're made in the image of God right? So maybe God wants praise? Maybe God wants for us to "express warm approval or admiration" of Him? If you have any doubt it's spelled out many times in the scriptures! 

Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his Temple; 

  praise him in his mighty heaven. 
Praise him for his strength; 
  praise him for his greatness. 
Praise him with trumpet blasts; 
  praise him with harps and lyres. 
Praise him with tambourines and dancing; 
  praise him with stringed instruments and flutes. Praise him with loud cymbals; 
  praise him with crashing cymbals. 
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord.
  Praise the Lord!   ~Psalm 150~

     Now, what do we know about praising God? It’s all written out in scripture, but if we don’t take time to read the Bible we may not know as much about praising our Heavenly Father as we should! It doesn't really take a lot of time, there is something to praise God about in so many places! Once you start making a practice of it you can really get involved in reading and praising and the time flies by!
     Psalms talks a lot about praising and the different attributes to praise. When I was first trying to learn how to praise, or what to praise God for I started reading through Psalms and writing down each characteristic or action that I came to that described Him.

For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, Psalm 1:5 
  Praise suggestion, "Lord, I am Your righteous, You know my way! You know me! You are mindful of me!"

He who sits in the heavens Psalm 2:4
   Praise suggestion, "Father, You sit in the heavens! You are high above us! You are the great Creator!"

But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head. Psalm 3:3
   Praise suggestion, "Heavenly Father, You are my shield! You are my glory, You are the One who lifts my head! Where am I without You? You are the One that protects me! Thank You Father! You are my Protector

I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me. Psalm 3:5
   Praise suggestion, "El Shaddai, Father, You are my Protector, my Provider, You sustain me! You are faithful! Even in my sleep, You are there!"

But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; The Lord hears when I call to Him. 
Psalm 4:3
   Praise suggestion, "Father, I am Yours and Yours alone! You have set me apart! You are hearing when I call, Thank You Father, You are never failing!"

You have put gladness in my heart, Psalm 4:7
   Praise suggestion, "Lord, the gladness in my heart is from You! You alone are a constant source of gladness!"

     Maybe this gives some ideas of how to build a strong "Praise" life with God? and this was only the first 4 Psalms! there are 146 more! Not to mention all of the other books! Think about Genesis..."In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"...Praise suggestion ~"Father...You created all of this! You are amazing, You are a creative Genius! You are the Alpha and Omega! the beginning and the end! When there was nothing You still existed! You boggle my mind! I can not fully grasp the greatness of You!" ...
     When you think about God it is easy to fall into praise! He is amazing! He sings over you, you would not exist or have any hope without Him! He really is the One to be praised! 
     Let your spirit ring out with praise! 
For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:5

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What Is Your Focus?

     This post is about trying to understand people. I have watched people most of my life and wondered about motives. What drives a person to do or feel? A lot of times it is something in their past. Something they experienced in their lives has helped to form them, but it is always their choice that gives the direction.
     With that said, I wonder why someone responds to one tragedy over another? There are tragedies happening world wide almost daily! Which one touches your heart? There are multitudes of people being murdered, kidnapped, abused, mistreated and dying in our world now and with the advances in electronic communication we're exposed to all of it! (I need to admit here that I have isolated myself from all of this news, I simply cannot handle it!)
     Recently I was in the company of people that chose one event to focus on, and it made me wonder how can they only be concerned with that one?
     There are children being murdered in their mother's wombs, young teenagers kidnapped and sold into slavery, people taking their first step into a life of addiction that will destroy them and their families, elderly neglected and race pitting itself against another, one religion killing anyone who is not of their do you choose one tragedy to focus on? There are so many, every minute of every is enough to make your heart sick, or to cause you to develop emotional callouses...or you can turn it off.
     Of course you can't actually "turn it off" and make things not happen, but you can turn your focus off of those things. You can turn your focus to the Provider of your peace! A man, or woman, cannot have two Masters, current events could attempt to be your master, especially if the news reporters have their way! But if you have made the choice to follow Jesus then you don't have room in your heart for a second master! Keep your eyes on the One that lived and died for you that you are "no longer a slave to fear', you are a "child of God"!
     Let your motives or actions reflect that you are not of this world, no longer bound to it or it's current events. Yes we do want to pray for the hurt, injured and grieving, but they are not our focus, they are our ministry. God first, ministry second.

