Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prophetic Word 1-17-2012

      We recently went to the International House of Prayer Prophetic Ministry, January 17th. We have it recorded and I'll type that up as soon as I have it available to myself. but in the mean time I can tell the part I remember. The process of the ministry has you sign up ahead of time for a scheduled appointment if possible, if not possible then you can wait in line and see if there are any available vacancies. The evening we went we heard them say they would take 25, I'm not sure if that was 25 extra, or the 25 that had signed up. After receiving a number then you go and wait in a numbered chair(we were numbers 4 and 5), as they come to you, they have you go into a small room with 3(sometimes 4) volunteers that are gifted and acting in the prophetic ministry. Their prophetic ministry focuses on the 1 Corinthians form. That Prophecy is for the building up and edification of God's body.
     As we were in the small room with the three, there was Lane and myself and a young woman from Korea. After introducing themselves and asking our names, we started with prayer. We prayed to usher in God's presence. I could hear the musicians in the prayer room playing Shekinah Glory, one of my favorite worship songs.
     Then the first prophetic speaker started with me, she said that she believed God was showing her that I like to work with my hands, like crafts and things. She said that God was also showing her that He wanted to show me that His hands that are large enough for the creation to rest in are large enough to trust. She said she felt that things were just bombarding me, clamoring for my attention. There was more but I don't want to change the words and it's hard to remember it exactly without hearing the recording. She did say it was like I was in a Mary-Martha situation and that God wants me to stay in the Mary position of focusing on Him, not to give into the onslaught that was clamoring. This did give me confirmation, I have felt under attack on every front. I'm not sure why? but I did hear a sermon today that said that when we've been tried and remain true to God, then our faith is of even more value than faith that is untried. This persons words to me confirmed to me that I have been under an onslaught of trials and it isn't my imagination or that I had been overly emotional.
     The second person told me that they had Psalms 30:5 for me(there is actually a first part, but he didn't speak that part, he spoke the last half of the verse) Weeping may last for the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning. He said that God is weeping with me and feels my pain, but that it is only for the night and there will be joy in the morning. This really comforted me because lately I seem to be crying all of the time. I told Lane it was like there is no place my mind can find to rest. Every area of my life is in emotional stress and pain. I am truly thankful for the promise of 'Joy" in the morning!
     The third person gave me Psalm 1:3  He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. He said that God was showing me that a tree doesn't have to try to grow fruit, that a tree simply sends it's roots down to the water in the ground and grows firm and as a natural process produces fruit. This spoke to me because I have been concerned that I don't measure up to the people in our church. Our church is very active and makes me feel like a slacker. The last time I had been for a prophetic word I had been told that I was to be sitting on God's lap and learning peace. I did believe that and have tried, but when you're being hammered at by others, it's difficult to hold onto what you're being led to do by your Heavenly Father.
     After the third speaker the second speaker took the recorder back and said I forgot the most important part, I was suppose to emphasize that Joy is coming! That made me smile and I told him I'll take that!
     I'll add Lane's when I have the recorder available.

Ok, here it is, word for word, and mine was first so I typed it up in this order~

Lane introduced us
Jeanne spoke to me first
I feel the Lord speaking to me about hands, I asked Him about hands, I kind of get the feeling that maybe you like to work with your hands a little bit, crafts and things, I don't know if that's true. What I felt like the Lord was speaking actually was about His own hands. That His hands are not so short that it cannot save and that His hand that He holds the universe in the span of His hand. And I felt like the Lord was showing me was that ...I get the sense that there's been some things going on maybe some negative attacks, just different things that have been happening in your life that have been unpleasant or challenging or trials or difficulties of life. And I feel like they are screaming for your attention, and I feel like that there's this moment of decision "Martha or Mary?", Just that all of these things are clamoring, I just feel like there's these Challenges that are clamoring for your attention. And Jesus said of Martha that she was worried and distracted and I feel that there is this kind of temptation that there are all of these things coming in and they're pretty much coming against you in this "be worried, be distracted". But I feel the Lord bringing you and holding you in that place like Mary, where she fixed her eyes on Jesus and stayed in that place, I feel the Lord just His encouragement to stay in that place, fixing your eyes again, I sense His reassurance that He is the Genesis 1:1 God, He is the Creator God, the God who holds the Universe, the whole Universe in just the span of His hand, He measures it with the span of His hand, I just feel the Lord really bringing you to that place again of where you are in awe of how big your God is, and I feel like He's going to open up more revelation of how huge He is and how capable and He is just so in control, and all of these things that are clamoring and just coming against you He's going to take care of them, but even more I feel like He's going to be like "Big God, little devil", all of these things are going to look so small in comparison to how big He's going to show Himself to you.and it's going to be more grace for you to stay in that place just sitting at His feet and listening to His word, so bless you~

