Sunday, November 13, 2011

Knowing God's Will(notes from sermon by Steve Gray)

Knowing God's Will
(as presented by Steve Gray, World Revival Church Sept. 11, 2011. This is condensing an hour long message into a short blog, please listen to the message for the complete details.

Friday, November 11, 2011

God's Will part 2 (posted on blog by Lorna)

     Previously I wrote about Paul's walk, and after reading further into Acts I'd like to add more about how we try to ascertain God's will in our own lives. I myself have followed these same things so many times, believing that God's will would be evidenced by the ease of my life or path that lay ahead and now I'm reading how the counsel of others is not even something to be considered "iron clad" evidence of the Lord's will.
     As Paul was on his travels back to Jerusalem he continually heard from other believers "don't go to Jerusalem!" Acts 21:4 And having looked up the disciples there, we remained with them for seven days. Prompted by the [Holy] Spirit, they kept telling Paul not to set foot in Jerusalem. There were many who advised him not to enter Jerusalem.
     I know sometimes situations or "Godly counsel" can indicate what God's will is for our actions, but as Paul did, we need to look to the Lord and follow His guidance first. If the rest(situations and counsel) falls in line with what our hearts have already received then we have confirmation.
     I've always believed that we want God's will in parts of our lives, but we believe He should leave the rest to us. If we aren't willing to follow His will in all things, why do we believe He is bound to show us His will in part?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Heart Song (Posted on blog by Lorna)

     I was awakened this morning to a song on the radio, the words were "there can never be a more beautiful you" and my spirit immediately turned it around to singing the words to God!
     I am home alone a lot and have the radio going most of the time (I enjoy hearing other human voices when I move around the apartment). Surprisingly or not, God has many times used a song on the christian radio station to get my attention (example this morning!).
     The main point I'm getting to is the beauty of God! I've read that the angels are always singing in heaven "Holy, Holy, Holy" and in my human way of thinking, I had envisioned God sitting on a throne and the angels were in attendance, singing to Him. I hadn't considered it a lot more than that, except (in my little human brain) to think it would be tedious
     I've recently heard a whole different concept which I'd like to put forward as more likely true! When we see something of great beauty, whether it's a piece of sparkling jewelry or fine crystal, for men it may be a new car or motorbike, we all may be captured by a flower or fall foliage by, a sunset or sunrise, a rainbow, the mountains, the ocean, a lake, a forest? There are so many things of beauty that stop us and take our notice! But when something truly turns our hearts upside down with admiration, we start "oohing and ahhing", we even have a quickening of our pulse! If we find His creation beautiful, how much more so Him?
      God is Beautiful! He is more beauty than anything we can imagine, His very presence would consume our full attention, all of our senses would be focused on Him! That's what makes the angels sing! True admiration and recognition of the wonder of Him! As He moves and the angels are able to see new facets of Him, it causes them to sing out in joy, love, admiration and reverence again and again! Ooooh, Ahhhh, Holy! Holy! Holy! There can never be a more Beautiful or Holy God! That is how my spirit heard the song this morning! "Lord, there can never be a more beautiful You!"
     Lord, there can never be a more beautiful You, but I can learn to see You more clearly and more continually, I can live in Your presence and beauty until my heart song becomes "Holy, Holy, Holy!".

Monday, November 7, 2011

God's Will? (Posted on blog by Lorna)

     We always believe that if we're headed in the direction that God wants us to go, life will be easy, everything will line up with our desires and doors will just pop open. We believe we'll have "smooth sailing".
     In my study time today I was reading in Acts 19 and 20, I love to read of Paul's actions and words. Paul was a passionate person,shown throughout his life, and gave himself completely into God's will. Paul lived and breathed to bring the truth of Jesus to people.
     If anyone could expect smooth sailing, it should have been Paul. But from the moment he met Jesus on the road to Damascus Paul's life became filled with trials, physical ailments(blindness!), distrust, beatings, accusations, debates, incarcerations, betrayals, many things that we wouldn't expect if we felt we were in God's will. The first time we were beaten, would we throw in the towel and say "well, this must not be God's will for me!"?
     One of the times Paul was beaten(Acts 14:19), the citizens believed him to be dead dragged his body out of town and left it on the dump for the dogs to eat. Would you believe you had acted in God's will if this happened to you?
     When people were wanting to beat Paul(which happened frequently) and weren't able to find him, they would take his companions and beat them! Can you imagine how many of your companions would stick with you through this? They would be denouncing you, telling you this couldn't be God's will!
     But even in his own words (Acts 20:22 written by Luke) Paul says "And now, behold, bound by the Spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit solemnly testifies to me in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions await me."
     It kind of makes you wonder where we got the idea that we should just look for "open doors" and an easy path(everything lining up), I'm not really sure when this belief system first took hold, but we can see in scripture that it isn't accurate. For us to believe that if it's God's "will" for us, things will fall into line with "our will" is a deception that must have been brought to us by the great deceiver himself. Perhaps it's just because we want to believe if we're doing what God wants us to, everything will be easy?
     Where does this leave us? It leaves us with a choice, to do God's will whether it's easy or not, whether we see great rewards on earth or not. Our reward should simply be walking with God, living in His will! Our lives are incomplete without Him, we are only shells of what we are able to be when filled with His Holy Spirit!
     When we walk in our own wills we may find an easier path, and even more earthly rewards. And sometimes God's path will bring us these things, but if our goal is simply to walk an easy path we should not try to claim that we're doing this because it's God's will, if truly it's just that it is our own desires.
     I encourage you, seek His will, walk in His will, easy or not, it leads to a completeness in Him that you can find in no other source.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Personal Rant~ =} Posted on blog by Lorna