Friday, October 23, 2015


To share this as a fact would require a lot of research on my part that I'm not inclined to do today, but I have read something in the recent past....something that I have mulled over and think it's a really good thing, but let's look at it as a possibility instead of fact(since I have not researched it!).  
The secular news is really happy to report that there are less Christians in the United States today than there used to be. The report I read, but have not confirmed, says that while there are less people that claim to be Christians, there are more people that have truly changed their lives because of their belief in Jesus.
This really is a good thing! It's saying that the people who were only "claiming" Christianity are no longer going to be clouding the water, so to speak!
The United States is going through a lot of change and it does seem like the days when Jesus told the people "you must eat my flesh" and many left! The time is approaching that if you are a casual follower of Jesus' teachings and not in a relationship with Him it will be easier and more desirable to you to step back and say "No, I'm not a Christian". If you say "Yes, I'm a Christian", in the US you may face ridicule, slander, name calling, bullying and in some situations violence, but maybe that is part of eating His flesh? Those are all things that Jesus went through, aren't they? (John 6)
God told us that we are to be salt(Matthew 5) to the world, have you noticed that in the US the price of salt is cheap? Salt has been plentiful in the US and so has Christianity, but when it is scarce the price rises! The Christianity that has been seen in the US has not always been true Christianity, often it was only "claimed" and not lived. Now the world will see the people who really walk with Jesus, they will see what we are supposed to be!
Expect to see your value as a Christian rise also. The impurities are being sifted from God's body of believers, the pure salt will be left! Be the salt you were called to be, you were created for such a time as this!

Matthew 5

Monday, September 28, 2015


     Suppose you awoke one morning to a world that you did not recognize from the day before.
     Say that there were no rules in place, no laws that protected you and  your loved ones and no police to enforce the laws even if there were any.....say that the only thing keeping you safe was a "bubble" that surrounded you. Outside of that bubble was every kind of evil you could imagine. People were openly violent against each other, nobody was protected. Elderly, children, women....all were prey to the stronger, more violent in the world...The streets were covered in trash, filth and decay as you walked through them, odors arising from every side...
     ....and now say that the bubble was provided by a supernatural power that nobody could see....and that the protection was only there because you had a belief and trust in that Supernatural Power that nobody could see...not even you. But you knew the Power was there and you did believe, so as you went through your day you walked protected, but you had to be careful to stay in tune with the Power because if you stepped out of your belief and trust in the Supernatural Power then the bubble would weaken and then disappear.
     When you were together with others that trusted the Power, you talked to each other about the Supernatural Power, and were amazed that a Supernatural Power that you could not even see was concerned with you, and even provided loving care for your protection and needs! You watched your neighbors and co-workers struggle through their days, dealing with violence, filth, lack and tried to share this understanding of the Power with others and encourage them to come into the "Bubble" of protection. The bubble of the Power was strong enough for any who would choose to walk in it, the only limitation was the belief and trust in the Power.
     Would you try harder to get people to know and trust the Supernatural Power than you do now?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


"I have been crucified with Christ".....Galatians 2:20......have you? What does it mean to you to have been crucified with Christ? Have you died to anything of yourself? I have often shared the things that I have been shown and the teachings that the Spirit has gently guided me into, but today this is a tough one....for me it will be much easier to ask you some questions and have you consider....

Have you been crucified with Christ?
What does it mean to be crucified?   It means to be killed, right? have been killed, "crucified" with Christ...

but you're still alive or  you couldn't be reading this, correct?

"it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me" we know it doesn't mean we've actually died a physical death, but.... there anything in you that has died?
     I want to be transparent here and say that the reason this is a difficult blog post for me is because I know all too well that there is too much in me that has not died! I still hold onto my comfort, my preferences, my entertainment, too often my "opinions". But we're supposed to be at this new level.....

