Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dream, confirmation,

     The Lord has shown me something recently.  About 20 years ago He gave me a prophetic dream, I didn't use to know what a prophetic dream was but now I've learned to recognize them. Mine are dreams that stand out after I've had them they haunt me and I never quite forget them, even many years later and they have an unusual clarity to them.
     I've already written about this dream but now just want to speak about the importance of it. I'm finding that anyone that is moving, living, speaking or following the Lord(Jesus Christ) eventually someone has or will accuse them of being "False" or mislead or misguided or deceived. God has shown me in my "knower" (that part of me that recognizes the Lord is showing, teaching or speaking to me) that He gave me that dream around 20 years ago so that now when I'm growing into that calling or walk, I will recognize that I'm not mislead, He has prepared me for this walk and started the preparation many, many years ago. Pretty cool, hmm?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Roller Coaster, Bootcamp, Self-Forgiveness,

     We're on a roller coaster! We've received two prophetic words about our lives and that was it, they see us on a roller coaster. I can testify as one of the people living it, yes, it is a Roller Coaster! In the last few days I've received a few words of my own and one was that I'm in God's boot camp. I'm not where I wish to be, but I am being prepared for the things the Lord has for us to do.
     I was also shown that Lane was given a wife older than himself to help him mature at a faster pace than he would if he was married to a woman his own age (a lot like the metal sharpening metal idea). Along with being told of the Roller Coaster ride, we've been told several times that God is doing a fast work in us, preparing us more quickly than normal for the things He has ahead for us. Lane and I are more than willing to do the things God wants of us, as a matter of fact we're pressing in, saying "more, Lord, we want more".
     On a side note, I've been botherd recently with the knowledge that I have not been a good role model for my sons, or anyone else taking note of my life. God showed me that I could write a note to each of my sons, recognizing the things I've done wrong and ask them to please forgive me and to set aside anything they've seen me do and not think that it is the right way to live. This gave me a lot of peace and allowed me to forgive myself.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


     We were able to attend the Glory and Fire Invasion Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma this last weekend. The speakers, David and Stephanie Herzog, were vibrant and dynamic. They encouraged us all to live in the Glory of the Lord. I do feel that my walk with my Lord did advance and I am walking in a new dedication and dimension. John Mark Pool was also speaking and a great word of God was shared by him. The message that jumped out at me from John Mark's sharing was that we need to be willing to walk with the Lord and not look for or need praise from mankind. Actually if we are walking with the Lord there may not be a lot of praise forthcoming from others, but as long as we're pleasing God, our purpose has been met.
     On a personal note, we were able to spend the night at my mother's apartment and have lunch with Carol. Camron and Gypsy came for a visit the next day and we all went to the park. I even got to play "Hide and Go Seek" with Gypsy Lou, it was a great deal of fun. Her smiling face captures my heart!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Good services with David and Stephanie Herzog and John Mark Pool. We're currently in Tulsa attending the Glory and Fire Invasion. We're pretty tired but we've been enjoying the teaching and ministry of the conference.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Ok, I'm not trying to complain, but we've had an amazing heat wave. It's very uncomfortable and I don't care for it.
"The National Weather Service put 18 states stretching from North Dakota to Texas and East to Ohio under a heat warning, watch or advisory. It said as many 13 deaths in the past week in the Midwest could be blamed on the effects of the heat. In Oklahoma City The city is on pace to break its record for days at 100 or above — 50 set in 1980 — with triple-digit heat possible through September. The city is on pace to break its record for days at 100 or above — 50 set in 1980 — with triple-digit heat possible through September" There have been at least 13 deaths connected to this heatwave and I'm really surprised there's not more.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Boomer Sooner!

We're getting ready to make a trip to Oklahoma! There's a conference this week in Tulsa, with John Mark Pool and David Herzog, sponsored by Holy Fire Tabernacle. Lane is determined we're supposed to go and I'm not so sure. I don't have a leading one way or the other, so I'm following along in faith. I am excited to get to go so I can see my mother, son, granddaughter and sister, I've been feeling family-sick(kind of like homesick) and it will be wonderful to see them all again.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good News, Bad News

     OK, we were told when we moved close to World Revival Ministry that we could expect both blessings and challenges in our spiritual life.        

     Yesterday was an example of challenges with a blessing thrown in. When we originally thought we were going to be traveling in our RV throughout the 50 states of the Union we joined the Good Sam's service that would provide road service for our vehicles. At the time we weren't really aware that it covered our cars also, but that is a bonus that we've appreciated more than once now. When Lane was on his way to work the car made a loud and grinding noise, causing him to immediately pull over. He had to have the car towed (that's the blessing part, because we still had towing coverage) to a mechanic. The Good Sam representative had a tough time finding anyone that would take our car to work on it because they consider it too old. The representative finally found someone to work on the car but as soon as the tow truck unloaded our car there, the manager came out telling Lane that they "would not" work on the car, it was too old. I've never heard of a car being refused because of age and it makes me wonder, except that's a whole 'nother conversation. Thank goodness for Google, I was home and able to search online and found a mechanic shop that was rated highly, however he was too busy but still recommended another shop that would accept our broken car, now is the part that is challenging. The mechanic called today and advised us the car would cost $1500 to repair, that is more than we paid for the car. We're down to one car, the truck, and it makes weird noises and the transmission jumps. We are trusting God to provide or to keep the truck running, we have a lot of opportunity to practice living and walking by faith. =}

