Monday, October 31, 2016

When Are We Supposed to Be Holy?


     As a follower of Christ and child of God, what areas am I to live in holiness?
     In my church life? Yes! in my Family life? Yes! In my work life? Yes! now it gets my social life? Yes! In my world of earning and spending? Yes! In my speech and thoughts? Yes! In my times of entertainment? Yes! You mean when I'm watching a movie? or reading a book? or talking to friends? driving to work, shopping for groceries? listening to the news? then at what point am I able to stop being holy and living a holy life? This is beginning to sound like never! Not even briefly?!
     I think that's what this scripture is saying ~ Therefore, my dear friends, since we have these promises let us purify ourselves from everything that defile either body or spirit, and strive to be completely holy, out of reverence for God.  2 Corinthians 7:1
     My husband always tells me that when you read "therefore" in scripture you're supposed to pay attention what the "therefore" is there for! In this case it is telling us in 2 Corinthians 6 that God has heard our prayers, that we are not to let the grace of God be for nothing. It tells us that we are not the same as those who do not believe in God's salvation and have not prayed to Him and we are not to live as unbelievers do! And more! It tells us that God "will live with us and walk with us"!
     Ok then! That's why we're to be "Holy" in every area of our lives! We have a Holy God living with us! Does that boggle your mind? If you haven't stopped to think about it before it might! Every second of your day He is there! He hears everything you say and even think! He hears what you talk about with your friends, He sees what you watch on TV, He rides is in your car with you as you drive...instead of spending time complaining about other drivers, take time to talk to Him! Just talk to Him! He is a parent longing for His children to confide in Him, to bring their needs, their wants, their hurts to Him...but like a good parent, He waits for us to make the first move...   Well that was a little rabbit trail from trying to understand why we're to walk and live in holiness...
     Pretty much we've covered it, we are to be Holy in every area of our beings, our minds, bodies and our thoughts, words and actions...with all people we encounter, family, friends, coworkers, fellow believers and non believers because our Father is Holy and lives with us 24/7 and we as believers are now His children.
     And in case someone was wondering...the definition of holiness is "the quality or state of being holy" and now we have to look at the definition of holy, "set apart for God's purpose".