Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Active or AWOL?

     Last Sunday our Pastor spoke about our ability to walk in the power that Jesus did. Jesus's words tell us that we will do the same things that He did and greater!(John 14:12)

     The point was made last Sunday and we're in agreement with it, we are in a war! and now, if you're a Christian you are drafted!
      Like the war that the United States fought in Vietnam, we have seriously underestimated our enemy and not really understood the battle, the battleground or even the rules of engagement! Or even as in historical movies where we've seen the armies in rank marching into the direct fire of the enemy army, we've not changed our tactics over the years.
     It is time for us to face facts, we are going to need to enter the battle as God's people or as the children's song calls us, "the Lord's Army", or we are guilty of letting our Lord and Saviour down by being AWOL!
     There was a time that to be a Christian was a good thing, but now we've become known as quibbling, hypocritical "haters". While the world is seeing us this way if we continue to move forward with no changes in our thinking, living and actions then we're like the army that is marching in rank directly into the line of fire.
     OK, let's agree, we are joining God's Army, as a fighter what would be our first step? Training! Physical, mental and spiritual! We're going to have to step up our commitment to our lives as God's people. Always before when God was rousing His people, they were called to cast off the things of the world and to walk in His holiness!
     So first! Train in holiness, not "holier than thou-ness", train in true holiness! Let each household look to it's own holiness, as God rooted out Achen's sins(Joshua 7), God can also root out our brother and sister's issues, they don't need our fingers pointing at them, let's mind to our own households. Consecrate yourselves!
     Next study, I'm sure you've heard about how bank employees are taught to recognize counterfeit money? The bank managers have them handling real currency so they are able to tell what is not real currency. The more you are in God's word and presence the more you are able to recognize what is not of God, what is counterfiet.
     Draw together, know your enemy but also know your brothers and sisters! there is power in numbers! God does come to us in our private lives and private prayers, but His word also admonishes us to not neglect our joining together(Hebrews 10:25). It speaks in many places of our need for each other, where two or more have gathered together(Matt 18:20), what two or more have agreed upon(Matt 18:19)....there is success with many counselors(Prov 15:22). And in the beginning of the church was when the people were spending so much time together that the church was growing daily! Remember when the people sold their things and were eating and praying together regularly? God's body grew daily, can you imagine the excitement and joy they must have been living in? Now we live our lives thinking we're individuals that have the right to pursue our own interests and pleasure, we fit "church" time in when we can make it work and not be in conflict with other events. I'm not sure that as members of God's body that our rights to pursue our pleasures are something that should be elevated to the point of running our appointments and calendars, are you?
     Now remember our battle is not against flesh and blood, even though it seems like the enemy is bringing war against our flesh and blood, however, it is against a spiritual enemy that uses flesh and blood to accomplish his goals (Ephesians 6:12), his goals are to defeat us! He comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Let's look back to the movie image of war and soldiers, you always see them sharpening swords or cleaning their rifles, we also want to prepare and care for our armor daily! We want our weapons clean and working smoothly! The soldier's lives depended on the reliability of their armor and weapons and ours could also! Know your armor, prepare it and wear it!

  • The helmet of Salvation
  • The breastplate of Righteousness
  • The belt of Truth
  • The shoes of Peace
  • The shield of Faith
  • The sword of the Spirit

     There is more teaching here than I can do justice to in one article, but let's summarize what we have covered with these five points,
  •  We are drafted!
  •  We need to consecrate ourselves,
  •  We need to draw closer to God, 
  •  We need to draw closer to the other members in our Army unit(that's our church!), 
  •  We have to take care of the Armor that God has give us and wear it daily!
     Now, go out and save the world! For the hope of your families and the future of your children! stand up and step out! let your voice be heard, God is counting on you, He has called you, He has provided everything that we need, He has promised to be with us in everything!...He's just waiting for us to step up and take our place in the battle. Wherever your foot treads bring the power of God with you, shine His light into every area that you encounter. At work, at the bank, at school meetings, at the store, at the gas station, at the restaurant, at the gym, walking down the street, at the park, wherever you go, whatever you see, let God show you what He sees, let Him use your mouth to bring His encouragement and His truth to the world, engage with the world as His person.
     You may think you can avoid the battle, but if you don't step up and take your place the battle is going to come to you anyway, if it hasn't already. For the honor of our Lord and Saviour don't avoid your place in the victory that He will have! You've been drafted!

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