Thursday, August 9, 2012

Giving God Your Hurts~

Prayer Journal
August 8, 2012
      I bless Your name, I bless You. You, Who is the great "I AM". I praise You and draw close to You to feel Your comfort and love.
      I know that man can not do any permanent damage to me, man can only cause discomfort to my soul and body, but Lord I need help to process that hurt! I've always stuffed the hurt way down and now I believe that may not be the right way? I give the hurt that careless, hurtful words and actions have brought, I ask You to take the hurt and tears and teach me the right way for me to be.
      You have told me that what man does to me is unimportant, because they can't touch my spirit. Since all that You tell me is true then these feelings of hurt that I feel are misleading. If I can keep from stuffing the feelings away to fester or from becoming defensive and belligerent then the hurts will heal just like my broken toe? The toe hurts for awhile and reminds me that it is damaged, but day by day it hurts less.
     How long do I have to carry the heart hurts before they start hurting less? Each time tears come I will give them to You, Lord. Each time I am hurt I will give it to You also, even when it is the same hurt reminding me of itself. The hurts are no longer mine to hold onto, no longer mine to stuff. Please help me to remember.
      You have my heart and You are my hope, my only hope. With my heart belonging to You, my hurts also belong to You. Thank You Father! As a child brings their "owies" to their parent I will bring mine to You. I won't clutch them to myself in Self Pity, I won't become hardened in Self Protection, I won't retaliate in Self vengeance.
     I will stay soft, feeling and loving, but Lord, please help me. It will be a while before I can become proficient in handing them all over to You.
In Jesus Name~ Amen

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