Friday, February 10, 2012

Blogging about "Trust"~a five minute challenge

There is a blog I follow that follows another blog. Funny, hmm? Every Friday the second blog suggests a word and fellow bloggers are encouraged to write for five minutes on the subject suggested by that word. Of course bloggers are people that have a lot of ideas and are not afraid to type them out! So there are a lot of different angles the subject can be covered from. Today I'm finally tempted to take up the challenge! The word given is "Trust". So here goes, Five minutes on what I think of trust!
     We begin life as babies, trusting everyone and nothing. Just about anyone can please us by picking us up and cooing to us, but left lying in a room by ourselves we scream because we think there is nobody out there to take care of us. As we grow our trust forms in different ways, we begin to trust our parents, our siblings, our house, ourselves of course unless none of these are trustworthy? Perhaps we have parents we're not able to trust, they are not there to love and protect us as children? Our siblings may be more of a torment than an older, wiser protecting force in the world? We may not have the confidence or the ability to do anything within ourselves, perhaps we're sickly or not as smart as others we compare ourselves to? If we persevere and trust our own abilities and even when they fail us we keep trusting and keep trying we may prove to ourselves that trust in ourselves is not misplaced. I tend to believe that trust in others should be given with the knowledge that sooner or later they will let us down, people after all are only that, "people". We need to be prepared to grant forgiveness to the very ones we trust, because sooner or later it will be needed. Sorry five minutes is up, it goes fast!

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