Friday, February 27, 2015

Praise Leaders

     What does that title mean to you? Be careful, your answer may reveal a lot about your relationship with God!
     I've attended many churches and have observed many praise services. In one church my husband and I could only hear our own voices, but we sang on! We've also been to churches where a person stood at the front and sang loud enough that some of the others in the congregation weren't afraid to join them and sing also. I've also been to churches where a choir did all of the singing! They didn't even ask the people to join them and to praise God!
     Where did we come up with these traditions!? It's a tidy way to deal with that pesky part of the church service that asks for our involvement, we'll just appoint someone else to handle the praise, right?, then we can get to the part where we can just sit and listen and have nothing else expected of us!
     That is a long ways from what we should be offering! We want to feel God's presence in our churches, but yet we don't even want to put ourselves out enough to lift our voices! much less our hands! Are we afraid our neighbors might think we've taken this God thing too far? How sad...
     How do you decide what is too far? We're talking about our Great Creator, our Savior, our King of far is too far? Most of the people that don't want to be seen raising their hands in church are some of the people that will jump up and down and scream at a football game! They don't mind going too far for their favorite team, right!? They need to get as excited about God!
     We need to realize that the Praise Leaders have a part in our praise to our Lord and Saviour, but so do we! The Praise Leader is not up there to perform for our entertainment, they are there to usher us into the presence of the Lord, they're like a tour guide that says "Here it is, come and look! Come and see! Come and enjoy! Come and be part of this!". And then it's our responsibility to enter in!
     Come and see that the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8

Praise Team

     I was doing a search for a praise song and ran into this video.
     My heart goes out to this Praise Leader, but unfortunately this can be witnessed almost anywhere that Christians join to worship.
     This lady is Christy Nockles, a gifted singer and a Praise Leader, she is singing and worshiping God, and leading others in worship, but the people just seem to be watching her. Why?
     Why do people not engage in worship? Is it the Praise Leader's fault? No! I'm not saying that all people don't engage, but you can see in this video that even as she is singing that "we lift our hands"...less that 5 percent of the people lift their hands? Why?
     I am a Praiser, so I really can't understand what must be going through the minds of these people! Do they not want to worship God? Then why are they there? Are they physically unable to move, to sing or to raise their hands? No, at the end they did clap, so they are able to move!... Do they think that the Leader doing all of the singing and praising is what God wants? I believe if this is their beliefs, they are sadly delusional!
     God's word says over and over to praise Him, to shout, to sing, to never once says watch someone else praise! Stand perfectly still and quiet and praise Him in your mind!
     We are doing God an injustice by not entering into the praise when we have it available, we're also doing ourselves an injustice if we don't lift our voices, our hands, our thoughts, our hearts and our spirits to Him.
     I had written this a few weeks ago and in rereading it I am wondering that maybe the people are not responding because they've not been taught how to praise?
     Maybe the praise leader does need to prepare people for praising by teaching. Share scripture about how to praise, what does God say about it? Maybe there is a time for teaching and then a time for putting into action. 
     This is developing into another subject for another day! For today, we the people need to start being a part of the praise team! We need to raise our hands, raise our voices, our hearts, our spirits and faces to God! Lift your voice and hands the next time you have an opportunity to praise your Heavenly Father!     

Waiting Here For You with Christy Nockels~

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Slave or Free?

     This is what God put on my heart today for those who will follow Him.
     There is a peace in knowing that all things are His.
     Your home - is His
     Your transportation - is His
     Your family - is His
     If you go into debt for things that He didn't intend for you to have - the debt is yours!
     Material things are a hindrance in walking with Him, they come between you.
     You want what you don't need.
     You buy more than you can afford.
     You become a slave to your debt.

     You cannot serve 2 Masters.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Curse or Blessing?