Patrick spoke~
Lorna the verse I got is Psalm 30:5 Weeping may remain for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. I get the sense that there is some loss or pain that you've been experiencing and I feel like the encouragement from the Lord is to say it's very real and He cares very much about your pain. He weeps with those who weep, He shares your pain and weeps with you. and He wants you to know that this is temporary. It will not last forever, there will be a night but it will not last forever there will be joy in the morning He will hold you and weep with you through the night. and there will be a morning where joy will come. The Lord bless you with joy in the morning, give her grace, give her grace to remain clinging to You through the night, Lord, in Your name.

Andy spoke~
Lorna, Psalm 1:3 I feel like the Lord is saying bearing fruit is a natural outcome of being rooted in a place, tree doesn't try to bear fruit in itself, the tree is trying to plant itself and go deep in it's root, to find water, to get to the source of life, as the tree does that the natural outcome is for the tree to bear fruit, I just feel like the Lord is inviting you into a season of going deeper into His word and getting roots deeply grounded and rooted in His word Psalm 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the river of water that brings forth it's fruit in it's season. I just feel like again that the Lord is inviting you into the season of getting deeper in His words, bless you

Patrick added~ I forgot the most important part, I was supposed to emphasize to you that Joy is coming. That's the promise, that joy is coming! Thank you

Jeanne spoke to Lane~ I actually felt the Lord highlighting this for both of you, I feel that you have journeyed long and that you've been faithful. The Lord has gratitude in His heart for your demonstration of faithfulness, just in the day in and day out, just gratitude in His heart. I really sense that you are faithful, that you are solid, I felt the Lord comparing you to Boaz, a pillar of strength, and I also felt the Lord highlighting from Revelation 3:10 Because you have kept the word of my perseverance I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth, I'm coming quickly, hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown. And especially verse 12, He say he who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the Temple of my God and he will not go out from it anymore. And I felt the Lord just calling you out as this pillar of strength, as one who is destined to overcome, I just sense this spirit inside of you that is so solid, faithful and grounded, that is destined to overcome. I just see this overcoming warrior, this overcoming spirit, this unrelentless hope, just on the inside of you, just this hope fixed on the Lord. I really feel the Lord just calling you out as a beacon of hope, a beacon of light, just as people are experiencing different difficulties and trials in their lives, even as things have been a little rocky in this country, rocky in North America with the economy and everything, But I feel the Lord settling you and establishing you as this pillar. You know the faithfulness of God and you've allowed Him to work faithfulness on the inside of you and I really see that being a refuge and a beacon of light and a beacon of hope for many in a dark hour. And I feel the Lord wanting to highlight again that there is reward, I feel like you would do it, just because you love the Lord but I feel that He wants to remind you just because His heart is generous toward you and there is significant and great reward for the faithfulness that you've demonstrated. Bless you.

Patrick spoke to Lane~ Lane I got Luke 1, the story of the birth of Jesus being foretold, and Mary's part in it, when the Lord spoke to her He made this great promise and it says she was greatly troubled and then the promise was given and she said how can this be? And the Lord said to her, nothing is impossible with God, and her response was "I'm the Lord's servant, may it be to me as You said. I feel like the Lord is saying, you're like Mary. He makes great promises, some that seem impossible but He says nothing is impossible with me and that you're attentive and receptive. You're testimony is "Your word stands, Lord, I trust You, I believe You" and the words that resonate is that nothing is impossible with Me. So Lord, let it be according to Your word as You've said.

Andy spoke to Lane~ The picture I got was you moving your hand very quickly, almost like a martial art move, and something simple and basic, but you keep doing it, it's like you keep moving your hand in the back and it's moving very quickly and I feel like the Lord is talking about discernment and how He wants to sharpen your ability to discern, what's good and what's not good. and ability to discern comes from knowing the basics and from "knowing" that you do it so naturally and so I just feel that the Lord wants to increase your ability to discern what's good and what's not good and it's a very quick wisdom, very quick discernment that you're able to do and that's what I feel that the Lord is inviting you to do that, so ..bless you.

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