"and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me"

     I am asking myself and I'll ask you, are you living for yourself, or for Christ? Are you still living to please yourself, or do you live to please Christ?
     Daily do you start the day with the thought, "What would my Lord and Master have me do today?", or do you think..what do I want to do today or what do I "have" to get done today?
     The Holy Spirit has been opening to me that my Master and Saviour wants it all! Jesus gave His all and we say that we are His followers so it makes sense that He would ask for "all" from us too, doesn't it?!
     If there is an area that you hesitate to give to Him, in it's entirety, then I dare say that you have not completed the dying to self part of becoming His follower or disciple. If you are a new believer then it's normal to go through a process of letting go of the world, but there are many people that are not "new" believers that are still holding out! They want to hold onto areas in their lives that they think are not really bad, so our Master shouldn't mind if we keep them, but did you ask Him?
     Remember it is now Him that lives in you....are the things you are holding onto things that He would hold onto? Are you holding onto unforgiveness, offenses, bitterness, anger, judgements, criticism...those are some of the biggies! But how about the things we consider little...gossip, covetness, off-color entertainment, "white lies"? There are many more know yours as well as I know my own....
     When are you going to die to them? When are you going to take seriously the fact that you were supposed to have died to the things that are not from God? That is it supposed to be Jesus living in you He comfortable with your habits, your choices, your hobbies, your expenses, your music, your clothing, your friends, your words, your thoughts?
     Time to look at your life and start putting some things on the cross!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Do not wait until calamity strikes to prepare your soul. The inner fortification which you shall need must be built up in advance. Men do not walk onto a battlefield and win a victory, nor even survive, without preparation. From Progress of Another Pilgrim by Frances J Roberts ~ 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Who Is To Blame?

     This is a new idea for us to consider....we all want our nation to be a Godly nation and to prosper, so we may want to consider that God's word says "If you will fear the Lord and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the command of the Lord, then both you and also the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God." 1 Samuel 12:14
     This is written to God's people, not to the king and not even to unbelievers, if I remember correctly, that would be US! we are now God's people also (along with Israel), so this promise must include us.
     This promise doesn't read like we think! We think that our king/president should follow God by his own choosing, and then everything in our nation would be going well, right!? But this word says that if "YOU will fear the Lord and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel".......isn't that a surprise?
     With logical consideration, we can understand that by our own actions and rebellion we are causing our government to fail. We blame it on the politicians....but this verse puts it right on us!
     This is not a random verse I picked out, it's from my study this morning and if you go and read it in context you'll see that it says just what I'm telling you! and I even want to point to the closing verse, 1 Samuel 12:25, that says "But if you still do wickedly, both you and your king shall be swept away.".
     Does it feel like we are being swept away?  Maybe we better stop pointing fingers and start looking at the log in our own eye?
Maybe we need to start:
1. Fearing the Lord (Respect)
2. Serving the Lord
3. Listening to His voice
4. Stop rebelling
     Then our nation and the king/president will follow the Lord, our God!

Monday, August 31, 2015

All or Surplus

     I don't know if this happens to other people, but while I'm sleeping I know my spirit is busy, sometimes it's praising, sometimes praying, sometimes receiving teaching from the Holy Spirit and sometimes receiving instructions of things to do, also from the Holy Spirit. This morning I was being taught and receiving instructions, I was told that we hear the story from the Bible about the widow putting in her two small coins in Luke 21:1-4, but we tend to think it's not for our day and time. And I have to admit I had not really considered applying it to today's world. And my instructions was to write about what I was taught~   =D
     I think we have to go back to the fact that Jesus didn't teach things for "no reason", and He took time to tell His disciples about the giving that He witnessed. And doesn't it seem that He was pleased by the widow's actions? So now we have two basic ideas...1. Giving is important to Jesus and 2. Giving all that you have pleases Him! 
     Where does that leave us? Do we give our all? Do we give as the verse says "extravagantly"? Do we give until it is all we have? Or do we give out of our surplus? Do we give what we've always given or do we stretch ourselves and set new goals? I've heard reports that the poorest American is still rich compared to the people in many other nations. So in this story we may be seen as the "rich people"! I don't know about you but I don't like that label! I'd rather be the one that Jesus credits with "extravagant" giving!        

" Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all!”
Luke 21:1-4

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Two Dogs

     Two dogs, one is happy to see you and is bouncing around because you're there...the other dog tries to see what's on your plate and what you're going to give to them. 
     If God is the one coming into the room...are you the dog that's bouncing and happy, or are you the one that's trying to see what He's going to give you? 
     Just wondering~  =)

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fly High

We are designed for so much more!
You have to decide to not settle for less..
Look up! Look out!
See the sky, watch the clouds,
Are they weighed down by the things of this world?
Why are you?

It's a choice you make~
Do you see things and people? or do you look further?
What is your focus?
The temporary struggle? or
The future Glory?

Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning! Psalm 30:5b

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Be The Chosen!