     Short thought, do you speak curse or blessing into your own life? Do you listen to the self condemning voices of your past or of the world, or do you listen to what God's word says about you?
     You are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are a new creation! You are the healed! You can do all things! You have all that you need! 
     Try starting your day with these words and teachings, it changes your life! They are God's word and He never lies! Trust in Him.

Psalm 139:14 ~ I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.

2 Corinthians 5:17 ~ Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Isaiah 53:5 ~ But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.

Philippians 4:13 ~ I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:19 ~ And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Numbers 23:19 ~ “God is not a human who lies or a mortal who changes his mind. When he says something, he will do it; when he makes a promise, he will fulfill it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Active or AWOL?

     Last Sunday our Pastor spoke about our ability to walk in the power that Jesus did. Jesus's words tell us that we will do the same things that He did and greater!(John 14:12)

     The point was made last Sunday and we're in agreement with it, we are in a war! and now, if you're a Christian you are drafted!
      Like the war that the United States fought in Vietnam, we have seriously underestimated our enemy and not really understood the battle, the battleground or even the rules of engagement! Or even as in historical movies where we've seen the armies in rank marching into the direct fire of the enemy army, we've not changed our tactics over the years.
     It is time for us to face facts, we are going to need to enter the battle as God's people or as the children's song calls us, "the Lord's Army", or we are guilty of letting our Lord and Saviour down by being AWOL!
     There was a time that to be a Christian was a good thing, but now we've become known as quibbling, hypocritical "haters". While the world is seeing us this way if we continue to move forward with no changes in our thinking, living and actions then we're like the army that is marching in rank directly into the line of fire.
     OK, let's agree, we are joining God's Army, as a fighter what would be our first step? Training! Physical, mental and spiritual! We're going to have to step up our commitment to our lives as God's people. Always before when God was rousing His people, they were called to cast off the things of the world and to walk in His holiness!
     So first! Train in holiness, not "holier than thou-ness", train in true holiness! Let each household look to it's own holiness, as God rooted out Achen's sins(Joshua 7), God can also root out our brother and sister's issues, they don't need our fingers pointing at them, let's mind to our own households. Consecrate yourselves!
     Next study, I'm sure you've heard about how bank employees are taught to recognize counterfeit money? The bank managers have them handling real currency so they are able to tell what is not real currency. The more you are in God's word and presence the more you are able to recognize what is not of God, what is counterfiet.
     Draw together, know your enemy but also know your brothers and sisters! there is power in numbers! God does come to us in our private lives and private prayers, but His word also admonishes us to not neglect our joining together(Hebrews 10:25). It speaks in many places of our need for each other, where two or more have gathered together(Matt 18:20), what two or more have agreed upon(Matt 18:19)....there is success with many counselors(Prov 15:22). And in the beginning of the church was when the people were spending so much time together that the church was growing daily! Remember when the people sold their things and were eating and praying together regularly? God's body grew daily, can you imagine the excitement and joy they must have been living in? Now we live our lives thinking we're individuals that have the right to pursue our own interests and pleasure, we fit "church" time in when we can make it work and not be in conflict with other events. I'm not sure that as members of God's body that our rights to pursue our pleasures are something that should be elevated to the point of running our appointments and calendars, are you?
     Now remember our battle is not against flesh and blood, even though it seems like the enemy is bringing war against our flesh and blood, however, it is against a spiritual enemy that uses flesh and blood to accomplish his goals (Ephesians 6:12), his goals are to defeat us! He comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Let's look back to the movie image of war and soldiers, you always see them sharpening swords or cleaning their rifles, we also want to prepare and care for our armor daily! We want our weapons clean and working smoothly! The soldier's lives depended on the reliability of their armor and weapons and ours could also! Know your armor, prepare it and wear it!

