Wednesday, July 27, 2011


     We were able to attend the Glory and Fire Invasion Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma this last weekend. The speakers, David and Stephanie Herzog, were vibrant and dynamic. They encouraged us all to live in the Glory of the Lord. I do feel that my walk with my Lord did advance and I am walking in a new dedication and dimension. John Mark Pool was also speaking and a great word of God was shared by him. The message that jumped out at me from John Mark's sharing was that we need to be willing to walk with the Lord and not look for or need praise from mankind. Actually if we are walking with the Lord there may not be a lot of praise forthcoming from others, but as long as we're pleasing God, our purpose has been met.
     On a personal note, we were able to spend the night at my mother's apartment and have lunch with Carol. Camron and Gypsy came for a visit the next day and we all went to the park. I even got to play "Hide and Go Seek" with Gypsy Lou, it was a great deal of fun. Her smiling face captures my heart!

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