   ** This blog is such a burden on my heart that I have written and rewritten it to try to get the message in a way that everyone will read and apply!  
    You Probably Remember a time when people were being chosen and you might not have been the first? Maybe it was in gym class when they were choosing teams? Or maybe it was at a dance when they were choosing someone to dance with? Surely we all share the experience of being the one that was not chosen first...and maybe not second?
     This brings us to a thought-line that I'd like to drop into your thinking~ I've often considered the verse  "For many are called, but few are chosen" Matthew 22:14, and I've been bothered by the idea that in God's word there is an area for people to not be chosen! I don't want to not be chosen! And this is a way bigger deal than a game in gym class or a school dance! I have set myself to do what I need to do to be chosen! 
     We are all called/invited but we will not all be chosen! Doesn't that stir discomfort in you? I am not trying to cause fear, but awareness! We can not be complacent in our walk with God, we need to strive!
     If we were going to a dance, we'd be looking our best right?! You know we'd make every effort to be one that was chosen! If we were competing in a sports we'd be working out, practicing, training! Now I'm encouraging you to make every effort to be one of the few that is chosen!(Matthew 22:14)
     I want to point you to Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, that speak about not taking a life of ease, but to keep pushing ourselves to win the race! He says he treats his body hard and makes it his slave! How many of us have pushed ourselves to that point? 
     If you are like me you need to start pushing your body, do you feel more like a slave to it than it is to you? Do you feed it when it wants you to? let it rest when it wants to? you pretty much give your body what it wants? But according to Paul's words that kind of behavior could cost us a lot! It could make you lose the race that you so want to win! 
     So, I urge you to start training to win your race! dig into your Bible, read it, study it, spend time in prayer, not the "asking" kind of prayer, but the "praising, thanking" kind! Put a good praise song on and listen to the words, let them become the song of your heart! Do all you can to keep your thoughts focused on the pursuit of winning your "heavenly race"! 
     Beloved, we all want to be chosen, we all want to win...don't be a slave to your own will or your own body but push yourself, you can win! Follow the Holy Spirit, He is a great Trainer who will get you in shape to be the chosen! Holy Spirit, please come work on us and in us, to prepare us!

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

"For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:14

You know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize. So run to win! All those who compete in the games use self-control so they can win a crown. That crown is an earthly thing that lasts only a short time, but our crown will never be destroyed. So I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something--not just the air. I treat my body hard and make it my slave so that I myself will not be disqualified after I have preached to others. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 NCV   (The Amplified version is really good for these verses also!)  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


    You Probably Remember a time when people were being chosen and you might not have been the first? Maybe it was in gym class when they were choosing teams? Or maybe it was at a dance when they were choosing someone to dance with? Surely we all share the experience of being the one that was not chosen first...and maybe not second? I can tell you as a girl that wore glasses and was new to a school I was not the first chosen or any of the ones chosen until the very last. 
     As a girl you are often over looked by team captains that are trying to choose the strongest and fastest! And as a girl wearing glasses you are also overlooked when a guy is looking for the "hottest" girl to dance with. But it's okay, don't think it's a sad the time it was hard and it did feel sad, but that was a long time ago and I've received other character qualities that have balanced out any negative emotions I went through in the physical area and I even bloomed into a time of "hotness"!.  =D  
     But by those experiences some wisdom developed in the understanding of human nature that has helped through life! People are often shallow, they take a great deal of things on face value...totally ignoring the old saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover". 
     This brings us back to a different thought line though~ I've often thought about the verse Matthew 22:14 "For many are called, but few are chosen", and I've been bothered by the idea that in God's word there is even an area for people to not be chosen! I don't want to go through that feeling again! I don't want to not be chosen! And this is a way bigger deal than a gym class game or a school dance! I have set myself to do what I need to do to be chosen! 
     We are all called/invited but we will not all be chosen! Doesn't that stir discomfort in you? I am not trying to cause fear, but awareness! We can not be complacent in our walk with God. We need to strive, if we were going to a dance, we'd be looking our best right?! You know we'd make every effort to be one that was chosen! Now I'm encouraging you to make every effort to be one of the few that is chosen in Matthew 22:14! 
     I want to point you to Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 9, that speak about not taking a life of ease, but to keep pushing ourselves to win the race! He says he treats his body hard and makes it his slave! How many of us have pushed ourselves to that point? Right now I need to start pushing my body, it feels more like I'm a slave to it than it is to me! I feed it when it wants me to, I let it rest when it wants to...I pretty much give my body what it wants! But according to Paul's words that kind of behaviour could cost me a lot! It could make me lose the race that I so long want to win! So, I urge you to start training to win your race! dig into your Bible, read it, study it, spend time in prayer, not the asking kind of prayer, but the praising, thanking kind! Put a good praise song on and listen to the words, let them become a song in your heart!  
     Beloved, we all want to be chosen, don't be a slave to your will, but push yourself! Follow the Holy Spirit, He is a great Trainer Who will get you in shape to be chosen!

