Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When We Are In God And God Is In Us by L K Mercer

     I would like to share an idea that has been in the back of my mind for awhile now.
     While we were still living in Tulsa, God put the desire to fast on my heart and Lane joined me. We shared a fast of 3 days and I was truly looking forward to my prayer time at the end of the fast! I knew it was going to be really special. 
     On the morning when it was time to break my fast I put praise music on, sat in my corner of the world at that time and started praying. I had a very personal time with the Lord, my heart was eagerly seeking Him and He responded. I felt the Lord touch me, it was such a wondrous feeling, unimaginable and extremely hard to describe. I felt as though the Lord's Spirit merged within me, it was the most complete, languid, satisfying experience ever. I realized as the feeling receded that we humans totally unaware of what we're doing, are trying to create that feeling artificially. The many addictions that people become involved in are our feeble attempt at trying to capture the complete feeling that we're really only able to find in God.  When we are in God and God is in us, we are complete! Anything less leaves us with a need that we throw many things at, trying to fill. Our only satisfaction and completion will be found in Him, this doesn't sound like a difficult concept, does it? Yet we spend most of our time, energy and money chasing temporary fixes for the emptiness within us. I challenge you, throw everything you have into Him and see if you don't find the fullness you've been yearning for!

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