  • The helmet of Salvation
  • The breastplate of Righteousness
  • The belt of Truth
  • The shoes of Peace
  • The shield of Faith
  • The sword of the Spirit

     There is more teaching here than I can do justice to in one article, but let's summarize what we have covered with these five points,
  •  We are drafted!
  •  We need to consecrate ourselves,
  •  We need to draw closer to God, 
  •  We need to draw closer to the other members in our Army unit(that's our church!), 
  •  We have to take care of the Armor that God has give us and wear it daily!
     Now, go out and save the world! For the hope of your families and the future of your children! stand up and step out! let your voice be heard, God is counting on you, He has called you, He has provided everything that we need, He has promised to be with us in everything!...He's just waiting for us to step up and take our place in the battle. Wherever your foot treads bring the power of God with you, shine His light into every area that you encounter. At work, at the bank, at school meetings, at the store, at the gas station, at the restaurant, at the gym, walking down the street, at the park, wherever you go, whatever you see, let God show you what He sees, let Him use your mouth to bring His encouragement and His truth to the world, engage with the world as His person.
     You may think you can avoid the battle, but if you don't step up and take your place the battle is going to come to you anyway, if it hasn't already. For the honor of our Lord and Saviour don't avoid your place in the victory that He will have! You've been drafted!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Revival ~ (Reposted February 2015 ~ Originally Posted Friday, November 9, 2012)


by Lorna Mercer

      Lord, Loving Father, Redeeming Brother, Comforting Counselor,
      You are the Great I Am, the Alpha and Omega, the Amazing Creator - You know all things from the beginning to the end (but there is no end!). You hold the universe in the palm of Your hand! and yet You are mindful of us...even to know the number of hairs on our head!
      When we grasp the truth of this, how can we let any fear take root in our hearts?!
      You are our Shepherd, You protect us, guide us and provide for us. Over and over You have told us "Fear Not!".
      Lord, I know I previously lived my life in my own power, what a foolish thing! I did what "I" thought was right. I prayed and asked for direction but I have only recently learned how to listen to the answer. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit living in me being Your Communicator, Guide and Teacher to my spirit. I have been "saved" for a long time, but I didn't know Yourpower. I had not learned how to walk, live, breathe and rest in You. Even now I'm still learning to grasp the authority You have provided for us! "Us" as Your children, but also "Us" as Your body on Earth!
      Thank You Lord! You have provided all we need to walk in victory, please help us find our way to the path of victory, please remove the scales from our eyes! Remove our apathetic hearts! I ask that Your whole body wake up and "hear" Your call!
      If this election had gone to the candidate that I supported would people have backed off on their drive to bring our nation into Your will?  ...Probably...Even now we have shown ourselves too weak to successfully support a man that wanted to stand with Israel and to protect unborn babies! We need You Lord! We need the strength of Your Holy Spirit poured out upon our Nation! We need revival that can only be brought through an outpouring of Your Spirit! Lord we pray now, Let it be! Pour Your Spirit over our Nation, One Nation under You! In Jesus' powerful name and through His precious blood we pray, Amen!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Expectant Waiting!

     Yesterday I was getting ready for my day, yes, it's not always a day filled with great doings, but I do like to look good for my husband, for myself and for God. We have God's honor to carry and represent in our daily lives, if we prepare to do it! I heard God's prompting in my heart as I was preparing.
     He told me that I am waiting for the return of my Bridegroom, it could happen at any time! I should be the one in society that stands out, the one that appears different, I should be the one that has a twinkle in my eye and the one that looks like I'm expectantly waiting! The one that looks like I'm ready for the return of the One I love!
     I should take extra care with my appearance, no house clothes all day for me! no unbrushed hair, no raggedy appearance! (unless I'm gardening!). 
     I believe we can create honor or dishonor  with things as simple as our choice of clothing. As an example, I had plans with my granddaughter to go to a movie, I dressed like I was going to a great occasion. I wanted to make memories with her and for her to have a feeling of the fun and excitement, I wanted to honor her! I put on a dress and jewelry with deliberate purpose and she did notice and it did make a difference in her eyes, often little things that we think don't matter, really do!
     If you're married do you remember getting ready for a date with your spouse? There was excitement and expectant preparation! If you're not married then you probably have still experienced that excited preparation for the focus of your affection. 
     Are we as excited about the love relationship with our Saviour, about His appearance(not to "beam" us out of here, but to see His face!) I'm getting ready daily to meet Him, a smile on my face and even a touch of lipstick! I'm calling you to the same excitement, don't focus on the chores of this world(they will always be there!), but raise your vision, Honor Him in your heart and your life! Be excited, live in expectation! 
     The Saviour of the world is your Groom! A man that lived and died for you! God's Son that stepped away from Heaven...for you! And He has gone to prepare a place for you! and now He will return for those who are expectantly waiting! 
     The King of Kings is returning for me, to receive me to Himself! There can be no greater joy than that fact!