     People always want God to speak to them, when do they give Him time to speak? While we're hurrying down the freeway? While we're busy text messaging? While we're busy working? While we're in the store buying more "stuff"? While we're busy gossiping with friends? While we're staring at the TV, computer or in some way entertaining ourselves? Maybe we think the short prayer to thank Him for our food(if we take a moment to do that?) should be enough time for Him to speak up? Or if we start our day with a Good Morning Lord!, then grab our clothes, should He interrupt that process? Maybe while we're busying talking to our families, sharing instructions or schedules? Maybe when we take a moment to say "Thank You for today Lord!" then doze off at night? Should He keep us awake to talk to us then? Maybe He should write it across the sky so we can just read it while we're running to the next event? When exactly do you figure God is supposed to have time to talk to us? When do we take time to listen?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I've Been A Prodigal Daughter by L K Mercer

I have been a prodigal daughter in my walk with the Lord.
     I lived a christian life for a very long time. Regular church activities like Bible studies, Christian conferences and seminars, Sunday school classes, both teaching and attending, volunteering time at church, Vacation Bible School activities, Christmas programs, Easter programs, you name it and I was there. But then in a few short years my life was turned upside down. I went from being a homeschooling mother who had stayed at home for about 13 years to a woman on her own and looking for a job!
     I was very happy as a homemaking, homeschooling, homesteader (see the "home" trend?). But after years of doing the things I thought I should be doing as a Christian, life intruded with what I thought were a few "injustices" and sent me on a "running away from God" path. The things that "intruded" were linked to the men in my life at that time and peeled away all of the protective structures God has placed in a woman's life.
     First my father developed Alzheimer's at the age of 70. My mother and I took him to several doctors trying to get treatment or slow the process which were unsuccessful. Within a short amount of time my father no longer recognized me. He knew he had a daughter named Lorna but he didn't recognize me as that person. This terrible disease lasted 7 years.
     During this very painful process with my father, my husband (at that time) developed an "Anxiety Disorder". We sought treatment for the anxiety through medical avenues and then counseling, nothing was successful.  I realized how out of control the anxiety was when we were on a camping trip in Colorado(we had taken the same trip every summer for about 10 years in a row). During the camping trip there was a rainstorm that came in overnight. My husband was terrified that our tent would blow down during the night and we would die from hypothermia. While that may sound like a reasonable fear, you need to realize this was in July, and there was a campground full of RVs and other campers in tents. At that time I assured him if the tent blew down, we could get in our vehicle and turn the heater on.
      From this point there seemed to be no stopping the out of control emotions he was experiencing. My husband began to blame me for every thing that had ever gone wrong in his life (which I've been told is a normal process for a person with an "Anxiety Disorder"). He became more angry and unhappy with me, every thing I did or didn't do appeared wrong to him. Nothing stopped the extreme agitation that I caused in his thinking process. His anxiety was so extreme he feared going to work, afraid he would not be able to complete the job he had been doing for over 20 years. He was so unhappy with me that I suggested that we separate to give space to both of us, I really hoped that given more space, he might be able to see how unrealistic his thinking was. The space that it gave us only intensified his anger. To relieve his anxiety over being responsible for me he filed for divorce. Shortly after the passing of my father was the passing of my marriage. When our divorce was final it ended my marriage of over 20 years.
     The third man to be eliminated from my life was my spiritual father. My spiritual father was the minister who had baptized me and led our church for so many years. He had been my minister all of my Christian life, I respected and loved this man and valued his teaching greatly. He passed on a short few months after my father.
      In addition, it was very awkward for the people at church to deal with my divorce, our church leadership strongly disagreed with divorce, and my then ex-husband created an untrue image of me that he spread to listeners. I didn't attempt to defend myself, believing that Jesus' example of not defending himself was the best path to follow. I truly thought that people that had known me for so long would "know the truth", but he was very convincing and relentless and they listened to him. After all of my time, energy and devotion committed to this group I felt betrayed and abandoned.
     This is when I became a prodigal daughter and ran! I could claim temporary insanity or something, but now in retrospect I believe I blamed God. I do remember thinking that after I had tried to do everything "good" that I deserved better than this! What a wrong way to look at life! When I should have been burrowing deeper into my heavenly Father I ran from Him!
     It has been a long road back to Him, with many ups and downs, twists and turns. I would advise against anyone else running away from Him. Not everyone that runs makes it back! I am so thankful to be back in an intimate fellowship with my Protector and Provider. Even when others are stripped away, or "especially" when others are taken from us we need to lean into Him even more completely. Maybe I had to have others stripped away so I could stand before Him with no "insulation"? Maybe I needed to learn to not look to my own "works" for my salvation? Now it's Him and me, nobody in between! Thank You Lord for restoring my life in You! and even when hard times come in life, as they always do, I'm never running away again!