Monday, March 12, 2012

New Food Habits~

I started a diet and have been having good success with it and along with losing weight, I'm feeling better. I told a loved one about this and wanted to break it down so it didn't seem overwhelming. I sent it to them in an email but then realized that I should use it for my blog too. So here it is, info about my eating habit?(not just a diet, because I plan to try to stay on this eating style). Also though, I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I'm just a woman saying this is what is working for me~

My food list is meats:
**smoked turkey sliced at the deli, there are two kinds,
   one has MSG and the other
   doesn't, so I buy 1 pound without MSG, thin sliced
   (but not shaved) and separated in two bags, each
   with 1/2 pounds. last time I was there I also bought
**1/2 pound of sliced roast beef.
**eggs, cooked anyway~omelets work for dinner with bacon
   I keep some boiled in the fridge for times I get hungry
   and not enough time to fix something
**cheese, pretty much any kind, I mostly use cottage cheese
   string cheese(another quick rescue from hunger) and cheddar
**soup, (stewed tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli,
   green beans, mushrooms, Worcester sauce, onions,
   garlic, basil, salt and black powder, or your choice of
   spices) You can add beef(or your choice of meat) to
   this soup if you want or eat it plain. Lane has crackers
   with it, but I skip those(carbs!).
**Stevia for the sweetener(I even had some cottage cheese and
   sprinkled cocoa powder and stevia over it and called it a
   chocolate cheese cake~
I can also have pretty much any kind of meat, so we have a lot of bacon to go with the eggs.
     The smoked turkey I use for omelets or just warmed and with the eggs and some cheese sprinkled over it.. I also use it with a leaf of lettuce, washed and smeared with mayo, then lay the turkey in it and roll it up like a burrito. I've been using the beef for a roll too, I smear it with mayo, and put some Colby slivers in it and roll it up, pretty yummy. I bet it would be tasty with some herbs laid in with the cheese too. I'm finding that cauliflower is a good substitute when I want something crunchy or to replace potatoes in the soup. I usually liked potatoes to give it "body" but the cauliflower does that too.
     From what I've read fruit isn't really encouraged on a low carb diet, but I've been eating an orange every morning too, first I get up, have my coffee(I switched to decaf) with half and half and stevia, then when it's about gone I have an orange, then about an hour or less later I fix my eggs and bacon(unless I'm not really hungry yet) then mid day I have a bowl of soup, then mid afternoon some cheese or turkey or something on the list, then for dinner i like having the soup(last night I had egg drop soup). If i get to feeling like I want something sweet the crystal light pomegranate mix seems to take care of it. I think I've lost 9 pounds now! I guess my body finally kicked over to burning fat instead of being dependent on carbs. The first week or more was kind of tough, my body was not accepting the fact that it wasn't receiving ANY carbs! I was pretty tired, lethargic and foggy, of course, quitting caffeine contributed to this too.
     I've found some low carb recipes using coconut flour to bake with, when I can find some of it I'm going to give that a try too.

I'm writing all of this to encourage you! There are a lot of words, but it's really simple once you understand the things to include and the things to exclude. The main things to exclude are flour, potatoes and sugar, of course there are others, like carrots, bananas, beans(except green beans for some reason?), lunch meats, because of the chemicals in them(preservatives, etc) but if you get rid of the main culprits you'll start feeling better


  1. I'm on a diet very simular to yours except I add more vegetables. My weightloss has been slow...just 43 pounds since Nov 11. But I'm happy with long as it keeps going down.

    I've read over some of your blog, and it is always nice to meet others in the Body of Christ, that are following Jesus!!! We hear His voice and follow no other!!! ♥♥♥

  2. Cathy,
    Actually on my diet I've started adding more veggies too. It's taken me awhile to get my brain changed out of the corn and potatoes type of meal planning, but I'm making it gradually! We had a delicious Cabbage Soup and I've been branching out slowly but surely. I think 43 pounds is a lot to lose! Congratulations! Keep going!
    It is indeed always nice to meet others in the Body of Christ, it builds a network that makes us all stronger! Thank you for your comment and welcome to our blog! Someday I'm going to get my husband to share on here too!

  3. Hello Lane and Lorna...
    Today I lost access to my old blog and so today I had to create a new blog... argh~ but the LORD knows why. My new blog is
    I have added you to my favorites list again! Thanks~ ♥♥♥

  4. Thank you Cathy for the update! We'll go right over there and get it added to our favorites as well! And yes, somethings only God knows the reason for, but being in His will we can trust it will all work out as it should. We walk by faith! In His love!

  5. I love it that you guys are eating healthier, it is good for mind, body & spirit. You gain more energy, clearer thinking and a generalized feeling that you do have the spirit of control ~ a Gift of the Holy Spirit! I was on steroids due to a few incurable diseases. I knew God was in control, that my body is in subjection to Him & that I have the spirit of discipline and God helped me loose 83 pounds back to my normal size 150 lbs. I have not ever lost weight w/o the help of God who strengthens me in areas of my life that are weak. Recently, I found out that carbs are what I should be counting. This has really helped me! I can eat most everything on the list, for about 30 carbs/or less a meal. I know this is too long, but just one more thing. God has given me the gift of praying for people to loose weight and He is faithful to help them quickly shed pounds. PS: Lorna is my lovely daughter in law.

    1. Eating healthier has really helped to improve how we're feeling. So glad for you that God is working so powerfully in your life! Exciting losing 83 pounds! Thank You Lord.

  6. Have lost 40 pounds now~ amazing to lose that many pounds and still need/want to lose another 40!! But so glad to be halfway there and glad I started when I did!

  7. Hi Lane & Lorna, I have lost 45 pounds recently and it sure feels great to have the weight off. I have been struggling with “normal” eating. My sister, Nadine came to visit on Tuesday and she told me that food is very deceiving. That it actually talks to you and lies to you telling you that it will taste oh so good . . This has changed my perception of food & I wanted to share it with you. Love you two
