Saturday, March 7, 2015

Chapter 2 ~ The Choice

     When you are freed from your dungeon cell of sin and brought into the sunshine, you encounter the One who paid the price for your freedom. Then you face the choice of following the One who purchased your freedom, or of following your own choices and whims.
     If you follow the One, you will choose to learn His teachings. His teachings lead to life and freedom in Him. If you follow your own choices then you will find yourself ensnared by the same things that caused you to be put in the dungeon cell of sin.
     *1 There is an example of a man that wanted to follow Jesus, and asked what He needed to do, Jesus told the man to sell all that he owned, give it to the poor and follow Him. The man was not able to let go of his possessions. He became sad at the idea of letting go of the things that he had! How often are we like that? It isn't easy to change our value system, it takes a great deal of trust and faith in God to learn to trust His word and Him. He will give us the trust and faith if we keep coming to Him, it is not something we can do by ourselves or by our own will. Our own will can choose to come to Him or to continue in our own ways. *2 But He is the One that will complete a good work that He started in you! If you continue to choose Him.

1 Mark 10:17-31
2 Philippians 1:6


  1. I really like this and can easily relate to it. Thank you Lorna for once again being 'On Point'.

    1. Thank you Gg, God has been pressing on my heart to write about the steps disciples need to take, but the first step is to choose Him! I love receiving confirmation by comments, my natural side still enjoys the encouragement that I'm touching people"s hearts.