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

"For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:14

You know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize. So run to win! All those who compete in the games use self-control so they can win a crown. That crown is an earthly thing that lasts only a short time, but our crown will never be destroyed. So I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something--not just the air. I treat my body hard and make it my slave so that I myself will not be disqualified after I have preached to others. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 NCV   (The Amplified version is really good for these verses also!)  


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Few Chosen?

What does this passage in Matthew mean to you?

Matthew 22:10-14New American Standard Bible (NASB)

10 Those slaves(the King's slaves) went out into the streets and gathered together all they found, both evil and good; and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests.

11 “But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in wedding clothes, 12 and he *said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?’ And the man was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.”

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Once upon a time there was a little community of caterpillars...the caterpillars lived happily crawling around on the ground and plants, eating leaves together until one day...they watched as one by one of their family and friends crawled away and became encapsulated in some kind of weird blanketing system that they didn't understand... Their friends stayed in that weird blanket device for a very long time! and then...something even more bizarre happened! Some of the blankets started to tremble and shake and break open! And the caterpillars wondered, was their friend being released? Was their friend breaking out of that thing!? But wasn't their friend or was it? It was something they had never seen was their friend and their friend was broken! and would never be the same, never be able to crawl along with them on the ground and eat leaves with them again! Now their friend was deformed with things growing out of it's back! The things flopped around as their old friend tried to gain control of this new growth that had broken them! The poor little caterpillars watched in horror! As their friend gained control of the deformity growing out of their backs, the evidence of the brokenness, their friend began to smile! How could their friend smile in it's brokenness!? but wait...their friend was walking to the edge of a wasn't crawling anymore and wait, no wait...don't jump! But their friend flapped it's new deformity and floated away ~ the little caterpillar watched in awe as it's broken friend flew to new heights~ 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Holy Spirit, My Prodder

     This morning I went for a walk for exercise...did I want to...No, but then again Yes!, why No and Yes? It's because the Holy Spirit wanted me to. I understand that sounds pretty crazy to people that don't receive the Holy Spirit's input into their personal lives.
     Let me explain, for some time now the Holy Spirit has had a presence in my daily life. I know that He came into my life when I became a Christian, but to have His presence in your personal life is more! Yes, the Holy Spirit is my Teacher, Comforter, Instructor, but He is also my Companion and my Prodder(you know, someone that prods you to go walking in the morning!?) and many more things. When we ask, He will come and reside with us more than only in the salvation process. He will come in to reshape who we are, He reveals things about ourselves that we wouldn't see on our own. He also brings the deeper reality of our Heavenly Father to our understanding. (1 Corinthians 2:10-13) He helps us to know who we are in God! 
     I have heard teaching that there are 3 instances of the Holy Spirit in our lives the first is when the Holy Spirit is with us, then the in-living of the Holy Spirit and finally when the Holy Spirit overshadows us. I want all 3, I am no longer satisfied with the first two!  
     In my personal walk I have asked Him to come and rest on me, and I've told Him that if there are things that I do that offend Him or make it unpleasant for Him to walk with me constantly to please show me and I'll get rid of them or change or whatever I need to do! As a result, He has shown me and I have changed a lot of things because they are offensive to Him. My television watching has dropped to almost zero, there is not much on TV that the Holy Spirit wants me to see or to have on, my clothing have changed because He doesn't like sloppiness or immodesty on me (I can't speak for what He would have you wear, but I know what He wants me to wear). He has changed my routines, He doesn't like idleness, He has changed my words, because He doesn't like critical or negative words, He has changed my appearance, entertainment and many things! As a result I am becoming the new creature that it is said I am to be!(2 Corinthians 5:17) 
     So now you know why I said "No" and then "Yes" to walking this morning! I want the Holy Spirit with me always, to always hear His "proddings", so when He prompts me to do something I do it. If we ignore Him one time it's easier the next time and pretty soon we don't even hear Him. That's not the relationship with the Holy Spirit that I want, I want to be finely tuned to hear His voice and promptings, even if it's something I don't want to do!  =)  I challenge you to try it, life walking with the Holy Spirit is so much better than trying to do it in on your own. 
"For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words." 1 Corinthians 2:10-13

