Friday, November 20, 2015

Do Your Thoughts Encourage Others?

     Recently Lane attended a workplace meeting with many other workers for the city. He shared a very interesting thing that the speaker did, at least it was interesting to me!
     Our minds are a powerful tool, for either good or bad, it's our choice. In the meeting the speaker had a young man leave the room and then spoke to the remaining group. The remaining group was instructed that when the man returned they were to think mean, discouraging thoughts directed to him on a given signal. They would be given a sign to think the "bad" thoughts. They were also instructed that they would receive a different signal and then they were to think good and encouraging thoughts directed at the man. They were told to not change their facial expressions, but to simply do this in their minds, so the young man had no knowledge of the test.
     When the young man returned he was given a physical test to perform and then the signal was given to the crowd to send discouraging thoughts to the young man without his seeing it. The young man was not able to perform the test no matter how hard he tried. Then the crowd was given the second signal to think good and encouraging thoughts, the young man was able to perform the test with no problem! The only change was the crowds thoughts! Isn't that amazing? Our thoughts have great power, affecting other's lives!
     Imagine how we can influence other people with encouragement only by directing good and encouraging thoughts towards them! At the same time we need to remember to be very careful with any negative thoughts that we allow to creep into our minds.
     We are instructed to take every thought captive (2 Cor 10:5), this experiment shows the importance of our thought life! I'm sure we'll be held accountable for thoughts we have entertained that are not appropriate for a Christian's life.
     Think how easy to encourage each other, think good thoughts for them, think encouragement! Control negative thoughts, control judgements and criticisms! This is a tool the most lazy of us can use! Sit in your chair and think good things for those around you!

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