Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Our Father is Holy

     A few years ago I heard a message that God is calling His people to holiness, and more recently I've been reading the scripture that talks about Uzzah and his lack of respect for God's holiness. I don't know if you remember him, and I wouldn't have known him by name until now, but now I'm taking note of his story! You know....Uzzah could be a slang term for "you was"!
     Uzzah is the man in 2 Samuel 6:1-7 that reached up, touched the Ark of the Covenant and was struck down by God.
     Now I realize that Uzzah could represent a lot of people in the Christian life today. Uzzah had lived with the Ark in his father's house for a period of time....many of today's Christians have grown up in a Christian home, Uzzah didn't recognize the importance of the holiness of the Ark, many Christians also don't consider the holiness of our Heavenly Father and are very casual about their approach to Him ( I've been guilty of this too!), Uzzah had lived around the Ark and yet knew so little about it! Is that us? We've grown up in a Christian nation and yet know so little about the holiness of our God?
     Do you go to church Sunday morning and figure you've taken care of your relationship with God for the week? Do you reach up and touch the Ark once a week and think you've played your role in the Christian walk of bringing God to the world? Are you in danger of walking casually with your God and treating Him less than holy?
     Remember even the angels who have been with Him for a very long time are only able to sing “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3
     I know we walk in our Father's love and we are given a great access to Him through that venue, but that does not remove His holiness or the respect that we should approach Him with.
     There is so much involved in encountering our Heavenly Father, way more than I can bring in a blog entry without turning it into a book! The main purpose of this article is to encourage each of us to approach our walk with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit with an attitude of stepping into  a Holy realm, a realm we may not fully understand, so let's do it with respect and caution. Let's not be  casual "you was" or a casualty like Uzzah! Our Heavenly Father is a loving Father, but He is still Holy.
     (While writing this I was shown that there are properties that exist in our world that have to be don't use electricity in a bathtub full of water, and don't touch an open's  not that the electricity or flames desire to hurt us, it's the nature of their existence that brings the shock or the burn. God does not desire to hurt us but it is the nature of Holiness that it requires we deal with it with caution and respect.)

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