Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Lately, I've been going through some physical challenges that have changed my world. After another visit to the doctor, I realized that I need to accept that my world is continuing to change!  

As I was considering this yesterday I came to understand that my world has always been changing and I don't know why I didn't notice it so much until now! 

As a young girl, I climbed trees, rode horses, and did cartwheels, backbends, and many other things that were fun for me. I was a terror when it came to playing tetherball and at recess I rushed out to play baseball!

All of those things have fallen to the side as life has moved on, I don't know when the last time was that I did a cartwheel? I think I let go of those things without regret because there were other new, exciting things coming into my life. 

Now I'm being forced to let go of things that I'm not really quite ready to let go of because of new physical limitations. When I was thinking about this yesterday and feeling sorry for myself I suddenly considered that I have been letting go of things all through life, even as I'm sure you have too! Why am I fighting it so much now?  I need to look around my world and see what the new things are that I can grab hold of and move into! 

No more feeling sorry for myself! The Lord must have other things He is opening to me~ I need to be open to what those things are, not worrying about what I'm letting go of!

Okay, Lord!  Please forgive my petty grumbling.  I'm ready, let's go! I'm sorry I fought this in the beginning, I was being selfish and childish. I'm ready to move where and when You want me to!