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sometimes 7/13/11

     Sometimes things can be overwhelming. Sometimes it feels that the load you've been given to carry is too heavy. Sometimes you feel that you're too old. Sometimes you feel that you're too tired. Sometimes it feels that you're all alone. Sometimes it feels like running away is a great option, but you can't run from God. With God you're not alone, can't be overwhelmed, His yoke is light, you are eternal. Sometimes you need to remember that!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

River Market, Corn 7/9/11

     We went exploring our new city today. We had heard of a market downtown by the river that hosts a farmers market on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. We enjoy fresh vegetables, or at least I do and Lane tolerates my preferences so I'm always looking out for fresh produce, especially locally grown. The River Market of Kansas City is a big project! There are restaurants, stores, spices, fresh veggies, fresh-cut flowers, many things to tempt you to spend. We arrived there late but as it turns out that's a good time to get bargains! The people selling fresh produce don't want to take their vegetables home to spoil, so they drop the price. We bought a bag with 40 ears of corn on the cob for $5.00. Now I'm going to be searching with Google to find how to process all of those ears of corn for freezing. I wish we knew some people in our new town to share some with! I did buy some other things, green beans, tomatoes, a cucumber, and jalapenos. There were a lot of herbs there too, the smell of the herbs and spices were wonderful!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prayer 7/7/11

     Recently we attended church (July 3) and heard a message by Frank Seamster, after the message people went forward for church. Lane and I went forward and Lane was prayed for twice while I was waiting, the prayer warriors were moving through the throng and while I was waiting for Lane asked Natalia Seamster (the minister"s wife) to pray for me. Natalia Seamster was a very powerful prayer warrior. She prayed for the lying voices to be silenced and for any effects of lies to be removed from me. She prayed and told me not to listen to any lies to only trust the word of God, not to even trust "facts". As she prayed she told me that we would enter the gates of the tabernacle and run to the altar where we belonged. The prayer hit me very hard she would move her hand from my forehead to my stomach, then back up again. The prayer brought on tears and the catcher had to hold me up.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Marriage ~ Covenant 7/4/11

This morning I awoke with a lesson going through my mind of how God sees marriage. God sees marriage as a covenant between a man and woman that says they will stand together no matter what. To God a covenant is a serious commitment. People tend to take commitments as something they will do, to the best of their abilities allow. To God it is "do or do not, there is no "try"". I think instead of all the classes people go through before marriage they should go through a class to understand "covenant".

Freedom 7/4/11

Happy Fourth of July. The older I grow, the more I realize we should value our freedom and liberty.       Our politicians are busy trying to legislate us out of it and many of our citizens are only too happy to trade their freedom for "security", I tend to agree with Benjamin Franklin. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dream 1990's 7/2/11

     A lot of years ago (in the 1990's), I had a dream that I think has an important prophetic meaning for where I am today. In my dream I was walking with my family and before us and behind us was a great multitude of people. We were all walking in the same direction down a dirt road, we weren't concerned with our walk, we weren't grudging or excited, we were just moving along. As we would go over a rise in the road we could see ahead and that there was no end to the people, but aways down the road I could see a tall man glowing white with long white robes. I knew this man was Moses from the scriptures of the Old Testament times.
As we were walking along a wind came along and started lifting my hair in the air and then I started rising in the air. I was raised about 10 to 20 feet in the air and wasn't concerned with the strangeness, but instead was enjoying the sensation of the wind circling around me. As I was in the air I was told that I would see things that others wouldn't see and that it would be my responsibility to share those things.
     Now I believe I am coming into the time of "seeing" that was foretold in that dream. I will do my best to share the things I see, I will not add to them or withhold, except by God's direction. I love the Lord and I long to say only what He will have me to say and to do what He wants.

Laundry 7/2/11

     A productive day always feels good. Today was laundry day and it has always given me a sense of accomplishment to get everything clean and put away. Thank You Lord for washing machines, dryers, electricity, running hot water and detergent, I am glad I don't have to go down by the lake and beat our clothes against rocks!

Friday, July 1, 2011

family 7/1/11

    We had a great day, we were able to spend time with family that we hadn't seen for quite a long time. Not only did we spend time with them, but we were able to enjoy their freshly picked blue berries in some freshly baked muffins! Then we got to attend a little league game that our niece played in.
     I imagine it's difficult to understand unless you've been caught up in a pursuit of your own, putting everything you are into the pursuit of one thing, with everything excluded other than that one thing. But I would like to tell you that felt really good to be doing something different for a change. We have been on such a fast track of pursuing God that it felt surreal to be at a little league game!