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Friday, July 17, 2015

Jesus' Covering

     Yesterday I had a very stressful lesson that brought me face to face with some of my shortcomings. I was trying to complete a test for an online course that Lane and I are taking. I had previously taken the test and submitted it, but then received an email that I needed to resubmit an essay answer because they didn't feel I had answered it correctly. I was thankful for the opportunity to look at the question again and have a better understanding of the subject....
     Probably not surprisingly, the test was about "humility", facing our shortcomings and admitting them quickly, from Matthew 5:25 "Make friends quickly with your opponent at law while you are with him on the way, so that your opponent may not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you be thrown into prison". There was a deadline to get this test completed and careful instructions! 
     While I was trying to get the answer written in "at least 10 sentences and not more than 20", as carefully instructed, and finished by 2 PM, as carefully instructed also, either my computer decided to eat up all of my work, or I was being given extra opportunity to really think about the lesson and let it soak in. I wrote what I thought was a really good answer to the essay question and then with a click of the mouse the whole answer was wiped out! I tried to find the undo or the saved draft...or anything! but it was all gone! With time running out on the deadline given to get the answer submitted I was running out of options, I wrote another answer! I don't believe it was as good as the first, but I had less time now and just wanted to get it finished so I could turn it in, another click to copy and paste and this answer was gone too! I was really getting stressed and started crying and praying, this course is important and if I didn't get this answer turned in it would affect my whole standing! I frantically started trying to pull myself out of the panic enough to stop crying and to be able to put some words together to describe what I had learned from the teaching about Matthew 5:25 "Agree with your adversary quickly while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison". 
     What I learned from this scripture did became more extensive with each time I wrote my answer!(*My computer ate about 3 answers!) I now have a more complete understanding of the purpose of this teaching than I did when we first read it and I spent the rest of the day in a very different spiritual place. I do understand that as I do have many shortcomings and accept that fact I more fully welcome the covering of Jesus' righteousness I am in a much more humble position... humble and thankful. I'm not trying to reteach what the lesson covered about this scripture, because it is taught much better by Francis Frangipane than I would be able to give it justice, but I can tell you that you do need to face the fact that we are all far from perfect, but that's ok...we are in a process of being perfected by the Holy Spirit...but while our righteousness is as "filthy rags" to God we are covered by Jesus' righteousness and it is Glorious! Don't try to walk in your own will put you in the guilt zone! Thank You Jesus for Your covering!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Content or Discontent

     It's always a good thing to take a personal inventory after criticizing someone else! After spending time with someone that's never satisfied with what they have or where they are it is a good time to check yourself! Ok, am I always praying or asking for something else or to be somewhere else? Am I content, like Paul in Philippians, in my circumstances? Do I spend more time asking or more time saying "Thank You"?
     Nothing is as satisfying as giving to someone that truly appreciates your gift or your efforts and nothing quite as disheartening as being with someone that is never satisfied. When I reflect that feeling back into myself, I question which am I? Am I only appreciative of the new and different? Only the best? I can only imagine the hurt that I have cast upon my Heavenly Father by not appreciating what He has put in my life and where He has placed me. I'm not talking about the things we bring into our life by our own will, but the things that He has given us.
     In our own will we can draw a lot of problems to ourselves, but that is our own doing, and to blame God for them is wrong and a whole different subject. Now I'm focusing on what I am, yes, I am short, yes, I need to wear glasses to see well, yes I tend to pack on pounds more easily than take them off, yes, my energy is limited and yes more of my life is behind me than ahead of me. those are things that are from God. Because I do have pounds that I need to take off is my own doing! I can exercise and eat wisely but I don't always do that, obviously! Anyways, This is not about the things in my life that I have caused, it's about being thankful for what God has done!
     I do need to wear glasses, Thank You Lord for my glasses! How sad it would be to go through life not being able have my glasses to help me see clearly! Thank You Lord that even though my energy is limited You have sent a loving husband that helps me cheerfully in all things! Thank You Lord that I have lived a good life with many people that I have had as family and friends and for the exciting future that You are laying out before me! Lord forgive me for dissatisfaction, please remove any covetous spirit, please help me to grow in contentment with the things you have given me.
     Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


     A lot of people watch super hero movies and focus on them....I was in church one Sunday and singing praises and Jesus told me that He is THE SUPERHERO (yes sometimes when I'm praising I'm not just singing, I'm talking to God and sometimes He's talking to me!)....I didn't really know why He was telling me that but it made me smile and I told Lane, "Jesus said He's THE SUPERHERO" and since then I've called Him that when I'm praising Him........since then I've realized why He told me that. But now I have a question for you, Who is your favorite Superhero? 

