Saturday, October 4, 2014

Devotion, Not Sacrifice

     Sometimes when you're reading God's word a new part will jump out at you and become alive! This happened to me with this verse~
     I want your constant love, not your animal sacrifices. I would rather have my people know(chesed, hesed) me than burn offerings to me. Hosea 6:6 Good News Translation
     Not that I have made any "animal sacrifices" because Jesus freed us from the need of sacrificing blood for forgiveness. Once and for ever His blood covers those who accept Him and follow Him as their Saviour, Redeemer and King!
     Now back to my epiphany! It seems that the English language doesn't quite have the words to explain "hesed" or "chesed", the Hebrew word that is used in the original writing of this verse. The English language has limits that some other languages don't face because they have many words to describe different levels of the same thing, like "love". In America we can love something/someone or at best really, really love it or them! The Hebrew language has different words for loving in different degrees, or different subjects. 
     This may not hit anyone else like it did me, but what I have studied and found this verse, Hosea 6:6, to say is that God really wants us to faithfully, steadfastly, unalterably, unswervingly, unchangingly love Him and recognize His love to us. He wants us in a devoted, marriage like relationship with Him! No matter what! For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, He wants our devotion, just like any spouse would want!
     This realization makes my heart melt even more towards my Heavenly Father! He wants our devotion, our a marriage relationship, how do you expect your spouse to treat you? You want to be greeted daily with love! You want to be cherished and respected! You want to be more important to them than anything else in life or the world! You want their choices to have your concern in mind before anything is chosen! You want them to talk to you before they make that choice!
     This sounds really basic, but have you really let it sink in? Most people take more time finding and choosing a spouse than they do in thinking about what it means to make God their "God".
     God is a "hands on" kind of God, He wants to be in every area of our lives. Many want to accept the idea that He is their God and then put Him on a would that work for you in a marriage? Not so well! It's the same for God, except He is loving, patient, kind, He let's you go your way, ignoring Him for awhile...until, if you're lucky, you find yourself in a situation where you need Him and you go running back to the shelf to dust Him off and talk to Him.
     We've all been guilty of going about our lives thinking we've got everything lined up...everything going our way. And we've all been guilty of putting God on a shelf while we handle our lives, making our own choices. What we need to recognize is this is not the way God wants our relationship with Him to be. He wants in on everything! I love Him so much and it makes me so happy to think of that! It makes me smile as I sit here typing this, the joy bubbles up in my heart! God wants to be my constant companion, my comforting BFF(Best Friend Forever), my wise Mentor!
     I think I have neglected this side of God because I have grown up more focused on the "fear of the Lord" side, and yes that is important, but the God that put the word "Chesed/Hesed" in the scriptures wants a personal, close, devoted loving-kindness from me too.
     I hope that this word and understanding stirs your heart to a new level of devotion to the One that has created you, cherished you, pursued you and died to be resurrected again....all for you! What an amazing God!

My research included these sites~

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