     This is for Christian women and will not be of interest or will be ridiculed by non-Christian women.
     First, God did create man and He did create woman, we each have our own purpose. If He wanted us to be the same He wouldn't have needed to create a second being. Women complete the picture! In our day and time, society is trying to remove the difference in genders and in essence, but as Christian women we need to understand that God does have a purpose for us, and what it is! We're not in competition with men! We are God's women!
     Second, women have a vital role in life, for themselves, for men, for their children, for society and for God! There have been many times in the history of the bible that things dangled by a strand in the hands of a woman! Esther, Deborah, Jael, Abigail, Mary, and Elizabeth to name just a few.
     There have been good women and bad and we as women need to be very careful to learn from the examples given to us. We don't want to be the weak willed or selfishly strong-willed women that lead our families and other people into danger and destruction. I could name some names here, but I think we already are aware of some of them! Okay, Eve, Jezebel, Delilah...and Lot's wife!
     We need to realize that the Bible's words while at times can be used to put women into an inferior role also says, "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise." Galatians 3:25-30
     As women we have been deceived into stepping away from our protective roles. Yes men are protectors of the family, but so are women. Like the saying goes about not wanting to encounter a mama bear, women protecting their families can be more ferocious than men!
     Our society is in need of Christian women to step up, not to stay quiet and wait for the men to handle everything! The men are handling things, but women were created to be their helpmates, not their extra baggage! I know, many of you have stepped up and are in the battle with your mates, or even alone for women without mates!
     There are places that women go and may have more influence than men. Groups where their children are involved in lessons, sports and school activities. At work and when shopping women have a voice. If I was talking to men, yes, I'd be calling them to step up in their lives too but we are God's women and we are being called!
     My concern is that we as Christians are letting our world slip through our fingers, we're not passing on a Godly nation that we had handed to us from our parents! We are letting our families and our God down!  As the women and mothers that God has raised up, that should be something that concerns you also!
     Even as Deborah led the army into battle, you are being called to pick yourself up and step into the battle. Your future is calling you to defend the things that God has put into your care, your families, your children, your society, your nation and the reputation of your God, King, Saviour and returning Bridegroom!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