The Importance of the Father

     Recently there has been a lot of focus on the role of the father in the house, even from Christian experts. While I spent time with God this morning I received the teaching that we are missing the point. Father's have always been in and out of families, during war times it has always been the mother left raising the children and during the depression the father's were out looking for work...even traveling far and wide to try to find a job. The point we should be focusing on is that whoever is left at home to raise children, has to be teaching them about God and His commandments. It is more important that a child's Heavenly Father be part of their life even than their earthly father. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Walk the Walk!

     This is an idea that's been running around in my thoughts ever since my foot was broken and then healed through prayer. From the way that it's been brought back to me, I'd say it's an idea that I'm supposed to write about! So here goes~ 
     When I broke a bone in my foot, it was on the outside edge of my foot. I wasn't able to step flat on my foot and started walking on the inside part of the ball and heel, kind of rolling my foot inwards. After my foot was healed and I could walk on it normally, I seemed to still walk on the inside edge. I had learned to step flat on my foot hurt and to avoid that hurt I walked differently. I have had to force myself to walk on it normally! I have had to block out the message that it was going to hurt if I stepped flat on my foot! 
     Do you think that's the way people are in other areas of their lives? When we were sinners we walked in a certain way and then we were cleansed and we still walked the same way we did as sinners? Maybe we have to force ourselves to walk in God's grace?
     What exactly this means in each person's life I'm not sure! But maybe it means we have to start recognizing that we are healed from the previous things in our lives? The divorces, addictions, abuse, abandoned and such are no longer part of our lives, we have to start making ourselves walk as children of God? We are new creations! He has started a good work in us! But if we walk like we're still the abused, still the addicted, still the abandoned then what good has it done to have been made new? 
     We have to learn to trust each other, to be open and not hide ourselves away! We have to walk and live as people that have been made "whole". Take our eyes off of our previous hurts and move on! We are whole, we are strong, we are capable, we are strengthened through God's grace and mercy! Block out the voice that says "You can't do that, it will hurt!", step out in faith and live in the healing that God has given you. 
     If you haven't received your healing yet don't wait! But it's a whole 'nother issue if you still have healing that needs to happen. Some things God works on, bit by bit. Sometimes it's an immediate happening. His ways are high above ours, so I don't even try to explain this! But remember and meditate on God's word that says "The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds." Isaiah 53:5b
     Let me come back to the point of this, when you have been healed, don't let old habits or attitudes make you walk like you did before. Step out in the new creation that you are! Let your light so shine before people that they know you have a God that heals! and that you are one of His children! 

Friday, May 15, 2015


     At our prayer meeting Wednesday a lady spoke something about her family that I believe could apply to God's family. Yep, another Christian article! But I am consumed by God, so please bear with me!
     She asked for prayers for her family but she also spoke of the church body as her closer family. She said she loves her children and grand-children, she prays for them, calls them, checks on them encourages them and does everything she can for them, but they never come to see her and only call her when they need something.
     Is that our relationship with our Heavenly Father? I sincerely hope not! But I believe in a lot of cases it is. We don't visit Him, we don't stop by to say "Hello!", we don't call Him unless we need something.
     I know grown children with their own families get busy, but is it because we are busy or are we just self absorbed? How much effort does it take to stop and say "Hello Heavenly Father, I love you!". If we were getting a text message from someone we'd be sure to stop, read it and text back. Take time to say "Hello!" to God, He's waiting to hear from you and His heart is hurt by your neglect. Just saying~

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

One Person's Testimony is Another Person's Prophecy!

