Wednesday, August 17, 2011


    We all have an idea of what we expect when we want God's blessings. We may want spiritual, material, financial, I suppose it could go on and on. In my own life I've wanted the blessing of children, finances, spiritual understanding, the fruits of the spirit, more time, less stress, you know, normal desires that most people experience.
     Lately my wants are more of spiritual growth and intimacy with my Lord, but I found myself wanting a few material things. I don't actually know that I ever asked the Lord for these things, but He has blessed me with a few "desires of my heart". I know anyone reading this would be in disbelief that my desires would be a potato masher or egg whisk, but when packing things to move, I didn't get those things packed, so I've been "making do". So there you have it, I put in my mind a few things that I wanted to try to find the next time I had an opportunity to go shopping. A wire whisk and a potato masher were at the top of my list! Lane and I stopped at a "moving sale" last weekend when we were on our way home from a visit with family. There in a large plastic bag was my whisk and masher! along with several other utensils that will come in handy. The price for the whole bag had been $2, but they were just trying to get rid of everything and had changed it all to half price, the blessing of the desires of my heart were for $1!
     Of course I have many more serious things to credit to the Lord, but imagine, I had not bothered praying that I wanted or needed these things, but they were given to me at such an amazing price that I know it was His blessing for me. There was another touch of His that let me know it was "Him", not just the luck of the Irish! I had recently sewn a couple of dresses for my sweet granddaughter and I was horrified at the price of thread, it was over $2.50 for a spool. The Lord included in my blessing a whole box of thread with about 14 unopened(still in plastic wrap) spools for $2.50! Isn't that just like Him! I have marveled in my heart ever since the sale the way that He touches us on our own levels. I'm sure a box of thread wouldn't mean a great deal to a lot of people, but it reached me exactly where I was.
     The whole point is to recognize when God moves in our lives, yes, I would love to be blessed with a new car, but I must not need one as much as I needed the whisk and "masher" or the thread! See Him when He gives to you, appreciate it, it is the blessing that He has chosen just for you!

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