     We honor our Pastors, or we should! Have you ever thought about the work of a Pastor? Think about it...they are to tend the sheep and let me tell you that sheep are not the brightest animal in the barnyard! If a sheep falls on it's back, it just waits there to die! It doesn't even try to get back up, and sheep will follow each other over a cliff! Not smart!
     Pastors are like the farmers that have to take care of the sheep, stand them back up so they don't die and get them to not follow each other over a cliff, and they're also like the fathers of the family, they are to watch out for the congregation, prepare it, guard it, feed it, make sure it's doing what it's supposed to do...
     In the world there are many jobs I would find challenging beyond my capabilities, and being a Pastor is one of them! But when God calls you to a work, He prepares you for it. That doesn't mean that we the people of the flock should not be trying to make the Pastors job easier! We should! 
     What do you think we could do to help make the Pastor's job easier? First we could pray for them! That's a good place to start! Because they are Pastors the enemy knows that if he can hit the Pastor of a church he can damage the whole congregation! So first of all, let's pray for our Pastors! Pray protection from the enemy and a close, revealing walk with God!
     Second, let's honor the position of authority that God has put the Pastor in. 
Authority? Yes, God has put the Pastor in a position of authority and it's our job to honor the position. No that doesn't mean we worship our Pastor, but it does mean we don't make his job more difficult. If he does something that we question, pray about it, don't go to your friend and start talking about how wrong your pastor is! Honor him by not bickering with him or the other people in his flock. God has put him there, honor what God has done!
     Third, another way to honor him is to try to make his job easier. Volunteer! Wow! Volunteer? Yes, Volunteer! There is a lot of work to keeping a body of believers flowing together! There is a building that we want to meet in so we can be protected from the weather! That takes work! Keeping the building functioning inside and out! The parking lot paved, the grass mowed, the trash picked up, the supplies in place, the lights on, the light bulbs changed! that the Pastor's job? No, it's our job, we're the body, we can take care of those things ourselves, we're not visitors at church, we're the body! We are the church! 
     Take time to give your Pastor the support and honor that is due to his position and remember, he is there because God put him there, I think if we don't honor and respect that position and the man, we'll be facing God explaining why.
     I really started this to be a blog about the Praise Leaders and Team, but I guess that will be tomorrow!  =D

One Thing, Don't Be Distracted!

     When I wake up and I have no blog in me to write, God still has something that He wants to show me, and for me to share with you!
     This morning the only thing on my agenda after my study time was dishes, laundry, paying bills and grocery shopping, but as I woke up a song was going through my heart. It's one that we sing in praise at church. "One Thing", since it has been on my heart for the last 2 days when I've woke up I wanted to find it on YouTube and listen to it completely, to grasp the full meaning of the words and to understand why God put it on my heart.  
     Yesterday I looked for it but found Shekinah Glory instead, which is an amazing praise song itself, but I was distracted from the original search, unfortunately I am easily distracted, and quit searching and just listened to that song! But I'm thankful that God brought me back to the point again of looking for this song.~
     This is the title and these are the lyrics~ 

One Thirst by Jeremy Riddle

You say to us seek Your face
Our hearts reply, Your face we seek
And come teach us Lord, reveal Your ways
Anoint us for the greater things

We have gathered with one thirst and hunger
We're here to drink of glory and wonder,
Here to cry out
Come and fill this place
Come and fill this place

And our single wish, our sole desire
To gaze upon Your beauty God
We will not rest, nor will we cease
Till with our eyes, Your face we see

We have gathered with one thirst and hunger 
We're here to drink of glory and wonder,
Here to cry out
Come and fill this place, this place
Come and fill this place, this place

We wait for You to come and show Your glory here today.
We wait for You, God we wait for You!
Alleluia come, Alleluia come, Alleluia come, Alleluia come!
We wait for You to come and show Your glory here today!
     But now we're asked, do we really live these words? Do I really wait for God? I was given a song yesterday and then was so easily distracted that I didn't follow through on the first song that God gave me! I do try to follow through on the leadings that God puts in my heart, but too often I'm distracted! How often do we fall short of doing the things that God has given us, because we let ourselves be distracted by other things? How often do we not run the race that God has put before us for that day because we never even get on our "mark"? Or we do get on our mark and start running and then notice we forgot to tie our shoes and bend over to tie them, straighten back up and realize that we are far behind the other runners! At that point we imagine there's no point in even trying! 
     Here we should be feeling challenged to get focused, get ready, get set, GO! 
     So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back. Hebrews 12:1b NCV
  •      Get focused ~ put away distractions!
  •      Get ready ~ time with God and His word!
  •      Get set ~ time praying
  •      GO!  Run the race!

Run the race that God has set for you! Nobody else can run your race! 
Don't sit it out! 
Don't be distracted! 
Don't lose focus!
Don't give up!
Run today to win! 
God is with you, you can do it!