     Have you ever heard that your testimony can be someone else's prophetic word? I had heard it before, but I was able to experience it recently in my own life! I have shared that I had a broken foot diagnosed by a doctor, it was prayed for and healed. Thank You Lord! That is my testimony part.
     At our church I was drawn to our entrance way one Sunday morning, when I heard voices before time for church to start. I saw a young boy, named Austin, that was around 12 years old. Please forgive me if I have the age wrong, I'm not sure how old he is, but he was sitting in the foyer, with his foot wrapped up and with crutches. I asked him what had happened and he said he had a broken foot. I shared with him that I had had a broken foot but it was prayed for and healed! 
     As God would work things out we had a guest speaker at our church that Sunday that after speaking called people forward for prayer and ministry. I saw Austin making his way forward on his crutches, I started smiling and praying! 
     Austin patiently stood there on his crutches waiting to be seen behind the taller men that were being prayed for and eventually was able to move forward. The minister prayed and asked if he believed he was healed and he said "yes", then moved to the side on his crutches, I wanted to see him walking right then! ....but the next Sunday, at the very beginning of church Austin walked(without crutches!) to the front of the church and shared that he had been taken back to the doctor again and after the examination was told that there was now nothing wrong with his foot! Thank You Lord! 
     I'm don't know that my words to Austin caused him to go forward or that they caused him to say he believed he was healed, but maybe they were seeds planted? What I am saying is that we need to share with each other what God is doing in our lives, we need to encourage each other! We need to stir each other up in God's goodness!
     One person's testimony is another person's prophecy! 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

What Does Revival Look Like?

     We pray for "Revival", we want Revival, we cry out for Revival....are we ready for Revival? A few weeks ago I asked if we really want "Revival", now I'm going to ask another question. Are you ready for it?
     Do you think a Spirit of Revival being poured out into our lives, our church, our city, our nation would change our lives? How do you think it would change it? What do you think Revival looks like? 
     If you don't like going to church often you may not like Revival? If you don't like prayer, you may not like Revival, if you don't enjoy praise, probably won't like Revival! 
     Revival is about God, it's His people living completely for Him and His purpose. Are you ready to do that?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Triumphant Church

     Last night I had the honor of facilitating the Prayer Meeting at our church. It's always a humbling thing to me to have the opportunity to speak to God's people. 
     I always want to say exactly what He wants to have said but part of me struggles to say something in my own words that has the power to change lives! I know if I'm saying exactly what He wants to have said, it will change lives and if I say my own words I'll probably just offend or cause stumbling!~ So I struggle to say what He wants said and not just what I want to say! Anyway, this is what I shared~
     "Last time i shared here I spoke about being Active or AWOL, does anyone remember?" (some did remember!)
     "Anyways, now I want to share a little more about the idea that we are soldiers in God's Army.~
     First, I want to encourage us to start seeing ourselves as we are called to be. We all need to see ourselves as Prayer Warriors, because we are called to be Prayer Warriors! We are God's feet, His voice and His hands on Earth, we are His body.
     Jesus told us of the power that we should be walking in~
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. John 14:12
     And because we are in Christ we can claim these verses~
     But God being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ(by grace you have been saved)., and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly place in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-6
     "The Word in Ephesians 2:6 is past tense. God has already raised us up and made us sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We will rule and reign with Christ in this life now-if we'll exercise our rightful authority.
     Our position in Christ is already an accomplished fact. But we need to exercise the authority that belongs to us in that position of reigning with Christ over principalities and powers before it will profit us.
     Our position as believers is one of joint-seating with Christ in heavenly places that may not always be our circumstance , but that is our position.
     If we want to rise above our circumstances, we must take advantage of our position in Christ.
     When we get the revelation of our position in Christ, what a difference it will make in our lives! We will no longer be the defeated Church We will take our place as the triumphant Church, which was God's design from the foundation of the world." Kenneth Haggin
     Scripture tells us that what we loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven and what we bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven.
     "Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matthew 18:18-20
     We need to be using this authority! We need to be cashing in on this! If we were given a visa gift card we'd take it right to the store and cash it in, we should be cashing in this promise that Jesus gave us!
     We are familiar of binding things because we bind enemy spirits from having any power in our lives, but what does loosing mean? How do we loose things?
     "Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity." Luke 13:12
     Secondly, we need also to always put on our armor, daily! When we start praying and battling in the spiritual realm we need to take the steps that our Heavenly Father has given us so we aren't just sitting ducks! The armor is given to us to protect us because our battle is not against flesh and blood.

     Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
     With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, Ephesians 6:10-19